
Source file src/runtime/debug/garbage.go

Documentation: runtime/debug

		 1  // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package debug
		 7  import (
		 8  	"runtime"
		 9  	"sort"
		10  	"time"
		11  )
		13  // GCStats collect information about recent garbage collections.
		14  type GCStats struct {
		15  	LastGC				 time.Time			 // time of last collection
		16  	NumGC					int64					 // number of garbage collections
		17  	PauseTotal		 time.Duration	 // total pause for all collections
		18  	Pause					[]time.Duration // pause history, most recent first
		19  	PauseEnd			 []time.Time		 // pause end times history, most recent first
		20  	PauseQuantiles []time.Duration
		21  }
		23  // ReadGCStats reads statistics about garbage collection into stats.
		24  // The number of entries in the pause history is system-dependent;
		25  // stats.Pause slice will be reused if large enough, reallocated otherwise.
		26  // ReadGCStats may use the full capacity of the stats.Pause slice.
		27  // If stats.PauseQuantiles is non-empty, ReadGCStats fills it with quantiles
		28  // summarizing the distribution of pause time. For example, if
		29  // len(stats.PauseQuantiles) is 5, it will be filled with the minimum,
		30  // 25%, 50%, 75%, and maximum pause times.
		31  func ReadGCStats(stats *GCStats) {
		32  	// Create a buffer with space for at least two copies of the
		33  	// pause history tracked by the runtime. One will be returned
		34  	// to the caller and the other will be used as transfer buffer
		35  	// for end times history and as a temporary buffer for
		36  	// computing quantiles.
		37  	const maxPause = len(((*runtime.MemStats)(nil)).PauseNs)
		38  	if cap(stats.Pause) < 2*maxPause+3 {
		39  		stats.Pause = make([]time.Duration, 2*maxPause+3)
		40  	}
		42  	// readGCStats fills in the pause and end times histories (up to
		43  	// maxPause entries) and then three more: Unix ns time of last GC,
		44  	// number of GC, and total pause time in nanoseconds. Here we
		45  	// depend on the fact that time.Duration's native unit is
		46  	// nanoseconds, so the pauses and the total pause time do not need
		47  	// any conversion.
		48  	readGCStats(&stats.Pause)
		49  	n := len(stats.Pause) - 3
		50  	stats.LastGC = time.Unix(0, int64(stats.Pause[n]))
		51  	stats.NumGC = int64(stats.Pause[n+1])
		52  	stats.PauseTotal = stats.Pause[n+2]
		53  	n /= 2 // buffer holds pauses and end times
		54  	stats.Pause = stats.Pause[:n]
		56  	if cap(stats.PauseEnd) < maxPause {
		57  		stats.PauseEnd = make([]time.Time, 0, maxPause)
		58  	}
		59  	stats.PauseEnd = stats.PauseEnd[:0]
		60  	for _, ns := range stats.Pause[n : n+n] {
		61  		stats.PauseEnd = append(stats.PauseEnd, time.Unix(0, int64(ns)))
		62  	}
		64  	if len(stats.PauseQuantiles) > 0 {
		65  		if n == 0 {
		66  			for i := range stats.PauseQuantiles {
		67  				stats.PauseQuantiles[i] = 0
		68  			}
		69  		} else {
		70  			// There's room for a second copy of the data in stats.Pause.
		71  			// See the allocation at the top of the function.
		72  			sorted := stats.Pause[n : n+n]
		73  			copy(sorted, stats.Pause)
		74  			sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { return sorted[i] < sorted[j] })
		75  			nq := len(stats.PauseQuantiles) - 1
		76  			for i := 0; i < nq; i++ {
		77  				stats.PauseQuantiles[i] = sorted[len(sorted)*i/nq]
		78  			}
		79  			stats.PauseQuantiles[nq] = sorted[len(sorted)-1]
		80  		}
		81  	}
		82  }
		84  // SetGCPercent sets the garbage collection target percentage:
		85  // a collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data
		86  // to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage.
		87  // SetGCPercent returns the previous setting.
		88  // The initial setting is the value of the GOGC environment variable
		89  // at startup, or 100 if the variable is not set.
		90  // A negative percentage disables garbage collection.
		91  func SetGCPercent(percent int) int {
		92  	return int(setGCPercent(int32(percent)))
		93  }
		95  // FreeOSMemory forces a garbage collection followed by an
		96  // attempt to return as much memory to the operating system
		97  // as possible. (Even if this is not called, the runtime gradually
		98  // returns memory to the operating system in a background task.)
		99  func FreeOSMemory() {
	 100  	freeOSMemory()
	 101  }
	 103  // SetMaxStack sets the maximum amount of memory that
	 104  // can be used by a single goroutine stack.
	 105  // If any goroutine exceeds this limit while growing its stack,
	 106  // the program crashes.
	 107  // SetMaxStack returns the previous setting.
	 108  // The initial setting is 1 GB on 64-bit systems, 250 MB on 32-bit systems.
	 109  // There may be a system-imposed maximum stack limit regardless
	 110  // of the value provided to SetMaxStack.
	 111  //
	 112  // SetMaxStack is useful mainly for limiting the damage done by
	 113  // goroutines that enter an infinite recursion. It only limits future
	 114  // stack growth.
	 115  func SetMaxStack(bytes int) int {
	 116  	return setMaxStack(bytes)
	 117  }
	 119  // SetMaxThreads sets the maximum number of operating system
	 120  // threads that the Go program can use. If it attempts to use more than
	 121  // this many, the program crashes.
	 122  // SetMaxThreads returns the previous setting.
	 123  // The initial setting is 10,000 threads.
	 124  //
	 125  // The limit controls the number of operating system threads, not the number
	 126  // of goroutines. A Go program creates a new thread only when a goroutine
	 127  // is ready to run but all the existing threads are blocked in system calls, cgo calls,
	 128  // or are locked to other goroutines due to use of runtime.LockOSThread.
	 129  //
	 130  // SetMaxThreads is useful mainly for limiting the damage done by
	 131  // programs that create an unbounded number of threads. The idea is
	 132  // to take down the program before it takes down the operating system.
	 133  func SetMaxThreads(threads int) int {
	 134  	return setMaxThreads(threads)
	 135  }
	 137  // SetPanicOnFault controls the runtime's behavior when a program faults
	 138  // at an unexpected (non-nil) address. Such faults are typically caused by
	 139  // bugs such as runtime memory corruption, so the default response is to crash
	 140  // the program. Programs working with memory-mapped files or unsafe
	 141  // manipulation of memory may cause faults at non-nil addresses in less
	 142  // dramatic situations; SetPanicOnFault allows such programs to request
	 143  // that the runtime trigger only a panic, not a crash.
	 144  // The runtime.Error that the runtime panics with may have an additional method:
	 145  //		 Addr() uintptr
	 146  // If that method exists, it returns the memory address which triggered the fault.
	 147  // The results of Addr are best-effort and the veracity of the result
	 148  // may depend on the platform.
	 149  // SetPanicOnFault applies only to the current goroutine.
	 150  // It returns the previous setting.
	 151  func SetPanicOnFault(enabled bool) bool {
	 152  	return setPanicOnFault(enabled)
	 153  }
	 155  // WriteHeapDump writes a description of the heap and the objects in
	 156  // it to the given file descriptor.
	 157  //
	 158  // WriteHeapDump suspends the execution of all goroutines until the heap
	 159  // dump is completely written.	Thus, the file descriptor must not be
	 160  // connected to a pipe or socket whose other end is in the same Go
	 161  // process; instead, use a temporary file or network socket.
	 162  //
	 163  // The heap dump format is defined at https://golang.org/s/go15heapdump.
	 164  func WriteHeapDump(fd uintptr)
	 166  // SetTraceback sets the amount of detail printed by the runtime in
	 167  // the traceback it prints before exiting due to an unrecovered panic
	 168  // or an internal runtime error.
	 169  // The level argument takes the same values as the GOTRACEBACK
	 170  // environment variable. For example, SetTraceback("all") ensure
	 171  // that the program prints all goroutines when it crashes.
	 172  // See the package runtime documentation for details.
	 173  // If SetTraceback is called with a level lower than that of the
	 174  // environment variable, the call is ignored.
	 175  func SetTraceback(level string)

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