
Source file src/crypto/elliptic/p224_test.go

Documentation: crypto/elliptic

		 1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package elliptic
		 7  import (
		 8  	"encoding/hex"
		 9  	"fmt"
		10  	"math/big"
		11  	"math/bits"
		12  	"math/rand"
		13  	"reflect"
		14  	"testing"
		15  	"testing/quick"
		16  )
		18  var toFromBigTests = []string{
		19  	"0",
		20  	"1",
		21  	"23",
		22  	"b70e0cb46bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c01122343280d6105c1d21",
		23  	"706a46d476dcb76798e6046d89474788d164c18032d268fd10704fa6",
		24  }
		26  func p224AlternativeToBig(in *p224FieldElement) *big.Int {
		27  	ret := new(big.Int)
		28  	tmp := new(big.Int)
		30  	for i := len(in) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		31  		ret.Lsh(ret, 28)
		32  		tmp.SetInt64(int64(in[i]))
		33  		ret.Add(ret, tmp)
		34  	}
		35  	ret.Mod(ret, P224().Params().P)
		36  	return ret
		37  }
		39  func TestP224ToFromBig(t *testing.T) {
		40  	for i, test := range toFromBigTests {
		41  		n, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(test, 16)
		42  		var x p224FieldElement
		43  		p224FromBig(&x, n)
		44  		m := p224ToBig(&x)
		45  		if n.Cmp(m) != 0 {
		46  			t.Errorf("#%d: %x != %x", i, n, m)
		47  		}
		48  		q := p224AlternativeToBig(&x)
		49  		if n.Cmp(q) != 0 {
		50  			t.Errorf("#%d: %x != %x (alternative)", i, n, q)
		51  		}
		52  	}
		53  }
		55  // quickCheckConfig32 will make each quickcheck test run (32 * -quickchecks)
		56  // times. The default value of -quickchecks is 100.
		57  var quickCheckConfig32 = &quick.Config{MaxCountScale: 32}
		59  // weirdLimbs can be combined to generate a range of edge-case field elements.
		60  var weirdLimbs = [...]uint32{
		61  	0, 1, (1 << 29) - 1,
		62  	(1 << 12), (1 << 12) - 1,
		63  	(1 << 28), (1 << 28) - 1,
		64  }
		66  func generateLimb(rand *rand.Rand) uint32 {
		67  	const bottom29Bits = 0x1fffffff
		68  	n := rand.Intn(len(weirdLimbs) + 3)
		69  	switch n {
		70  	case len(weirdLimbs):
		71  		// Random value.
		72  		return uint32(rand.Int31n(1 << 29))
		73  	case len(weirdLimbs) + 1:
		74  		// Sum of two values.
		75  		k := generateLimb(rand) + generateLimb(rand)
		76  		return k & bottom29Bits
		77  	case len(weirdLimbs) + 2:
		78  		// Difference of two values.
		79  		k := generateLimb(rand) - generateLimb(rand)
		80  		return k & bottom29Bits
		81  	default:
		82  		return weirdLimbs[n]
		83  	}
		84  }
		86  func (p224FieldElement) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
		87  	return reflect.ValueOf(p224FieldElement{
		88  		generateLimb(rand),
		89  		generateLimb(rand),
		90  		generateLimb(rand),
		91  		generateLimb(rand),
		92  		generateLimb(rand),
		93  		generateLimb(rand),
		94  		generateLimb(rand),
		95  		generateLimb(rand),
		96  	})
		97  }
		99  func isInBounds(x *p224FieldElement) bool {
	 100  	return bits.Len32(x[0]) <= 29 &&
	 101  		bits.Len32(x[1]) <= 29 &&
	 102  		bits.Len32(x[2]) <= 29 &&
	 103  		bits.Len32(x[3]) <= 29 &&
	 104  		bits.Len32(x[4]) <= 29 &&
	 105  		bits.Len32(x[5]) <= 29 &&
	 106  		bits.Len32(x[6]) <= 29 &&
	 107  		bits.Len32(x[7]) <= 29
	 108  }
	 110  func TestP224Mul(t *testing.T) {
	 111  	mulMatchesBigInt := func(a, b, out p224FieldElement) bool {
	 112  		var tmp p224LargeFieldElement
	 113  		p224Mul(&out, &a, &b, &tmp)
	 115  		exp := new(big.Int).Mul(p224AlternativeToBig(&a), p224AlternativeToBig(&b))
	 116  		exp.Mod(exp, P224().Params().P)
	 117  		got := p224AlternativeToBig(&out)
	 118  		if exp.Cmp(got) != 0 || !isInBounds(&out) {
	 119  			t.Logf("a = %x", a)
	 120  			t.Logf("b = %x", b)
	 121  			t.Logf("p224Mul(a, b) = %x = %v", out, got)
	 122  			t.Logf("a * b = %v", exp)
	 123  			return false
	 124  		}
	 126  		return true
	 127  	}
	 129  	a := p224FieldElement{0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xf00ffff, 0x20f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}
	 130  	b := p224FieldElement{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
	 131  	if !mulMatchesBigInt(a, b, p224FieldElement{}) {
	 132  		t.Fail()
	 133  	}
	 135  	if err := quick.Check(mulMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig32); err != nil {
	 136  		t.Error(err)
	 137  	}
	 138  }
	 140  func TestP224Square(t *testing.T) {
	 141  	squareMatchesBigInt := func(a, out p224FieldElement) bool {
	 142  		var tmp p224LargeFieldElement
	 143  		p224Square(&out, &a, &tmp)
	 145  		exp := p224AlternativeToBig(&a)
	 146  		exp.Mul(exp, exp)
	 147  		exp.Mod(exp, P224().Params().P)
	 148  		got := p224AlternativeToBig(&out)
	 149  		if exp.Cmp(got) != 0 || !isInBounds(&out) {
	 150  			t.Logf("a = %x", a)
	 151  			t.Logf("p224Square(a, b) = %x = %v", out, got)
	 152  			t.Logf("a * a = %v", exp)
	 153  			return false
	 154  		}
	 156  		return true
	 157  	}
	 159  	if err := quick.Check(squareMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig32); err != nil {
	 160  		t.Error(err)
	 161  	}
	 162  }
	 164  func TestP224Add(t *testing.T) {
	 165  	addMatchesBigInt := func(a, b, out p224FieldElement) bool {
	 166  		p224Add(&out, &a, &b)
	 168  		exp := new(big.Int).Add(p224AlternativeToBig(&a), p224AlternativeToBig(&b))
	 169  		exp.Mod(exp, P224().Params().P)
	 170  		got := p224AlternativeToBig(&out)
	 171  		if exp.Cmp(got) != 0 {
	 172  			t.Logf("a = %x", a)
	 173  			t.Logf("b = %x", b)
	 174  			t.Logf("p224Add(a, b) = %x = %v", out, got)
	 175  			t.Logf("a + b = %v", exp)
	 176  			return false
	 177  		}
	 179  		return true
	 180  	}
	 182  	if err := quick.Check(addMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig32); err != nil {
	 183  		t.Error(err)
	 184  	}
	 185  }
	 187  func TestP224Reduce(t *testing.T) {
	 188  	reduceMatchesBigInt := func(a p224FieldElement) bool {
	 189  		out := a
	 190  		// TODO: generate higher values for functions like p224Reduce that are
	 191  		// expected to work with higher input bounds.
	 192  		p224Reduce(&out)
	 194  		exp := p224AlternativeToBig(&a)
	 195  		got := p224AlternativeToBig(&out)
	 196  		if exp.Cmp(got) != 0 || !isInBounds(&out) {
	 197  			t.Logf("a = %x = %v", a, exp)
	 198  			t.Logf("p224Reduce(a) = %x = %v", out, got)
	 199  			return false
	 200  		}
	 202  		return true
	 203  	}
	 205  	if err := quick.Check(reduceMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig32); err != nil {
	 206  		t.Error(err)
	 207  	}
	 208  }
	 210  func TestP224Contract(t *testing.T) {
	 211  	contractMatchesBigInt := func(a, out p224FieldElement) bool {
	 212  		p224Contract(&out, &a)
	 214  		exp := p224AlternativeToBig(&a)
	 215  		got := p224AlternativeToBig(&out)
	 216  		if exp.Cmp(got) != 0 {
	 217  			t.Logf("a = %x = %v", a, exp)
	 218  			t.Logf("p224Contract(a) = %x = %v", out, got)
	 219  			return false
	 220  		}
	 222  		// Check that out < P.
	 223  		for i := range p224P {
	 224  			k := 8 - i - 1
	 225  			if out[k] > p224P[k] {
	 226  				t.Logf("p224Contract(a) = %x", out)
	 227  				return false
	 228  			}
	 229  			if out[k] < p224P[k] {
	 230  				return true
	 231  			}
	 232  		}
	 233  		t.Logf("p224Contract(a) = %x", out)
	 234  		return false
	 235  	}
	 237  	if !contractMatchesBigInt(p224P, p224FieldElement{}) {
	 238  		t.Error("p224Contract(p) is broken")
	 239  	}
	 240  	pMinus1 := p224FieldElement{0, 0, 0, 0xffff000, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff}
	 241  	if !contractMatchesBigInt(pMinus1, p224FieldElement{}) {
	 242  		t.Error("p224Contract(p - 1) is broken")
	 243  	}
	 244  	// Check that we can handle input above p, but lowest limb zero.
	 245  	a := p224FieldElement{0, 1, 0, 0xffff000, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff}
	 246  	if !contractMatchesBigInt(a, p224FieldElement{}) {
	 247  		t.Error("p224Contract(p + 2²⁸) is broken")
	 248  	}
	 249  	// Check that we can handle input above p, but lowest three limbs zero.
	 250  	b := p224FieldElement{0, 0, 0, 0xffff001, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff, 0xfffffff}
	 251  	if !contractMatchesBigInt(b, p224FieldElement{}) {
	 252  		t.Error("p224Contract(p + 2⁸⁴) is broken")
	 253  	}
	 255  	if err := quick.Check(contractMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig32); err != nil {
	 256  		t.Error(err)
	 257  	}
	 258  }
	 260  func TestP224IsZero(t *testing.T) {
	 261  	if got := p224IsZero(&p224FieldElement{}); got != 1 {
	 262  		t.Errorf("p224IsZero(0) = %d, expected 1", got)
	 263  	}
	 264  	if got := p224IsZero((*p224FieldElement)(&p224P)); got != 1 {
	 265  		t.Errorf("p224IsZero(p) = %d, expected 1", got)
	 266  	}
	 267  	if got := p224IsZero(&p224FieldElement{1}); got != 0 {
	 268  		t.Errorf("p224IsZero(1) = %d, expected 0", got)
	 269  	}
	 271  	isZeroMatchesBigInt := func(a p224FieldElement) bool {
	 272  		isZero := p224IsZero(&a)
	 274  		big := p224AlternativeToBig(&a)
	 275  		if big.Sign() == 0 && isZero != 1 {
	 276  			return false
	 277  		}
	 278  		if big.Sign() != 0 && isZero != 0 {
	 279  			return false
	 280  		}
	 281  		return true
	 282  	}
	 284  	if err := quick.Check(isZeroMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig32); err != nil {
	 285  		t.Error(err)
	 286  	}
	 287  }
	 289  func TestP224Invert(t *testing.T) {
	 290  	var out p224FieldElement
	 292  	p224Invert(&out, &p224FieldElement{})
	 293  	if got := p224IsZero(&out); got != 1 {
	 294  		t.Errorf("p224Invert(0) = %x, expected 0", out)
	 295  	}
	 297  	p224Invert(&out, (*p224FieldElement)(&p224P))
	 298  	if got := p224IsZero(&out); got != 1 {
	 299  		t.Errorf("p224Invert(p) = %x, expected 0", out)
	 300  	}
	 302  	p224Invert(&out, &p224FieldElement{1})
	 303  	p224Contract(&out, &out)
	 304  	if out != (p224FieldElement{1}) {
	 305  		t.Errorf("p224Invert(1) = %x, expected 1", out)
	 306  	}
	 308  	var tmp p224LargeFieldElement
	 309  	a := p224FieldElement{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
	 310  	p224Invert(&out, &a)
	 311  	p224Mul(&out, &out, &a, &tmp)
	 312  	p224Contract(&out, &out)
	 313  	if out != (p224FieldElement{1}) {
	 314  		t.Errorf("p224Invert(a) * a = %x, expected 1", out)
	 315  	}
	 316  }
	 318  type baseMultTest struct {
	 319  	k		string
	 320  	x, y string
	 321  }
	 323  var p224BaseMultTests = []baseMultTest{
	 324  	{
	 325  		"1",
	 326  		"b70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21",
	 327  		"bd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34",
	 328  	},
	 329  	{
	 330  		"2",
	 331  		"706a46dc76dcb76798e60e6d89474788d16dc18032d268fd1a704fa6",
	 332  		"1c2b76a7bc25e7702a704fa986892849fca629487acf3709d2e4e8bb",
	 333  	},
	 334  	{
	 335  		"3",
	 336  		"df1b1d66a551d0d31eff822558b9d2cc75c2180279fe0d08fd896d04",
	 337  		"a3f7f03cadd0be444c0aa56830130ddf77d317344e1af3591981a925",
	 338  	},
	 339  	{
	 340  		"4",
	 341  		"ae99feebb5d26945b54892092a8aee02912930fa41cd114e40447301",
	 342  		"482580a0ec5bc47e88bc8c378632cd196cb3fa058a7114eb03054c9",
	 343  	},
	 344  	{
	 345  		"5",
	 346  		"31c49ae75bce7807cdff22055d94ee9021fedbb5ab51c57526f011aa",
	 347  		"27e8bff1745635ec5ba0c9f1c2ede15414c6507d29ffe37e790a079b",
	 348  	},
	 349  	{
	 350  		"6",
	 351  		"1f2483f82572251fca975fea40db821df8ad82a3c002ee6c57112408",
	 352  		"89faf0ccb750d99b553c574fad7ecfb0438586eb3952af5b4b153c7e",
	 353  	},
	 354  	{
	 355  		"7",
	 356  		"db2f6be630e246a5cf7d99b85194b123d487e2d466b94b24a03c3e28",
	 357  		"f3a30085497f2f611ee2517b163ef8c53b715d18bb4e4808d02b963",
	 358  	},
	 359  	{
	 360  		"8",
	 361  		"858e6f9cc6c12c31f5df124aa77767b05c8bc021bd683d2b55571550",
	 362  		"46dcd3ea5c43898c5c5fc4fdac7db39c2f02ebee4e3541d1e78047a",
	 363  	},
	 364  	{
	 365  		"9",
	 366  		"2fdcccfee720a77ef6cb3bfbb447f9383117e3daa4a07e36ed15f78d",
	 367  		"371732e4f41bf4f7883035e6a79fcedc0e196eb07b48171697517463",
	 368  	},
	 369  	{
	 370  		"10",
	 371  		"aea9e17a306517eb89152aa7096d2c381ec813c51aa880e7bee2c0fd",
	 372  		"39bb30eab337e0a521b6cba1abe4b2b3a3e524c14a3fe3eb116b655f",
	 373  	},
	 374  	{
	 375  		"11",
	 376  		"ef53b6294aca431f0f3c22dc82eb9050324f1d88d377e716448e507c",
	 377  		"20b510004092e96636cfb7e32efded8265c266dfb754fa6d6491a6da",
	 378  	},
	 379  	{
	 380  		"12",
	 381  		"6e31ee1dc137f81b056752e4deab1443a481033e9b4c93a3044f4f7a",
	 382  		"207dddf0385bfdeab6e9acda8da06b3bbef224a93ab1e9e036109d13",
	 383  	},
	 384  	{
	 385  		"13",
	 386  		"34e8e17a430e43289793c383fac9774247b40e9ebd3366981fcfaeca",
	 387  		"252819f71c7fb7fbcb159be337d37d3336d7feb963724fdfb0ecb767",
	 388  	},
	 389  	{
	 390  		"14",
	 391  		"a53640c83dc208603ded83e4ecf758f24c357d7cf48088b2ce01e9fa",
	 392  		"d5814cd724199c4a5b974a43685fbf5b8bac69459c9469bc8f23ccaf",
	 393  	},
	 394  	{
	 395  		"15",
	 396  		"baa4d8635511a7d288aebeedd12ce529ff102c91f97f867e21916bf9",
	 397  		"979a5f4759f80f4fb4ec2e34f5566d595680a11735e7b61046127989",
	 398  	},
	 399  	{
	 400  		"16",
	 401  		"b6ec4fe1777382404ef679997ba8d1cc5cd8e85349259f590c4c66d",
	 402  		"3399d464345906b11b00e363ef429221f2ec720d2f665d7dead5b482",
	 403  	},
	 404  	{
	 405  		"17",
	 406  		"b8357c3a6ceef288310e17b8bfeff9200846ca8c1942497c484403bc",
	 407  		"ff149efa6606a6bd20ef7d1b06bd92f6904639dce5174db6cc554a26",
	 408  	},
	 409  	{
	 410  		"18",
	 411  		"c9ff61b040874c0568479216824a15eab1a838a797d189746226e4cc",
	 412  		"ea98d60e5ffc9b8fcf999fab1df7e7ef7084f20ddb61bb045a6ce002",
	 413  	},
	 414  	{
	 415  		"19",
	 416  		"a1e81c04f30ce201c7c9ace785ed44cc33b455a022f2acdbc6cae83c",
	 417  		"dcf1f6c3db09c70acc25391d492fe25b4a180babd6cea356c04719cd",
	 418  	},
	 419  	{
	 420  		"20",
	 421  		"fcc7f2b45df1cd5a3c0c0731ca47a8af75cfb0347e8354eefe782455",
	 422  		"d5d7110274cba7cdee90e1a8b0d394c376a5573db6be0bf2747f530",
	 423  	},
	 424  	{
	 425  		"112233445566778899",
	 426  		"61f077c6f62ed802dad7c2f38f5c67f2cc453601e61bd076bb46179e",
	 427  		"2272f9e9f5933e70388ee652513443b5e289dd135dcc0d0299b225e4",
	 428  	},
	 429  	{
	 430  		"112233445566778899112233445566778899",
	 431  		"29895f0af496bfc62b6ef8d8a65c88c613949b03668aab4f0429e35",
	 432  		"3ea6e53f9a841f2019ec24bde1a75677aa9b5902e61081c01064de93",
	 433  	},
	 434  	{
	 435  		"6950511619965839450988900688150712778015737983940691968051900319680",
	 436  		"ab689930bcae4a4aa5f5cb085e823e8ae30fd365eb1da4aba9cf0379",
	 437  		"3345a121bbd233548af0d210654eb40bab788a03666419be6fbd34e7",
	 438  	},
	 439  	{
	 440  		"13479972933410060327035789020509431695094902435494295338570602119423",
	 441  		"bdb6a8817c1f89da1c2f3dd8e97feb4494f2ed302a4ce2bc7f5f4025",
	 442  		"4c7020d57c00411889462d77a5438bb4e97d177700bf7243a07f1680",
	 443  	},
	 444  	{
	 445  		"13479971751745682581351455311314208093898607229429740618390390702079",
	 446  		"d58b61aa41c32dd5eba462647dba75c5d67c83606c0af2bd928446a9",
	 447  		"d24ba6a837be0460dd107ae77725696d211446c5609b4595976b16bd",
	 448  	},
	 449  	{
	 450  		"13479972931865328106486971546324465392952975980343228160962702868479",
	 451  		"dc9fa77978a005510980e929a1485f63716df695d7a0c18bb518df03",
	 452  		"ede2b016f2ddffc2a8c015b134928275ce09e5661b7ab14ce0d1d403",
	 453  	},
	 454  	{
	 455  		"11795773708834916026404142434151065506931607341523388140225443265536",
	 456  		"499d8b2829cfb879c901f7d85d357045edab55028824d0f05ba279ba",
	 457  		"bf929537b06e4015919639d94f57838fa33fc3d952598dcdbb44d638",
	 458  	},
	 459  	{
	 460  		"784254593043826236572847595991346435467177662189391577090",
	 461  		"8246c999137186632c5f9eddf3b1b0e1764c5e8bd0e0d8a554b9cb77",
	 462  		"e80ed8660bc1cb17ac7d845be40a7a022d3306f116ae9f81fea65947",
	 463  	},
	 464  	{
	 465  		"13479767645505654746623887797783387853576174193480695826442858012671",
	 466  		"6670c20afcceaea672c97f75e2e9dd5c8460e54bb38538ebb4bd30eb",
	 467  		"f280d8008d07a4caf54271f993527d46ff3ff46fd1190a3f1faa4f74",
	 468  	},
	 469  	{
	 470  		"205688069665150753842126177372015544874550518966168735589597183",
	 471  		"eca934247425cfd949b795cb5ce1eff401550386e28d1a4c5a8eb",
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	 546  		"858e6f9cc6c12c31f5df124aa77767b05c8bc021bd683d2b55571550",
	 547  		"fb9232c15a3bc7673a3a03b0253824c53d0fd1411b1cabe2e187fb87",
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	 552  		"f0c5cff7ab680d09ee11dae84e9c1072ac48ea2e744b1b7f72fd469e",
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	 555  		"26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368055",
	 556  		"1f2483f82572251fca975fea40db821df8ad82a3c002ee6c57112408",
	 557  		"76050f3348af2664aac3a8b05281304ebc7a7914c6ad50a4b4eac383",
	 558  	},
	 559  	{
	 560  		"26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368056",
	 561  		"31c49ae75bce7807cdff22055d94ee9021fedbb5ab51c57526f011aa",
	 562  		"d817400e8ba9ca13a45f360e3d121eaaeb39af82d6001c8186f5f866",
	 563  	},
	 564  	{
	 565  		"26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368057",
	 566  		"ae99feebb5d26945b54892092a8aee02912930fa41cd114e40447301",
	 567  		"fb7da7f5f13a43b81774373c879cd32d6934c05fa758eeb14fcfab38",
	 568  	},
	 569  	{
	 570  		"26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368058",
	 571  		"df1b1d66a551d0d31eff822558b9d2cc75c2180279fe0d08fd896d04",
	 572  		"5c080fc3522f41bbb3f55a97cfecf21f882ce8cbb1e50ca6e67e56dc",
	 573  	},
	 574  	{
	 575  		"26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368059",
	 576  		"706a46dc76dcb76798e60e6d89474788d16dc18032d268fd1a704fa6",
	 577  		"e3d4895843da188fd58fb0567976d7b50359d6b78530c8f62d1b1746",
	 578  	},
	 579  	{
	 580  		"26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368060",
	 581  		"b70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21",
	 582  		"42c89c774a08dc04b3dd201932bc8a5ea5f8b89bbb2a7e667aff81cd",
	 583  	},
	 584  }
	 586  func TestP224BaseMult(t *testing.T) {
	 587  	p224 := P224()
	 588  	for i, e := range p224BaseMultTests {
	 589  		k, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(e.k, 10)
	 590  		if !ok {
	 591  			t.Errorf("%d: bad value for k: %s", i, e.k)
	 592  		}
	 593  		x, y := p224.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes())
	 594  		if fmt.Sprintf("%x", x) != e.x || fmt.Sprintf("%x", y) != e.y {
	 595  			t.Errorf("%d: bad output for k=%s: got (%x, %x), want (%s, %s)", i, e.k, x, y, e.x, e.y)
	 596  		}
	 597  		if testing.Short() && i > 5 {
	 598  			break
	 599  		}
	 600  	}
	 601  }
	 603  func TestP224GenericBaseMult(t *testing.T) {
	 604  	// We use the P224 CurveParams directly in order to test the generic implementation.
	 605  	p224 := P224().Params()
	 606  	for i, e := range p224BaseMultTests {
	 607  		k, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(e.k, 10)
	 608  		if !ok {
	 609  			t.Errorf("%d: bad value for k: %s", i, e.k)
	 610  		}
	 611  		x, y := p224.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes())
	 612  		if fmt.Sprintf("%x", x) != e.x || fmt.Sprintf("%x", y) != e.y {
	 613  			t.Errorf("%d: bad output for k=%s: got (%x, %x), want (%s, %s)", i, e.k, x, y, e.x, e.y)
	 614  		}
	 615  		if testing.Short() && i > 5 {
	 616  			break
	 617  		}
	 618  	}
	 619  }
	 621  func TestP224Overflow(t *testing.T) {
	 622  	// This tests for a specific bug in the P224 implementation.
	 623  	p224 := P224()
	 624  	pointData, _ := hex.DecodeString("049B535B45FB0A2072398A6831834624C7E32CCFD5A4B933BCEAF77F1DD945E08BBE5178F5EDF5E733388F196D2A631D2E075BB16CBFEEA15B")
	 625  	x, y := Unmarshal(p224, pointData)
	 626  	if !p224.IsOnCurve(x, y) {
	 627  		t.Error("P224 failed to validate a correct point")
	 628  	}
	 629  }

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