
Source file src/runtime/cpuprof.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  // CPU profiling.
		 6  //
		 7  // The signal handler for the profiling clock tick adds a new stack trace
		 8  // to a log of recent traces. The log is read by a user goroutine that
		 9  // turns it into formatted profile data. If the reader does not keep up
		10  // with the log, those writes will be recorded as a count of lost records.
		11  // The actual profile buffer is in profbuf.go.
		13  package runtime
		15  import (
		16  	"runtime/internal/atomic"
		17  	"runtime/internal/sys"
		18  	"unsafe"
		19  )
		21  const maxCPUProfStack = 64
		23  type cpuProfile struct {
		24  	lock mutex
		25  	on	 bool		 // profiling is on
		26  	log	*profBuf // profile events written here
		28  	// extra holds extra stacks accumulated in addNonGo
		29  	// corresponding to profiling signals arriving on
		30  	// non-Go-created threads. Those stacks are written
		31  	// to log the next time a normal Go thread gets the
		32  	// signal handler.
		33  	// Assuming the stacks are 2 words each (we don't get
		34  	// a full traceback from those threads), plus one word
		35  	// size for framing, 100 Hz profiling would generate
		36  	// 300 words per second.
		37  	// Hopefully a normal Go thread will get the profiling
		38  	// signal at least once every few seconds.
		39  	extra			[1000]uintptr
		40  	numExtra	 int
		41  	lostExtra	uint64 // count of frames lost because extra is full
		42  	lostAtomic uint64 // count of frames lost because of being in atomic64 on mips/arm; updated racily
		43  }
		45  var cpuprof cpuProfile
		47  // SetCPUProfileRate sets the CPU profiling rate to hz samples per second.
		48  // If hz <= 0, SetCPUProfileRate turns off profiling.
		49  // If the profiler is on, the rate cannot be changed without first turning it off.
		50  //
		51  // Most clients should use the runtime/pprof package or
		52  // the testing package's -test.cpuprofile flag instead of calling
		53  // SetCPUProfileRate directly.
		54  func SetCPUProfileRate(hz int) {
		55  	// Clamp hz to something reasonable.
		56  	if hz < 0 {
		57  		hz = 0
		58  	}
		59  	if hz > 1000000 {
		60  		hz = 1000000
		61  	}
		63  	lock(&cpuprof.lock)
		64  	if hz > 0 {
		65  		if cpuprof.on || cpuprof.log != nil {
		66  			print("runtime: cannot set cpu profile rate until previous profile has finished.\n")
		67  			unlock(&cpuprof.lock)
		68  			return
		69  		}
		71  		cpuprof.on = true
		72  		cpuprof.log = newProfBuf(1, 1<<17, 1<<14)
		73  		hdr := [1]uint64{uint64(hz)}
		74  		cpuprof.log.write(nil, nanotime(), hdr[:], nil)
		75  		setcpuprofilerate(int32(hz))
		76  	} else if cpuprof.on {
		77  		setcpuprofilerate(0)
		78  		cpuprof.on = false
		79  		cpuprof.addExtra()
		80  		cpuprof.log.close()
		81  	}
		82  	unlock(&cpuprof.lock)
		83  }
		85  // add adds the stack trace to the profile.
		86  // It is called from signal handlers and other limited environments
		87  // and cannot allocate memory or acquire locks that might be
		88  // held at the time of the signal, nor can it use substantial amounts
		89  // of stack.
		90  //go:nowritebarrierrec
		91  func (p *cpuProfile) add(gp *g, stk []uintptr) {
		92  	// Simple cas-lock to coordinate with setcpuprofilerate.
		93  	for !atomic.Cas(&prof.signalLock, 0, 1) {
		94  		osyield()
		95  	}
		97  	if prof.hz != 0 { // implies cpuprof.log != nil
		98  		if p.numExtra > 0 || p.lostExtra > 0 || p.lostAtomic > 0 {
		99  			p.addExtra()
	 100  		}
	 101  		hdr := [1]uint64{1}
	 102  		// Note: write "knows" that the argument is &gp.labels,
	 103  		// because otherwise its write barrier behavior may not
	 104  		// be correct. See the long comment there before
	 105  		// changing the argument here.
	 106  		//
	 107  		// Note: it can happen on Windows, where we are calling
	 108  		// p.add with a gp that is not the current g, that gp is nil,
	 109  		// meaning we interrupted a system thread with no g.
	 110  		// Avoid faulting in that case.
	 111  		var tagPtr *unsafe.Pointer
	 112  		if gp != nil {
	 113  			tagPtr = &gp.labels
	 114  		}
	 115  		cpuprof.log.write(tagPtr, nanotime(), hdr[:], stk)
	 116  	}
	 118  	atomic.Store(&prof.signalLock, 0)
	 119  }
	 121  // addNonGo adds the non-Go stack trace to the profile.
	 122  // It is called from a non-Go thread, so we cannot use much stack at all,
	 123  // nor do anything that needs a g or an m.
	 124  // In particular, we can't call cpuprof.log.write.
	 125  // Instead, we copy the stack into cpuprof.extra,
	 126  // which will be drained the next time a Go thread
	 127  // gets the signal handling event.
	 128  //go:nosplit
	 129  //go:nowritebarrierrec
	 130  func (p *cpuProfile) addNonGo(stk []uintptr) {
	 131  	// Simple cas-lock to coordinate with SetCPUProfileRate.
	 132  	// (Other calls to add or addNonGo should be blocked out
	 133  	// by the fact that only one SIGPROF can be handled by the
	 134  	// process at a time. If not, this lock will serialize those too.)
	 135  	for !atomic.Cas(&prof.signalLock, 0, 1) {
	 136  		osyield()
	 137  	}
	 139  	if cpuprof.numExtra+1+len(stk) < len(cpuprof.extra) {
	 140  		i := cpuprof.numExtra
	 141  		cpuprof.extra[i] = uintptr(1 + len(stk))
	 142  		copy(cpuprof.extra[i+1:], stk)
	 143  		cpuprof.numExtra += 1 + len(stk)
	 144  	} else {
	 145  		cpuprof.lostExtra++
	 146  	}
	 148  	atomic.Store(&prof.signalLock, 0)
	 149  }
	 151  // addExtra adds the "extra" profiling events,
	 152  // queued by addNonGo, to the profile log.
	 153  // addExtra is called either from a signal handler on a Go thread
	 154  // or from an ordinary goroutine; either way it can use stack
	 155  // and has a g. The world may be stopped, though.
	 156  func (p *cpuProfile) addExtra() {
	 157  	// Copy accumulated non-Go profile events.
	 158  	hdr := [1]uint64{1}
	 159  	for i := 0; i < p.numExtra; {
	 160  		p.log.write(nil, 0, hdr[:], p.extra[i+1:i+int(p.extra[i])])
	 161  		i += int(p.extra[i])
	 162  	}
	 163  	p.numExtra = 0
	 165  	// Report any lost events.
	 166  	if p.lostExtra > 0 {
	 167  		hdr := [1]uint64{p.lostExtra}
	 168  		lostStk := [2]uintptr{
	 169  			funcPC(_LostExternalCode) + sys.PCQuantum,
	 170  			funcPC(_ExternalCode) + sys.PCQuantum,
	 171  		}
	 172  		p.log.write(nil, 0, hdr[:], lostStk[:])
	 173  		p.lostExtra = 0
	 174  	}
	 176  	if p.lostAtomic > 0 {
	 177  		hdr := [1]uint64{p.lostAtomic}
	 178  		lostStk := [2]uintptr{
	 179  			funcPC(_LostSIGPROFDuringAtomic64) + sys.PCQuantum,
	 180  			funcPC(_System) + sys.PCQuantum,
	 181  		}
	 182  		p.log.write(nil, 0, hdr[:], lostStk[:])
	 183  		p.lostAtomic = 0
	 184  	}
	 186  }
	 188  // CPUProfile panics.
	 189  // It formerly provided raw access to chunks of
	 190  // a pprof-format profile generated by the runtime.
	 191  // The details of generating that format have changed,
	 192  // so this functionality has been removed.
	 193  //
	 194  // Deprecated: Use the runtime/pprof package,
	 195  // or the handlers in the net/http/pprof package,
	 196  // or the testing package's -test.cpuprofile flag instead.
	 197  func CPUProfile() []byte {
	 198  	panic("CPUProfile no longer available")
	 199  }
	 201  //go:linkname runtime_pprof_runtime_cyclesPerSecond runtime/pprof.runtime_cyclesPerSecond
	 202  func runtime_pprof_runtime_cyclesPerSecond() int64 {
	 203  	return tickspersecond()
	 204  }
	 206  // readProfile, provided to runtime/pprof, returns the next chunk of
	 207  // binary CPU profiling stack trace data, blocking until data is available.
	 208  // If profiling is turned off and all the profile data accumulated while it was
	 209  // on has been returned, readProfile returns eof=true.
	 210  // The caller must save the returned data and tags before calling readProfile again.
	 211  //
	 212  //go:linkname runtime_pprof_readProfile runtime/pprof.readProfile
	 213  func runtime_pprof_readProfile() ([]uint64, []unsafe.Pointer, bool) {
	 214  	lock(&cpuprof.lock)
	 215  	log := cpuprof.log
	 216  	unlock(&cpuprof.lock)
	 217  	data, tags, eof := log.read(profBufBlocking)
	 218  	if len(data) == 0 && eof {
	 219  		lock(&cpuprof.lock)
	 220  		cpuprof.log = nil
	 221  		unlock(&cpuprof.lock)
	 222  	}
	 223  	return data, tags, eof
	 224  }

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