
Source file src/mime/multipart/writer.go

Documentation: mime/multipart

		 1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package multipart
		 7  import (
		 8  	"bytes"
		 9  	"crypto/rand"
		10  	"errors"
		11  	"fmt"
		12  	"io"
		13  	"net/textproto"
		14  	"sort"
		15  	"strings"
		16  )
		18  // A Writer generates multipart messages.
		19  type Writer struct {
		20  	w				io.Writer
		21  	boundary string
		22  	lastpart *part
		23  }
		25  // NewWriter returns a new multipart Writer with a random boundary,
		26  // writing to w.
		27  func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
		28  	return &Writer{
		29  		w:				w,
		30  		boundary: randomBoundary(),
		31  	}
		32  }
		34  // Boundary returns the Writer's boundary.
		35  func (w *Writer) Boundary() string {
		36  	return w.boundary
		37  }
		39  // SetBoundary overrides the Writer's default randomly-generated
		40  // boundary separator with an explicit value.
		41  //
		42  // SetBoundary must be called before any parts are created, may only
		43  // contain certain ASCII characters, and must be non-empty and
		44  // at most 70 bytes long.
		45  func (w *Writer) SetBoundary(boundary string) error {
		46  	if w.lastpart != nil {
		47  		return errors.New("mime: SetBoundary called after write")
		48  	}
		49  	// rfc2046#section-5.1.1
		50  	if len(boundary) < 1 || len(boundary) > 70 {
		51  		return errors.New("mime: invalid boundary length")
		52  	}
		53  	end := len(boundary) - 1
		54  	for i, b := range boundary {
		55  		if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' || 'a' <= b && b <= 'z' || '0' <= b && b <= '9' {
		56  			continue
		57  		}
		58  		switch b {
		59  		case '\'', '(', ')', '+', '_', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', '=', '?':
		60  			continue
		61  		case ' ':
		62  			if i != end {
		63  				continue
		64  			}
		65  		}
		66  		return errors.New("mime: invalid boundary character")
		67  	}
		68  	w.boundary = boundary
		69  	return nil
		70  }
		72  // FormDataContentType returns the Content-Type for an HTTP
		73  // multipart/form-data with this Writer's Boundary.
		74  func (w *Writer) FormDataContentType() string {
		75  	b := w.boundary
		76  	// We must quote the boundary if it contains any of the
		77  	// tspecials characters defined by RFC 2045, or space.
		78  	if strings.ContainsAny(b, `()<>@,;:\"/[]?= `) {
		79  		b = `"` + b + `"`
		80  	}
		81  	return "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + b
		82  }
		84  func randomBoundary() string {
		85  	var buf [30]byte
		86  	_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, buf[:])
		87  	if err != nil {
		88  		panic(err)
		89  	}
		90  	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", buf[:])
		91  }
		93  // CreatePart creates a new multipart section with the provided
		94  // header. The body of the part should be written to the returned
		95  // Writer. After calling CreatePart, any previous part may no longer
		96  // be written to.
		97  func (w *Writer) CreatePart(header textproto.MIMEHeader) (io.Writer, error) {
		98  	if w.lastpart != nil {
		99  		if err := w.lastpart.close(); err != nil {
	 100  			return nil, err
	 101  		}
	 102  	}
	 103  	var b bytes.Buffer
	 104  	if w.lastpart != nil {
	 105  		fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\r\n--%s\r\n", w.boundary)
	 106  	} else {
	 107  		fmt.Fprintf(&b, "--%s\r\n", w.boundary)
	 108  	}
	 110  	keys := make([]string, 0, len(header))
	 111  	for k := range header {
	 112  		keys = append(keys, k)
	 113  	}
	 114  	sort.Strings(keys)
	 115  	for _, k := range keys {
	 116  		for _, v := range header[k] {
	 117  			fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s: %s\r\n", k, v)
	 118  		}
	 119  	}
	 120  	fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\r\n")
	 121  	_, err := io.Copy(w.w, &b)
	 122  	if err != nil {
	 123  		return nil, err
	 124  	}
	 125  	p := &part{
	 126  		mw: w,
	 127  	}
	 128  	w.lastpart = p
	 129  	return p, nil
	 130  }
	 132  var quoteEscaper = strings.NewReplacer("\\", "\\\\", `"`, "\\\"")
	 134  func escapeQuotes(s string) string {
	 135  	return quoteEscaper.Replace(s)
	 136  }
	 138  // CreateFormFile is a convenience wrapper around CreatePart. It creates
	 139  // a new form-data header with the provided field name and file name.
	 140  func (w *Writer) CreateFormFile(fieldname, filename string) (io.Writer, error) {
	 141  	h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
	 142  	h.Set("Content-Disposition",
	 143  		fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"`,
	 144  			escapeQuotes(fieldname), escapeQuotes(filename)))
	 145  	h.Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
	 146  	return w.CreatePart(h)
	 147  }
	 149  // CreateFormField calls CreatePart with a header using the
	 150  // given field name.
	 151  func (w *Writer) CreateFormField(fieldname string) (io.Writer, error) {
	 152  	h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
	 153  	h.Set("Content-Disposition",
	 154  		fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="%s"`, escapeQuotes(fieldname)))
	 155  	return w.CreatePart(h)
	 156  }
	 158  // WriteField calls CreateFormField and then writes the given value.
	 159  func (w *Writer) WriteField(fieldname, value string) error {
	 160  	p, err := w.CreateFormField(fieldname)
	 161  	if err != nil {
	 162  		return err
	 163  	}
	 164  	_, err = p.Write([]byte(value))
	 165  	return err
	 166  }
	 168  // Close finishes the multipart message and writes the trailing
	 169  // boundary end line to the output.
	 170  func (w *Writer) Close() error {
	 171  	if w.lastpart != nil {
	 172  		if err := w.lastpart.close(); err != nil {
	 173  			return err
	 174  		}
	 175  		w.lastpart = nil
	 176  	}
	 177  	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w.w, "\r\n--%s--\r\n", w.boundary)
	 178  	return err
	 179  }
	 181  type part struct {
	 182  	mw		 *Writer
	 183  	closed bool
	 184  	we		 error // last error that occurred writing
	 185  }
	 187  func (p *part) close() error {
	 188  	p.closed = true
	 189  	return p.we
	 190  }
	 192  func (p *part) Write(d []byte) (n int, err error) {
	 193  	if p.closed {
	 194  		return 0, errors.New("multipart: can't write to finished part")
	 195  	}
	 196  	n, err = p.mw.w.Write(d)
	 197  	if err != nil {
	 198  		p.we = err
	 199  	}
	 200  	return
	 201  }

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