
Source file src/os/exec.go

Documentation: os

		 1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package os
		 7  import (
		 8  	"errors"
		 9  	"internal/testlog"
		10  	"runtime"
		11  	"sync"
		12  	"sync/atomic"
		13  	"syscall"
		14  	"time"
		15  )
		17  // ErrProcessDone indicates a Process has finished.
		18  var ErrProcessDone = errors.New("os: process already finished")
		20  // Process stores the information about a process created by StartProcess.
		21  type Process struct {
		22  	Pid		int
		23  	handle uintptr			// handle is accessed atomically on Windows
		24  	isdone uint32			 // process has been successfully waited on, non zero if true
		25  	sigMu	sync.RWMutex // avoid race between wait and signal
		26  }
		28  func newProcess(pid int, handle uintptr) *Process {
		29  	p := &Process{Pid: pid, handle: handle}
		30  	runtime.SetFinalizer(p, (*Process).Release)
		31  	return p
		32  }
		34  func (p *Process) setDone() {
		35  	atomic.StoreUint32(&p.isdone, 1)
		36  }
		38  func (p *Process) done() bool {
		39  	return atomic.LoadUint32(&p.isdone) > 0
		40  }
		42  // ProcAttr holds the attributes that will be applied to a new process
		43  // started by StartProcess.
		44  type ProcAttr struct {
		45  	// If Dir is non-empty, the child changes into the directory before
		46  	// creating the process.
		47  	Dir string
		48  	// If Env is non-nil, it gives the environment variables for the
		49  	// new process in the form returned by Environ.
		50  	// If it is nil, the result of Environ will be used.
		51  	Env []string
		52  	// Files specifies the open files inherited by the new process. The
		53  	// first three entries correspond to standard input, standard output, and
		54  	// standard error. An implementation may support additional entries,
		55  	// depending on the underlying operating system. A nil entry corresponds
		56  	// to that file being closed when the process starts.
		57  	// On Unix systems, StartProcess will change these File values
		58  	// to blocking mode, which means that SetDeadline will stop working
		59  	// and calling Close will not interrupt a Read or Write.
		60  	Files []*File
		62  	// Operating system-specific process creation attributes.
		63  	// Note that setting this field means that your program
		64  	// may not execute properly or even compile on some
		65  	// operating systems.
		66  	Sys *syscall.SysProcAttr
		67  }
		69  // A Signal represents an operating system signal.
		70  // The usual underlying implementation is operating system-dependent:
		71  // on Unix it is syscall.Signal.
		72  type Signal interface {
		73  	String() string
		74  	Signal() // to distinguish from other Stringers
		75  }
		77  // Getpid returns the process id of the caller.
		78  func Getpid() int { return syscall.Getpid() }
		80  // Getppid returns the process id of the caller's parent.
		81  func Getppid() int { return syscall.Getppid() }
		83  // FindProcess looks for a running process by its pid.
		84  //
		85  // The Process it returns can be used to obtain information
		86  // about the underlying operating system process.
		87  //
		88  // On Unix systems, FindProcess always succeeds and returns a Process
		89  // for the given pid, regardless of whether the process exists.
		90  func FindProcess(pid int) (*Process, error) {
		91  	return findProcess(pid)
		92  }
		94  // StartProcess starts a new process with the program, arguments and attributes
		95  // specified by name, argv and attr. The argv slice will become os.Args in the
		96  // new process, so it normally starts with the program name.
		97  //
		98  // If the calling goroutine has locked the operating system thread
		99  // with runtime.LockOSThread and modified any inheritable OS-level
	 100  // thread state (for example, Linux or Plan 9 name spaces), the new
	 101  // process will inherit the caller's thread state.
	 102  //
	 103  // StartProcess is a low-level interface. The os/exec package provides
	 104  // higher-level interfaces.
	 105  //
	 106  // If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
	 107  func StartProcess(name string, argv []string, attr *ProcAttr) (*Process, error) {
	 108  	testlog.Open(name)
	 109  	return startProcess(name, argv, attr)
	 110  }
	 112  // Release releases any resources associated with the Process p,
	 113  // rendering it unusable in the future.
	 114  // Release only needs to be called if Wait is not.
	 115  func (p *Process) Release() error {
	 116  	return p.release()
	 117  }
	 119  // Kill causes the Process to exit immediately. Kill does not wait until
	 120  // the Process has actually exited. This only kills the Process itself,
	 121  // not any other processes it may have started.
	 122  func (p *Process) Kill() error {
	 123  	return p.kill()
	 124  }
	 126  // Wait waits for the Process to exit, and then returns a
	 127  // ProcessState describing its status and an error, if any.
	 128  // Wait releases any resources associated with the Process.
	 129  // On most operating systems, the Process must be a child
	 130  // of the current process or an error will be returned.
	 131  func (p *Process) Wait() (*ProcessState, error) {
	 132  	return p.wait()
	 133  }
	 135  // Signal sends a signal to the Process.
	 136  // Sending Interrupt on Windows is not implemented.
	 137  func (p *Process) Signal(sig Signal) error {
	 138  	return p.signal(sig)
	 139  }
	 141  // UserTime returns the user CPU time of the exited process and its children.
	 142  func (p *ProcessState) UserTime() time.Duration {
	 143  	return p.userTime()
	 144  }
	 146  // SystemTime returns the system CPU time of the exited process and its children.
	 147  func (p *ProcessState) SystemTime() time.Duration {
	 148  	return p.systemTime()
	 149  }
	 151  // Exited reports whether the program has exited.
	 152  func (p *ProcessState) Exited() bool {
	 153  	return p.exited()
	 154  }
	 156  // Success reports whether the program exited successfully,
	 157  // such as with exit status 0 on Unix.
	 158  func (p *ProcessState) Success() bool {
	 159  	return p.success()
	 160  }
	 162  // Sys returns system-dependent exit information about
	 163  // the process. Convert it to the appropriate underlying
	 164  // type, such as syscall.WaitStatus on Unix, to access its contents.
	 165  func (p *ProcessState) Sys() interface{} {
	 166  	return p.sys()
	 167  }
	 169  // SysUsage returns system-dependent resource usage information about
	 170  // the exited process. Convert it to the appropriate underlying
	 171  // type, such as *syscall.Rusage on Unix, to access its contents.
	 172  // (On Unix, *syscall.Rusage matches struct rusage as defined in the
	 173  // getrusage(2) manual page.)
	 174  func (p *ProcessState) SysUsage() interface{} {
	 175  	return p.sysUsage()
	 176  }

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