
Source file src/net/http/cookiejar/jar.go

Documentation: net/http/cookiejar

		 1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  // Package cookiejar implements an in-memory RFC 6265-compliant http.CookieJar.
		 6  package cookiejar
		 8  import (
		 9  	"errors"
		10  	"fmt"
		11  	"net"
		12  	"net/http"
		13  	"net/http/internal/ascii"
		14  	"net/url"
		15  	"sort"
		16  	"strings"
		17  	"sync"
		18  	"time"
		19  )
		21  // PublicSuffixList provides the public suffix of a domain. For example:
		22  //			- the public suffix of "example.com" is "com",
		23  //			- the public suffix of "foo1.foo2.foo3.co.uk" is "co.uk", and
		24  //			- the public suffix of "bar.pvt.k12.ma.us" is "pvt.k12.ma.us".
		25  //
		26  // Implementations of PublicSuffixList must be safe for concurrent use by
		27  // multiple goroutines.
		28  //
		29  // An implementation that always returns "" is valid and may be useful for
		30  // testing but it is not secure: it means that the HTTP server for foo.com can
		31  // set a cookie for bar.com.
		32  //
		33  // A public suffix list implementation is in the package
		34  // golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix.
		35  type PublicSuffixList interface {
		36  	// PublicSuffix returns the public suffix of domain.
		37  	//
		38  	// TODO: specify which of the caller and callee is responsible for IP
		39  	// addresses, for leading and trailing dots, for case sensitivity, and
		40  	// for IDN/Punycode.
		41  	PublicSuffix(domain string) string
		43  	// String returns a description of the source of this public suffix
		44  	// list. The description will typically contain something like a time
		45  	// stamp or version number.
		46  	String() string
		47  }
		49  // Options are the options for creating a new Jar.
		50  type Options struct {
		51  	// PublicSuffixList is the public suffix list that determines whether
		52  	// an HTTP server can set a cookie for a domain.
		53  	//
		54  	// A nil value is valid and may be useful for testing but it is not
		55  	// secure: it means that the HTTP server for foo.co.uk can set a cookie
		56  	// for bar.co.uk.
		57  	PublicSuffixList PublicSuffixList
		58  }
		60  // Jar implements the http.CookieJar interface from the net/http package.
		61  type Jar struct {
		62  	psList PublicSuffixList
		64  	// mu locks the remaining fields.
		65  	mu sync.Mutex
		67  	// entries is a set of entries, keyed by their eTLD+1 and subkeyed by
		68  	// their name/domain/path.
		69  	entries map[string]map[string]entry
		71  	// nextSeqNum is the next sequence number assigned to a new cookie
		72  	// created SetCookies.
		73  	nextSeqNum uint64
		74  }
		76  // New returns a new cookie jar. A nil *Options is equivalent to a zero
		77  // Options.
		78  func New(o *Options) (*Jar, error) {
		79  	jar := &Jar{
		80  		entries: make(map[string]map[string]entry),
		81  	}
		82  	if o != nil {
		83  		jar.psList = o.PublicSuffixList
		84  	}
		85  	return jar, nil
		86  }
		88  // entry is the internal representation of a cookie.
		89  //
		90  // This struct type is not used outside of this package per se, but the exported
		91  // fields are those of RFC 6265.
		92  type entry struct {
		93  	Name			 string
		94  	Value			string
		95  	Domain		 string
		96  	Path			 string
		97  	SameSite	 string
		98  	Secure		 bool
		99  	HttpOnly	 bool
	 100  	Persistent bool
	 101  	HostOnly	 bool
	 102  	Expires		time.Time
	 103  	Creation	 time.Time
	 104  	LastAccess time.Time
	 106  	// seqNum is a sequence number so that Cookies returns cookies in a
	 107  	// deterministic order, even for cookies that have equal Path length and
	 108  	// equal Creation time. This simplifies testing.
	 109  	seqNum uint64
	 110  }
	 112  // id returns the domain;path;name triple of e as an id.
	 113  func (e *entry) id() string {
	 114  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s;%s", e.Domain, e.Path, e.Name)
	 115  }
	 117  // shouldSend determines whether e's cookie qualifies to be included in a
	 118  // request to host/path. It is the caller's responsibility to check if the
	 119  // cookie is expired.
	 120  func (e *entry) shouldSend(https bool, host, path string) bool {
	 121  	return e.domainMatch(host) && e.pathMatch(path) && (https || !e.Secure)
	 122  }
	 124  // domainMatch implements "domain-match" of RFC 6265 section 5.1.3.
	 125  func (e *entry) domainMatch(host string) bool {
	 126  	if e.Domain == host {
	 127  		return true
	 128  	}
	 129  	return !e.HostOnly && hasDotSuffix(host, e.Domain)
	 130  }
	 132  // pathMatch implements "path-match" according to RFC 6265 section 5.1.4.
	 133  func (e *entry) pathMatch(requestPath string) bool {
	 134  	if requestPath == e.Path {
	 135  		return true
	 136  	}
	 137  	if strings.HasPrefix(requestPath, e.Path) {
	 138  		if e.Path[len(e.Path)-1] == '/' {
	 139  			return true // The "/any/" matches "/any/path" case.
	 140  		} else if requestPath[len(e.Path)] == '/' {
	 141  			return true // The "/any" matches "/any/path" case.
	 142  		}
	 143  	}
	 144  	return false
	 145  }
	 147  // hasDotSuffix reports whether s ends in "."+suffix.
	 148  func hasDotSuffix(s, suffix string) bool {
	 149  	return len(s) > len(suffix) && s[len(s)-len(suffix)-1] == '.' && s[len(s)-len(suffix):] == suffix
	 150  }
	 152  // Cookies implements the Cookies method of the http.CookieJar interface.
	 153  //
	 154  // It returns an empty slice if the URL's scheme is not HTTP or HTTPS.
	 155  func (j *Jar) Cookies(u *url.URL) (cookies []*http.Cookie) {
	 156  	return j.cookies(u, time.Now())
	 157  }
	 159  // cookies is like Cookies but takes the current time as a parameter.
	 160  func (j *Jar) cookies(u *url.URL, now time.Time) (cookies []*http.Cookie) {
	 161  	if u.Scheme != "http" && u.Scheme != "https" {
	 162  		return cookies
	 163  	}
	 164  	host, err := canonicalHost(u.Host)
	 165  	if err != nil {
	 166  		return cookies
	 167  	}
	 168  	key := jarKey(host, j.psList)
	 170  	j.mu.Lock()
	 171  	defer j.mu.Unlock()
	 173  	submap := j.entries[key]
	 174  	if submap == nil {
	 175  		return cookies
	 176  	}
	 178  	https := u.Scheme == "https"
	 179  	path := u.Path
	 180  	if path == "" {
	 181  		path = "/"
	 182  	}
	 184  	modified := false
	 185  	var selected []entry
	 186  	for id, e := range submap {
	 187  		if e.Persistent && !e.Expires.After(now) {
	 188  			delete(submap, id)
	 189  			modified = true
	 190  			continue
	 191  		}
	 192  		if !e.shouldSend(https, host, path) {
	 193  			continue
	 194  		}
	 195  		e.LastAccess = now
	 196  		submap[id] = e
	 197  		selected = append(selected, e)
	 198  		modified = true
	 199  	}
	 200  	if modified {
	 201  		if len(submap) == 0 {
	 202  			delete(j.entries, key)
	 203  		} else {
	 204  			j.entries[key] = submap
	 205  		}
	 206  	}
	 208  	// sort according to RFC 6265 section 5.4 point 2: by longest
	 209  	// path and then by earliest creation time.
	 210  	sort.Slice(selected, func(i, j int) bool {
	 211  		s := selected
	 212  		if len(s[i].Path) != len(s[j].Path) {
	 213  			return len(s[i].Path) > len(s[j].Path)
	 214  		}
	 215  		if !s[i].Creation.Equal(s[j].Creation) {
	 216  			return s[i].Creation.Before(s[j].Creation)
	 217  		}
	 218  		return s[i].seqNum < s[j].seqNum
	 219  	})
	 220  	for _, e := range selected {
	 221  		cookies = append(cookies, &http.Cookie{Name: e.Name, Value: e.Value})
	 222  	}
	 224  	return cookies
	 225  }
	 227  // SetCookies implements the SetCookies method of the http.CookieJar interface.
	 228  //
	 229  // It does nothing if the URL's scheme is not HTTP or HTTPS.
	 230  func (j *Jar) SetCookies(u *url.URL, cookies []*http.Cookie) {
	 231  	j.setCookies(u, cookies, time.Now())
	 232  }
	 234  // setCookies is like SetCookies but takes the current time as parameter.
	 235  func (j *Jar) setCookies(u *url.URL, cookies []*http.Cookie, now time.Time) {
	 236  	if len(cookies) == 0 {
	 237  		return
	 238  	}
	 239  	if u.Scheme != "http" && u.Scheme != "https" {
	 240  		return
	 241  	}
	 242  	host, err := canonicalHost(u.Host)
	 243  	if err != nil {
	 244  		return
	 245  	}
	 246  	key := jarKey(host, j.psList)
	 247  	defPath := defaultPath(u.Path)
	 249  	j.mu.Lock()
	 250  	defer j.mu.Unlock()
	 252  	submap := j.entries[key]
	 254  	modified := false
	 255  	for _, cookie := range cookies {
	 256  		e, remove, err := j.newEntry(cookie, now, defPath, host)
	 257  		if err != nil {
	 258  			continue
	 259  		}
	 260  		id := e.id()
	 261  		if remove {
	 262  			if submap != nil {
	 263  				if _, ok := submap[id]; ok {
	 264  					delete(submap, id)
	 265  					modified = true
	 266  				}
	 267  			}
	 268  			continue
	 269  		}
	 270  		if submap == nil {
	 271  			submap = make(map[string]entry)
	 272  		}
	 274  		if old, ok := submap[id]; ok {
	 275  			e.Creation = old.Creation
	 276  			e.seqNum = old.seqNum
	 277  		} else {
	 278  			e.Creation = now
	 279  			e.seqNum = j.nextSeqNum
	 280  			j.nextSeqNum++
	 281  		}
	 282  		e.LastAccess = now
	 283  		submap[id] = e
	 284  		modified = true
	 285  	}
	 287  	if modified {
	 288  		if len(submap) == 0 {
	 289  			delete(j.entries, key)
	 290  		} else {
	 291  			j.entries[key] = submap
	 292  		}
	 293  	}
	 294  }
	 296  // canonicalHost strips port from host if present and returns the canonicalized
	 297  // host name.
	 298  func canonicalHost(host string) (string, error) {
	 299  	var err error
	 300  	if hasPort(host) {
	 301  		host, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(host)
	 302  		if err != nil {
	 303  			return "", err
	 304  		}
	 305  	}
	 306  	if strings.HasSuffix(host, ".") {
	 307  		// Strip trailing dot from fully qualified domain names.
	 308  		host = host[:len(host)-1]
	 309  	}
	 310  	encoded, err := toASCII(host)
	 311  	if err != nil {
	 312  		return "", err
	 313  	}
	 314  	// We know this is ascii, no need to check.
	 315  	lower, _ := ascii.ToLower(encoded)
	 316  	return lower, nil
	 317  }
	 319  // hasPort reports whether host contains a port number. host may be a host
	 320  // name, an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
	 321  func hasPort(host string) bool {
	 322  	colons := strings.Count(host, ":")
	 323  	if colons == 0 {
	 324  		return false
	 325  	}
	 326  	if colons == 1 {
	 327  		return true
	 328  	}
	 329  	return host[0] == '[' && strings.Contains(host, "]:")
	 330  }
	 332  // jarKey returns the key to use for a jar.
	 333  func jarKey(host string, psl PublicSuffixList) string {
	 334  	if isIP(host) {
	 335  		return host
	 336  	}
	 338  	var i int
	 339  	if psl == nil {
	 340  		i = strings.LastIndex(host, ".")
	 341  		if i <= 0 {
	 342  			return host
	 343  		}
	 344  	} else {
	 345  		suffix := psl.PublicSuffix(host)
	 346  		if suffix == host {
	 347  			return host
	 348  		}
	 349  		i = len(host) - len(suffix)
	 350  		if i <= 0 || host[i-1] != '.' {
	 351  			// The provided public suffix list psl is broken.
	 352  			// Storing cookies under host is a safe stopgap.
	 353  			return host
	 354  		}
	 355  		// Only len(suffix) is used to determine the jar key from
	 356  		// here on, so it is okay if psl.PublicSuffix("www.buggy.psl")
	 357  		// returns "com" as the jar key is generated from host.
	 358  	}
	 359  	prevDot := strings.LastIndex(host[:i-1], ".")
	 360  	return host[prevDot+1:]
	 361  }
	 363  // isIP reports whether host is an IP address.
	 364  func isIP(host string) bool {
	 365  	return net.ParseIP(host) != nil
	 366  }
	 368  // defaultPath returns the directory part of an URL's path according to
	 369  // RFC 6265 section 5.1.4.
	 370  func defaultPath(path string) string {
	 371  	if len(path) == 0 || path[0] != '/' {
	 372  		return "/" // Path is empty or malformed.
	 373  	}
	 375  	i := strings.LastIndex(path, "/") // Path starts with "/", so i != -1.
	 376  	if i == 0 {
	 377  		return "/" // Path has the form "/abc".
	 378  	}
	 379  	return path[:i] // Path is either of form "/abc/xyz" or "/abc/xyz/".
	 380  }
	 382  // newEntry creates an entry from a http.Cookie c. now is the current time and
	 383  // is compared to c.Expires to determine deletion of c. defPath and host are the
	 384  // default-path and the canonical host name of the URL c was received from.
	 385  //
	 386  // remove records whether the jar should delete this cookie, as it has already
	 387  // expired with respect to now. In this case, e may be incomplete, but it will
	 388  // be valid to call e.id (which depends on e's Name, Domain and Path).
	 389  //
	 390  // A malformed c.Domain will result in an error.
	 391  func (j *Jar) newEntry(c *http.Cookie, now time.Time, defPath, host string) (e entry, remove bool, err error) {
	 392  	e.Name = c.Name
	 394  	if c.Path == "" || c.Path[0] != '/' {
	 395  		e.Path = defPath
	 396  	} else {
	 397  		e.Path = c.Path
	 398  	}
	 400  	e.Domain, e.HostOnly, err = j.domainAndType(host, c.Domain)
	 401  	if err != nil {
	 402  		return e, false, err
	 403  	}
	 405  	// MaxAge takes precedence over Expires.
	 406  	if c.MaxAge < 0 {
	 407  		return e, true, nil
	 408  	} else if c.MaxAge > 0 {
	 409  		e.Expires = now.Add(time.Duration(c.MaxAge) * time.Second)
	 410  		e.Persistent = true
	 411  	} else {
	 412  		if c.Expires.IsZero() {
	 413  			e.Expires = endOfTime
	 414  			e.Persistent = false
	 415  		} else {
	 416  			if !c.Expires.After(now) {
	 417  				return e, true, nil
	 418  			}
	 419  			e.Expires = c.Expires
	 420  			e.Persistent = true
	 421  		}
	 422  	}
	 424  	e.Value = c.Value
	 425  	e.Secure = c.Secure
	 426  	e.HttpOnly = c.HttpOnly
	 428  	switch c.SameSite {
	 429  	case http.SameSiteDefaultMode:
	 430  		e.SameSite = "SameSite"
	 431  	case http.SameSiteStrictMode:
	 432  		e.SameSite = "SameSite=Strict"
	 433  	case http.SameSiteLaxMode:
	 434  		e.SameSite = "SameSite=Lax"
	 435  	}
	 437  	return e, false, nil
	 438  }
	 440  var (
	 441  	errIllegalDomain	 = errors.New("cookiejar: illegal cookie domain attribute")
	 442  	errMalformedDomain = errors.New("cookiejar: malformed cookie domain attribute")
	 443  	errNoHostname			= errors.New("cookiejar: no host name available (IP only)")
	 444  )
	 446  // endOfTime is the time when session (non-persistent) cookies expire.
	 447  // This instant is representable in most date/time formats (not just
	 448  // Go's time.Time) and should be far enough in the future.
	 449  var endOfTime = time.Date(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.UTC)
	 451  // domainAndType determines the cookie's domain and hostOnly attribute.
	 452  func (j *Jar) domainAndType(host, domain string) (string, bool, error) {
	 453  	if domain == "" {
	 454  		// No domain attribute in the SetCookie header indicates a
	 455  		// host cookie.
	 456  		return host, true, nil
	 457  	}
	 459  	if isIP(host) {
	 460  		// According to RFC 6265 domain-matching includes not being
	 461  		// an IP address.
	 462  		// TODO: This might be relaxed as in common browsers.
	 463  		return "", false, errNoHostname
	 464  	}
	 466  	// From here on: If the cookie is valid, it is a domain cookie (with
	 467  	// the one exception of a public suffix below).
	 468  	// See RFC 6265 section 5.2.3.
	 469  	if domain[0] == '.' {
	 470  		domain = domain[1:]
	 471  	}
	 473  	if len(domain) == 0 || domain[0] == '.' {
	 474  		// Received either "Domain=." or "Domain=..some.thing",
	 475  		// both are illegal.
	 476  		return "", false, errMalformedDomain
	 477  	}
	 479  	domain, isASCII := ascii.ToLower(domain)
	 480  	if !isASCII {
	 481  		// Received non-ASCII domain, e.g. "perché.com" instead of "xn--perch-fsa.com"
	 482  		return "", false, errMalformedDomain
	 483  	}
	 485  	if domain[len(domain)-1] == '.' {
	 486  		// We received stuff like "Domain=www.example.com.".
	 487  		// Browsers do handle such stuff (actually differently) but
	 488  		// RFC 6265 seems to be clear here (e.g. section in
	 489  		// requiring a reject. is not normative, but
	 490  		// "Domain Matching" (5.1.3) and "Canonicalized Host Names"
	 491  		// (5.1.2) are.
	 492  		return "", false, errMalformedDomain
	 493  	}
	 495  	// See RFC 6265 section 5.3 #5.
	 496  	if j.psList != nil {
	 497  		if ps := j.psList.PublicSuffix(domain); ps != "" && !hasDotSuffix(domain, ps) {
	 498  			if host == domain {
	 499  				// This is the one exception in which a cookie
	 500  				// with a domain attribute is a host cookie.
	 501  				return host, true, nil
	 502  			}
	 503  			return "", false, errIllegalDomain
	 504  		}
	 505  	}
	 507  	// The domain must domain-match host: www.mycompany.com cannot
	 508  	// set cookies for .ourcompetitors.com.
	 509  	if host != domain && !hasDotSuffix(host, domain) {
	 510  		return "", false, errIllegalDomain
	 511  	}
	 513  	return domain, false, nil
	 514  }

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