
Source file src/debug/dwarf/type_test.go

Documentation: debug/dwarf

		 1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package dwarf_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	. "debug/dwarf"
		 9  	"debug/elf"
		10  	"debug/macho"
		11  	"debug/pe"
		12  	"fmt"
		13  	"strconv"
		14  	"testing"
		15  )
		17  var typedefTests = map[string]string{
		18  	"t_ptr_volatile_int":										"*volatile int",
		19  	"t_ptr_const_char":											"*const char",
		20  	"t_long":																"long int",
		21  	"t_ushort":															"short unsigned int",
		22  	"t_func_int_of_float_double":						"func(float, double) int",
		23  	"t_ptr_func_int_of_float_double":				"*func(float, double) int",
		24  	"t_ptr_func_int_of_float_complex":			 "*func(complex float) int",
		25  	"t_ptr_func_int_of_double_complex":			"*func(complex double) int",
		26  	"t_ptr_func_int_of_long_double_complex": "*func(complex long double) int",
		27  	"t_func_ptr_int_of_char_schar_uchar":		"func(char, signed char, unsigned char) *int",
		28  	"t_func_void_of_char":									 "func(char) void",
		29  	"t_func_void_of_void":									 "func() void",
		30  	"t_func_void_of_ptr_char_dots":					"func(*char, ...) void",
		31  	"t_my_struct":													 "struct my_struct {vi volatile int@0; x char@4 : 1@7; y int@4 : 4@27; z [0]int@8; array [40]long long int@8; zz [0]int@328}",
		32  	"t_my_struct1":													"struct my_struct1 {zz [1]int@0}",
		33  	"t_my_union":														"union my_union {vi volatile int@0; x char@0 : 1@7; y int@0 : 4@28; array [40]long long int@0}",
		34  	"t_my_enum":														 "enum my_enum {e1=1; e2=2; e3=-5; e4=1000000000000000}",
		35  	"t_my_list":														 "struct list {val short int@0; next *t_my_list@8}",
		36  	"t_my_tree":														 "struct tree {left *struct tree@0; right *struct tree@8; val long long unsigned int@16}",
		37  }
		39  // As Apple converts gcc to a clang-based front end
		40  // they keep breaking the DWARF output. This map lists the
		41  // conversion from real answer to Apple answer.
		42  var machoBug = map[string]string{
		43  	"func(*char, ...) void":																 "func(*char) void",
		44  	"enum my_enum {e1=1; e2=2; e3=-5; e4=1000000000000000}": "enum my_enum {e1=1; e2=2; e3=-5; e4=-1530494976}",
		45  }
		47  func elfData(t *testing.T, name string) *Data {
		48  	f, err := elf.Open(name)
		49  	if err != nil {
		50  		t.Fatal(err)
		51  	}
		53  	d, err := f.DWARF()
		54  	if err != nil {
		55  		t.Fatal(err)
		56  	}
		57  	return d
		58  }
		60  func machoData(t *testing.T, name string) *Data {
		61  	f, err := macho.Open(name)
		62  	if err != nil {
		63  		t.Fatal(err)
		64  	}
		66  	d, err := f.DWARF()
		67  	if err != nil {
		68  		t.Fatal(err)
		69  	}
		70  	return d
		71  }
		73  func peData(t *testing.T, name string) *Data {
		74  	f, err := pe.Open(name)
		75  	if err != nil {
		76  		t.Fatal(err)
		77  	}
		79  	d, err := f.DWARF()
		80  	if err != nil {
		81  		t.Fatal(err)
		82  	}
		83  	return d
		84  }
		86  func TestTypedefsELF(t *testing.T) { testTypedefs(t, elfData(t, "testdata/typedef.elf"), "elf") }
		88  func TestTypedefsMachO(t *testing.T) {
		89  	testTypedefs(t, machoData(t, "testdata/typedef.macho"), "macho")
		90  }
		92  func TestTypedefsELFDwarf4(t *testing.T) { testTypedefs(t, elfData(t, "testdata/typedef.elf4"), "elf") }
		94  func testTypedefs(t *testing.T, d *Data, kind string) {
		95  	r := d.Reader()
		96  	seen := make(map[string]bool)
		97  	for {
		98  		e, err := r.Next()
		99  		if err != nil {
	 100  			t.Fatal("r.Next:", err)
	 101  		}
	 102  		if e == nil {
	 103  			break
	 104  		}
	 105  		if e.Tag == TagTypedef {
	 106  			typ, err := d.Type(e.Offset)
	 107  			if err != nil {
	 108  				t.Fatal("d.Type:", err)
	 109  			}
	 110  			t1 := typ.(*TypedefType)
	 111  			var typstr string
	 112  			if ts, ok := t1.Type.(*StructType); ok {
	 113  				typstr = ts.Defn()
	 114  			} else {
	 115  				typstr = t1.Type.String()
	 116  			}
	 118  			if want, ok := typedefTests[t1.Name]; ok {
	 119  				if seen[t1.Name] {
	 120  					t.Errorf("multiple definitions for %s", t1.Name)
	 121  				}
	 122  				seen[t1.Name] = true
	 123  				if typstr != want && (kind != "macho" || typstr != machoBug[want]) {
	 124  					t.Errorf("%s:\n\thave %s\n\twant %s", t1.Name, typstr, want)
	 125  				}
	 126  			}
	 127  		}
	 128  		if e.Tag != TagCompileUnit {
	 129  			r.SkipChildren()
	 130  		}
	 131  	}
	 133  	for k := range typedefTests {
	 134  		if !seen[k] {
	 135  			t.Errorf("missing %s", k)
	 136  		}
	 137  	}
	 138  }
	 140  func TestTypedefCycle(t *testing.T) {
	 141  	// See issue #13039: reading a typedef cycle starting from a
	 142  	// different place than the size needed to be computed from
	 143  	// used to crash.
	 144  	//
	 145  	// cycle.elf built with GCC 4.8.4:
	 146  	//		gcc -g -c -o cycle.elf cycle.c
	 147  	d := elfData(t, "testdata/cycle.elf")
	 148  	r := d.Reader()
	 149  	offsets := []Offset{}
	 150  	for {
	 151  		e, err := r.Next()
	 152  		if err != nil {
	 153  			t.Fatal("r.Next:", err)
	 154  		}
	 155  		if e == nil {
	 156  			break
	 157  		}
	 158  		switch e.Tag {
	 159  		case TagBaseType, TagTypedef, TagPointerType, TagStructType:
	 160  			offsets = append(offsets, e.Offset)
	 161  		}
	 162  	}
	 164  	// Parse each type with a fresh type cache.
	 165  	for _, offset := range offsets {
	 166  		d := elfData(t, "testdata/cycle.elf")
	 167  		_, err := d.Type(offset)
	 168  		if err != nil {
	 169  			t.Fatalf("d.Type(0x%x): %s", offset, err)
	 170  		}
	 171  	}
	 172  }
	 174  var unsupportedTypeTests = []string{
	 175  	// varname:typename:string:size
	 176  	"culprit::(unsupported type ReferenceType):8",
	 177  	"pdm::(unsupported type PtrToMemberType):-1",
	 178  }
	 180  func TestUnsupportedTypes(t *testing.T) {
	 181  	// Issue 29601:
	 182  	// When reading DWARF from C++ load modules, we can encounter
	 183  	// oddball type DIEs. These will be returned as "UnsupportedType"
	 184  	// objects; check to make sure this works properly.
	 185  	d := elfData(t, "testdata/cppunsuptypes.elf")
	 186  	r := d.Reader()
	 187  	seen := make(map[string]bool)
	 188  	for {
	 189  		e, err := r.Next()
	 190  		if err != nil {
	 191  			t.Fatal("r.Next:", err)
	 192  		}
	 193  		if e == nil {
	 194  			break
	 195  		}
	 196  		if e.Tag == TagVariable {
	 197  			vname, _ := e.Val(AttrName).(string)
	 198  			tAttr := e.Val(AttrType)
	 199  			typOff, ok := tAttr.(Offset)
	 200  			if !ok {
	 201  				t.Errorf("variable at offset %v has no type", e.Offset)
	 202  				continue
	 203  			}
	 204  			typ, err := d.Type(typOff)
	 205  			if err != nil {
	 206  				t.Errorf("err in type decode: %v\n", err)
	 207  				continue
	 208  			}
	 209  			unsup, isok := typ.(*UnsupportedType)
	 210  			if !isok {
	 211  				continue
	 212  			}
	 213  			tag := vname + ":" + unsup.Name + ":" + unsup.String() +
	 214  				":" + strconv.FormatInt(unsup.Size(), 10)
	 215  			seen[tag] = true
	 216  		}
	 217  	}
	 218  	dumpseen := false
	 219  	for _, v := range unsupportedTypeTests {
	 220  		if !seen[v] {
	 221  			t.Errorf("missing %s", v)
	 222  			dumpseen = true
	 223  		}
	 224  	}
	 225  	if dumpseen {
	 226  		for k := range seen {
	 227  			fmt.Printf("seen: %s\n", k)
	 228  		}
	 229  	}
	 230  }

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