
Source file src/runtime/example_test.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package runtime_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	"fmt"
		 9  	"runtime"
		10  	"strings"
		11  )
		13  func ExampleFrames() {
		14  	c := func() {
		15  		// Ask runtime.Callers for up to 10 PCs, including runtime.Callers itself.
		16  		pc := make([]uintptr, 10)
		17  		n := runtime.Callers(0, pc)
		18  		if n == 0 {
		19  			// No PCs available. This can happen if the first argument to
		20  			// runtime.Callers is large.
		21  			//
		22  			// Return now to avoid processing the zero Frame that would
		23  			// otherwise be returned by frames.Next below.
		24  			return
		25  		}
		27  		pc = pc[:n] // pass only valid pcs to runtime.CallersFrames
		28  		frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pc)
		30  		// Loop to get frames.
		31  		// A fixed number of PCs can expand to an indefinite number of Frames.
		32  		for {
		33  			frame, more := frames.Next()
		35  			// Process this frame.
		36  			//
		37  			// To keep this example's output stable
		38  			// even if there are changes in the testing package,
		39  			// stop unwinding when we leave package runtime.
		40  			if !strings.Contains(frame.File, "runtime/") {
		41  				break
		42  			}
		43  			fmt.Printf("- more:%v | %s\n", more, frame.Function)
		45  			// Check whether there are more frames to process after this one.
		46  			if !more {
		47  				break
		48  			}
		49  		}
		50  	}
		52  	b := func() { c() }
		53  	a := func() { b() }
		55  	a()
		56  	// Output:
		57  	// - more:true | runtime.Callers
		58  	// - more:true | runtime_test.ExampleFrames.func1
		59  	// - more:true | runtime_test.ExampleFrames.func2
		60  	// - more:true | runtime_test.ExampleFrames.func3
		61  	// - more:true | runtime_test.ExampleFrames
		62  }

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