
Source file src/debug/dwarf/typeunit.go

Documentation: debug/dwarf

		 1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package dwarf
		 7  import (
		 8  	"fmt"
		 9  	"strconv"
		10  )
		12  // Parse the type units stored in a DWARF4 .debug_types section. Each
		13  // type unit defines a single primary type and an 8-byte signature.
		14  // Other sections may then use formRefSig8 to refer to the type.
		16  // The typeUnit format is a single type with a signature. It holds
		17  // the same data as a compilation unit.
		18  type typeUnit struct {
		19  	unit
		20  	toff	Offset // Offset to signature type within data.
		21  	name	string // Name of .debug_type section.
		22  	cache Type	 // Cache the type, nil to start.
		23  }
		25  // Parse a .debug_types section.
		26  func (d *Data) parseTypes(name string, types []byte) error {
		27  	b := makeBuf(d, unknownFormat{}, name, 0, types)
		28  	for len(b.data) > 0 {
		29  		base := b.off
		30  		n, dwarf64 := b.unitLength()
		31  		if n != Offset(uint32(n)) {
		32  			b.error("type unit length overflow")
		33  			return b.err
		34  		}
		35  		hdroff := b.off
		36  		vers := int(b.uint16())
		37  		if vers != 4 {
		38  			b.error("unsupported DWARF version " + strconv.Itoa(vers))
		39  			return b.err
		40  		}
		41  		var ao uint64
		42  		if !dwarf64 {
		43  			ao = uint64(b.uint32())
		44  		} else {
		45  			ao = b.uint64()
		46  		}
		47  		atable, err := d.parseAbbrev(ao, vers)
		48  		if err != nil {
		49  			return err
		50  		}
		51  		asize := b.uint8()
		52  		sig := b.uint64()
		54  		var toff uint32
		55  		if !dwarf64 {
		56  			toff = b.uint32()
		57  		} else {
		58  			to64 := b.uint64()
		59  			if to64 != uint64(uint32(to64)) {
		60  				b.error("type unit type offset overflow")
		61  				return b.err
		62  			}
		63  			toff = uint32(to64)
		64  		}
		66  		boff := b.off
		67  		d.typeSigs[sig] = &typeUnit{
		68  			unit: unit{
		69  				base:	 base,
		70  				off:		boff,
		71  				data:	 b.bytes(int(n - (b.off - hdroff))),
		72  				atable: atable,
		73  				asize:	int(asize),
		74  				vers:	 vers,
		75  				is64:	 dwarf64,
		76  			},
		77  			toff: Offset(toff),
		78  			name: name,
		79  		}
		80  		if b.err != nil {
		81  			return b.err
		82  		}
		83  	}
		84  	return nil
		85  }
		87  // Return the type for a type signature.
		88  func (d *Data) sigToType(sig uint64) (Type, error) {
		89  	tu := d.typeSigs[sig]
		90  	if tu == nil {
		91  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no type unit with signature %v", sig)
		92  	}
		93  	if tu.cache != nil {
		94  		return tu.cache, nil
		95  	}
		97  	b := makeBuf(d, tu, tu.name, tu.off, tu.data)
		98  	r := &typeUnitReader{d: d, tu: tu, b: b}
		99  	t, err := d.readType(tu.name, r, tu.toff, make(map[Offset]Type), nil)
	 100  	if err != nil {
	 101  		return nil, err
	 102  	}
	 104  	tu.cache = t
	 105  	return t, nil
	 106  }
	 108  // typeUnitReader is a typeReader for a tagTypeUnit.
	 109  type typeUnitReader struct {
	 110  	d	 *Data
	 111  	tu	*typeUnit
	 112  	b	 buf
	 113  	err error
	 114  }
	 116  // Seek to a new position in the type unit.
	 117  func (tur *typeUnitReader) Seek(off Offset) {
	 118  	tur.err = nil
	 119  	doff := off - tur.tu.off
	 120  	if doff < 0 || doff >= Offset(len(tur.tu.data)) {
	 121  		tur.err = fmt.Errorf("%s: offset %d out of range; max %d", tur.tu.name, doff, len(tur.tu.data))
	 122  		return
	 123  	}
	 124  	tur.b = makeBuf(tur.d, tur.tu, tur.tu.name, off, tur.tu.data[doff:])
	 125  }
	 127  // AddressSize returns the size in bytes of addresses in the current type unit.
	 128  func (tur *typeUnitReader) AddressSize() int {
	 129  	return tur.tu.unit.asize
	 130  }
	 132  // Next reads the next Entry from the type unit.
	 133  func (tur *typeUnitReader) Next() (*Entry, error) {
	 134  	if tur.err != nil {
	 135  		return nil, tur.err
	 136  	}
	 137  	if len(tur.tu.data) == 0 {
	 138  		return nil, nil
	 139  	}
	 140  	e := tur.b.entry(nil, tur.tu.atable, tur.tu.base, tur.tu.vers)
	 141  	if tur.b.err != nil {
	 142  		tur.err = tur.b.err
	 143  		return nil, tur.err
	 144  	}
	 145  	return e, nil
	 146  }
	 148  // clone returns a new reader for the type unit.
	 149  func (tur *typeUnitReader) clone() typeReader {
	 150  	return &typeUnitReader{
	 151  		d:	tur.d,
	 152  		tu: tur.tu,
	 153  		b:	makeBuf(tur.d, tur.tu, tur.tu.name, tur.tu.off, tur.tu.data),
	 154  	}
	 155  }
	 157  // offset returns the current offset.
	 158  func (tur *typeUnitReader) offset() Offset {
	 159  	return tur.b.off
	 160  }

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