
Source file src/runtime/gc_test.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package runtime_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	"fmt"
		 9  	"math/rand"
		10  	"os"
		11  	"reflect"
		12  	"runtime"
		13  	"runtime/debug"
		14  	"sort"
		15  	"strings"
		16  	"sync"
		17  	"sync/atomic"
		18  	"testing"
		19  	"time"
		20  	"unsafe"
		21  )
		23  func TestGcSys(t *testing.T) {
		24  	t.Skip("skipping known-flaky test; golang.org/issue/37331")
		25  	if os.Getenv("GOGC") == "off" {
		26  		t.Skip("skipping test; GOGC=off in environment")
		27  	}
		28  	got := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "GCSys")
		29  	want := "OK\n"
		30  	if got != want {
		31  		t.Fatalf("expected %q, but got %q", want, got)
		32  	}
		33  }
		35  func TestGcDeepNesting(t *testing.T) {
		36  	type T [2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]*int
		37  	a := new(T)
		39  	// Prevent the compiler from applying escape analysis.
		40  	// This makes sure new(T) is allocated on heap, not on the stack.
		41  	t.Logf("%p", a)
		43  	a[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0] = new(int)
		44  	*a[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0] = 13
		45  	runtime.GC()
		46  	if *a[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0] != 13 {
		47  		t.Fail()
		48  	}
		49  }
		51  func TestGcMapIndirection(t *testing.T) {
		52  	defer debug.SetGCPercent(debug.SetGCPercent(1))
		53  	runtime.GC()
		54  	type T struct {
		55  		a [256]int
		56  	}
		57  	m := make(map[T]T)
		58  	for i := 0; i < 2000; i++ {
		59  		var a T
		60  		a.a[0] = i
		61  		m[a] = T{}
		62  	}
		63  }
		65  func TestGcArraySlice(t *testing.T) {
		66  	type X struct {
		67  		buf		 [1]byte
		68  		nextbuf []byte
		69  		next		*X
		70  	}
		71  	var head *X
		72  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		73  		p := &X{}
		74  		p.buf[0] = 42
		75  		p.next = head
		76  		if head != nil {
		77  			p.nextbuf = head.buf[:]
		78  		}
		79  		head = p
		80  		runtime.GC()
		81  	}
		82  	for p := head; p != nil; p = p.next {
		83  		if p.buf[0] != 42 {
		84  			t.Fatal("corrupted heap")
		85  		}
		86  	}
		87  }
		89  func TestGcRescan(t *testing.T) {
		90  	type X struct {
		91  		c		 chan error
		92  		nextx *X
		93  	}
		94  	type Y struct {
		95  		X
		96  		nexty *Y
		97  		p		 *int
		98  	}
		99  	var head *Y
	 100  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
	 101  		p := &Y{}
	 102  		p.c = make(chan error)
	 103  		if head != nil {
	 104  			p.nextx = &head.X
	 105  		}
	 106  		p.nexty = head
	 107  		p.p = new(int)
	 108  		*p.p = 42
	 109  		head = p
	 110  		runtime.GC()
	 111  	}
	 112  	for p := head; p != nil; p = p.nexty {
	 113  		if *p.p != 42 {
	 114  			t.Fatal("corrupted heap")
	 115  		}
	 116  	}
	 117  }
	 119  func TestGcLastTime(t *testing.T) {
	 120  	ms := new(runtime.MemStats)
	 121  	t0 := time.Now().UnixNano()
	 122  	runtime.GC()
	 123  	t1 := time.Now().UnixNano()
	 124  	runtime.ReadMemStats(ms)
	 125  	last := int64(ms.LastGC)
	 126  	if t0 > last || last > t1 {
	 127  		t.Fatalf("bad last GC time: got %v, want [%v, %v]", last, t0, t1)
	 128  	}
	 129  	pause := ms.PauseNs[(ms.NumGC+255)%256]
	 130  	// Due to timer granularity, pause can actually be 0 on windows
	 131  	// or on virtualized environments.
	 132  	if pause == 0 {
	 133  		t.Logf("last GC pause was 0")
	 134  	} else if pause > 10e9 {
	 135  		t.Logf("bad last GC pause: got %v, want [0, 10e9]", pause)
	 136  	}
	 137  }
	 139  var hugeSink interface{}
	 141  func TestHugeGCInfo(t *testing.T) {
	 142  	// The test ensures that compiler can chew these huge types even on weakest machines.
	 143  	// The types are not allocated at runtime.
	 144  	if hugeSink != nil {
	 145  		// 400MB on 32 bots, 4TB on 64-bits.
	 146  		const n = (400 << 20) + (unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))-4)<<40
	 147  		hugeSink = new([n]*byte)
	 148  		hugeSink = new([n]uintptr)
	 149  		hugeSink = new(struct {
	 150  			x float64
	 151  			y [n]*byte
	 152  			z []string
	 153  		})
	 154  		hugeSink = new(struct {
	 155  			x float64
	 156  			y [n]uintptr
	 157  			z []string
	 158  		})
	 159  	}
	 160  }
	 162  func TestPeriodicGC(t *testing.T) {
	 163  	if runtime.GOARCH == "wasm" {
	 164  		t.Skip("no sysmon on wasm yet")
	 165  	}
	 167  	// Make sure we're not in the middle of a GC.
	 168  	runtime.GC()
	 170  	var ms1, ms2 runtime.MemStats
	 171  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms1)
	 173  	// Make periodic GC run continuously.
	 174  	orig := *runtime.ForceGCPeriod
	 175  	*runtime.ForceGCPeriod = 0
	 177  	// Let some periodic GCs happen. In a heavily loaded system,
	 178  	// it's possible these will be delayed, so this is designed to
	 179  	// succeed quickly if things are working, but to give it some
	 180  	// slack if things are slow.
	 181  	var numGCs uint32
	 182  	const want = 2
	 183  	for i := 0; i < 200 && numGCs < want; i++ {
	 184  		time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
	 186  		// Test that periodic GC actually happened.
	 187  		runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms2)
	 188  		numGCs = ms2.NumGC - ms1.NumGC
	 189  	}
	 190  	*runtime.ForceGCPeriod = orig
	 192  	if numGCs < want {
	 193  		t.Fatalf("no periodic GC: got %v GCs, want >= 2", numGCs)
	 194  	}
	 195  }
	 197  func TestGcZombieReporting(t *testing.T) {
	 198  	// This test is somewhat sensitive to how the allocator works.
	 199  	got := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "GCZombie")
	 200  	want := "found pointer to free object"
	 201  	if !strings.Contains(got, want) {
	 202  		t.Fatalf("expected %q in output, but got %q", want, got)
	 203  	}
	 204  }
	 206  func TestGCTestMoveStackOnNextCall(t *testing.T) {
	 207  	t.Parallel()
	 208  	var onStack int
	 209  	// GCTestMoveStackOnNextCall can fail in rare cases if there's
	 210  	// a preemption. This won't happen many times in quick
	 211  	// succession, so just retry a few times.
	 212  	for retry := 0; retry < 5; retry++ {
	 213  		runtime.GCTestMoveStackOnNextCall()
	 214  		if moveStackCheck(t, &onStack, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&onStack))) {
	 215  			// Passed.
	 216  			return
	 217  		}
	 218  	}
	 219  	t.Fatal("stack did not move")
	 220  }
	 222  // This must not be inlined because the point is to force a stack
	 223  // growth check and move the stack.
	 224  //
	 225  //go:noinline
	 226  func moveStackCheck(t *testing.T, new *int, old uintptr) bool {
	 227  	// new should have been updated by the stack move;
	 228  	// old should not have.
	 230  	// Capture new's value before doing anything that could
	 231  	// further move the stack.
	 232  	new2 := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new))
	 234  	t.Logf("old stack pointer %x, new stack pointer %x", old, new2)
	 235  	if new2 == old {
	 236  		// Check that we didn't screw up the test's escape analysis.
	 237  		if cls := runtime.GCTestPointerClass(unsafe.Pointer(new)); cls != "stack" {
	 238  			t.Fatalf("test bug: new (%#x) should be a stack pointer, not %s", new2, cls)
	 239  		}
	 240  		// This was a real failure.
	 241  		return false
	 242  	}
	 243  	return true
	 244  }
	 246  func TestGCTestMoveStackRepeatedly(t *testing.T) {
	 247  	// Move the stack repeatedly to make sure we're not doubling
	 248  	// it each time.
	 249  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
	 250  		runtime.GCTestMoveStackOnNextCall()
	 251  		moveStack1(false)
	 252  	}
	 253  }
	 255  //go:noinline
	 256  func moveStack1(x bool) {
	 257  	// Make sure this function doesn't get auto-nosplit.
	 258  	if x {
	 259  		println("x")
	 260  	}
	 261  }
	 263  func TestGCTestIsReachable(t *testing.T) {
	 264  	var all, half []unsafe.Pointer
	 265  	var want uint64
	 266  	for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
	 267  		// The tiny allocator muddies things, so we use a
	 268  		// scannable type.
	 269  		p := unsafe.Pointer(new(*int))
	 270  		all = append(all, p)
	 271  		if i%2 == 0 {
	 272  			half = append(half, p)
	 273  			want |= 1 << i
	 274  		}
	 275  	}
	 277  	got := runtime.GCTestIsReachable(all...)
	 278  	if want != got {
	 279  		t.Fatalf("did not get expected reachable set; want %b, got %b", want, got)
	 280  	}
	 281  	runtime.KeepAlive(half)
	 282  }
	 284  var pointerClassSink *int
	 285  var pointerClassData = 42
	 287  func TestGCTestPointerClass(t *testing.T) {
	 288  	t.Parallel()
	 289  	check := func(p unsafe.Pointer, want string) {
	 290  		t.Helper()
	 291  		got := runtime.GCTestPointerClass(p)
	 292  		if got != want {
	 293  			// Convert the pointer to a uintptr to avoid
	 294  			// escaping it.
	 295  			t.Errorf("for %#x, want class %s, got %s", uintptr(p), want, got)
	 296  		}
	 297  	}
	 298  	var onStack int
	 299  	var notOnStack int
	 300  	pointerClassSink = &notOnStack
	 301  	check(unsafe.Pointer(&onStack), "stack")
	 302  	check(unsafe.Pointer(&notOnStack), "heap")
	 303  	check(unsafe.Pointer(&pointerClassSink), "bss")
	 304  	check(unsafe.Pointer(&pointerClassData), "data")
	 305  	check(nil, "other")
	 306  }
	 308  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr(b *testing.B) {
	 309  	benchSetType(b, new(*byte))
	 310  }
	 312  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr8(b *testing.B) {
	 313  	benchSetType(b, new([8]*byte))
	 314  }
	 316  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr16(b *testing.B) {
	 317  	benchSetType(b, new([16]*byte))
	 318  }
	 320  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr32(b *testing.B) {
	 321  	benchSetType(b, new([32]*byte))
	 322  }
	 324  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr64(b *testing.B) {
	 325  	benchSetType(b, new([64]*byte))
	 326  }
	 328  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr126(b *testing.B) {
	 329  	benchSetType(b, new([126]*byte))
	 330  }
	 332  func BenchmarkSetTypePtr128(b *testing.B) {
	 333  	benchSetType(b, new([128]*byte))
	 334  }
	 336  func BenchmarkSetTypePtrSlice(b *testing.B) {
	 337  	benchSetType(b, make([]*byte, 1<<10))
	 338  }
	 340  type Node1 struct {
	 341  	Value			 [1]uintptr
	 342  	Left, Right *byte
	 343  }
	 345  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode1(b *testing.B) {
	 346  	benchSetType(b, new(Node1))
	 347  }
	 349  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode1Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 350  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node1, 32))
	 351  }
	 353  type Node8 struct {
	 354  	Value			 [8]uintptr
	 355  	Left, Right *byte
	 356  }
	 358  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode8(b *testing.B) {
	 359  	benchSetType(b, new(Node8))
	 360  }
	 362  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode8Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 363  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node8, 32))
	 364  }
	 366  type Node64 struct {
	 367  	Value			 [64]uintptr
	 368  	Left, Right *byte
	 369  }
	 371  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode64(b *testing.B) {
	 372  	benchSetType(b, new(Node64))
	 373  }
	 375  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 376  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node64, 32))
	 377  }
	 379  type Node64Dead struct {
	 380  	Left, Right *byte
	 381  	Value			 [64]uintptr
	 382  }
	 384  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Dead(b *testing.B) {
	 385  	benchSetType(b, new(Node64Dead))
	 386  }
	 388  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode64DeadSlice(b *testing.B) {
	 389  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node64Dead, 32))
	 390  }
	 392  type Node124 struct {
	 393  	Value			 [124]uintptr
	 394  	Left, Right *byte
	 395  }
	 397  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode124(b *testing.B) {
	 398  	benchSetType(b, new(Node124))
	 399  }
	 401  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode124Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 402  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node124, 32))
	 403  }
	 405  type Node126 struct {
	 406  	Value			 [126]uintptr
	 407  	Left, Right *byte
	 408  }
	 410  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode126(b *testing.B) {
	 411  	benchSetType(b, new(Node126))
	 412  }
	 414  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode126Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 415  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node126, 32))
	 416  }
	 418  type Node128 struct {
	 419  	Value			 [128]uintptr
	 420  	Left, Right *byte
	 421  }
	 423  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode128(b *testing.B) {
	 424  	benchSetType(b, new(Node128))
	 425  }
	 427  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode128Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 428  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node128, 32))
	 429  }
	 431  type Node130 struct {
	 432  	Value			 [130]uintptr
	 433  	Left, Right *byte
	 434  }
	 436  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode130(b *testing.B) {
	 437  	benchSetType(b, new(Node130))
	 438  }
	 440  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode130Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 441  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node130, 32))
	 442  }
	 444  type Node1024 struct {
	 445  	Value			 [1024]uintptr
	 446  	Left, Right *byte
	 447  }
	 449  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024(b *testing.B) {
	 450  	benchSetType(b, new(Node1024))
	 451  }
	 453  func BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024Slice(b *testing.B) {
	 454  	benchSetType(b, make([]Node1024, 32))
	 455  }
	 457  func benchSetType(b *testing.B, x interface{}) {
	 458  	v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
	 459  	t := v.Type()
	 460  	switch t.Kind() {
	 461  	case reflect.Ptr:
	 462  		b.SetBytes(int64(t.Elem().Size()))
	 463  	case reflect.Slice:
	 464  		b.SetBytes(int64(t.Elem().Size()) * int64(v.Len()))
	 465  	}
	 466  	b.ResetTimer()
	 467  	runtime.BenchSetType(b.N, x)
	 468  }
	 470  func BenchmarkAllocation(b *testing.B) {
	 471  	type T struct {
	 472  		x, y *byte
	 473  	}
	 474  	ngo := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
	 475  	work := make(chan bool, b.N+ngo)
	 476  	result := make(chan *T)
	 477  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	 478  		work <- true
	 479  	}
	 480  	for i := 0; i < ngo; i++ {
	 481  		work <- false
	 482  	}
	 483  	for i := 0; i < ngo; i++ {
	 484  		go func() {
	 485  			var x *T
	 486  			for <-work {
	 487  				for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
	 488  					x = &T{}
	 489  				}
	 490  			}
	 491  			result <- x
	 492  		}()
	 493  	}
	 494  	for i := 0; i < ngo; i++ {
	 495  		<-result
	 496  	}
	 497  }
	 499  func TestPrintGC(t *testing.T) {
	 500  	if testing.Short() {
	 501  		t.Skip("Skipping in short mode")
	 502  	}
	 503  	defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2))
	 504  	done := make(chan bool)
	 505  	go func() {
	 506  		for {
	 507  			select {
	 508  			case <-done:
	 509  				return
	 510  			default:
	 511  				runtime.GC()
	 512  			}
	 513  		}
	 514  	}()
	 515  	for i := 0; i < 1e4; i++ {
	 516  		func() {
	 517  			defer print("")
	 518  		}()
	 519  	}
	 520  	close(done)
	 521  }
	 523  func testTypeSwitch(x interface{}) error {
	 524  	switch y := x.(type) {
	 525  	case nil:
	 526  		// ok
	 527  	case error:
	 528  		return y
	 529  	}
	 530  	return nil
	 531  }
	 533  func testAssert(x interface{}) error {
	 534  	if y, ok := x.(error); ok {
	 535  		return y
	 536  	}
	 537  	return nil
	 538  }
	 540  func testAssertVar(x interface{}) error {
	 541  	var y, ok = x.(error)
	 542  	if ok {
	 543  		return y
	 544  	}
	 545  	return nil
	 546  }
	 548  var a bool
	 550  //go:noinline
	 551  func testIfaceEqual(x interface{}) {
	 552  	if x == "abc" {
	 553  		a = true
	 554  	}
	 555  }
	 557  func TestPageAccounting(t *testing.T) {
	 558  	// Grow the heap in small increments. This used to drop the
	 559  	// pages-in-use count below zero because of a rounding
	 560  	// mismatch (golang.org/issue/15022).
	 561  	const blockSize = 64 << 10
	 562  	blocks := make([]*[blockSize]byte, (64<<20)/blockSize)
	 563  	for i := range blocks {
	 564  		blocks[i] = new([blockSize]byte)
	 565  	}
	 567  	// Check that the running page count matches reality.
	 568  	pagesInUse, counted := runtime.CountPagesInUse()
	 569  	if pagesInUse != counted {
	 570  		t.Fatalf("mheap_.pagesInUse is %d, but direct count is %d", pagesInUse, counted)
	 571  	}
	 572  }
	 574  func TestReadMemStats(t *testing.T) {
	 575  	base, slow := runtime.ReadMemStatsSlow()
	 576  	if base != slow {
	 577  		logDiff(t, "MemStats", reflect.ValueOf(base), reflect.ValueOf(slow))
	 578  		t.Fatal("memstats mismatch")
	 579  	}
	 580  }
	 582  func logDiff(t *testing.T, prefix string, got, want reflect.Value) {
	 583  	typ := got.Type()
	 584  	switch typ.Kind() {
	 585  	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
	 586  		if got.Len() != want.Len() {
	 587  			t.Logf("len(%s): got %v, want %v", prefix, got, want)
	 588  			return
	 589  		}
	 590  		for i := 0; i < got.Len(); i++ {
	 591  			logDiff(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", prefix, i), got.Index(i), want.Index(i))
	 592  		}
	 593  	case reflect.Struct:
	 594  		for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
	 595  			gf, wf := got.Field(i), want.Field(i)
	 596  			logDiff(t, prefix+"."+typ.Field(i).Name, gf, wf)
	 597  		}
	 598  	case reflect.Map:
	 599  		t.Fatal("not implemented: logDiff for map")
	 600  	default:
	 601  		if got.Interface() != want.Interface() {
	 602  			t.Logf("%s: got %v, want %v", prefix, got, want)
	 603  		}
	 604  	}
	 605  }
	 607  func BenchmarkReadMemStats(b *testing.B) {
	 608  	var ms runtime.MemStats
	 609  	const heapSize = 100 << 20
	 610  	x := make([]*[1024]byte, heapSize/1024)
	 611  	for i := range x {
	 612  		x[i] = new([1024]byte)
	 613  	}
	 614  	hugeSink = x
	 616  	b.ResetTimer()
	 617  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	 618  		runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms)
	 619  	}
	 621  	hugeSink = nil
	 622  }
	 624  func applyGCLoad(b *testing.B) func() {
	 625  	// We’ll apply load to the runtime with maxProcs-1 goroutines
	 626  	// and use one more to actually benchmark. It doesn't make sense
	 627  	// to try to run this test with only 1 P (that's what
	 628  	// BenchmarkReadMemStats is for).
	 629  	maxProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
	 630  	if maxProcs == 1 {
	 631  		b.Skip("This benchmark can only be run with GOMAXPROCS > 1")
	 632  	}
	 634  	// Code to build a big tree with lots of pointers.
	 635  	type node struct {
	 636  		children [16]*node
	 637  	}
	 638  	var buildTree func(depth int) *node
	 639  	buildTree = func(depth int) *node {
	 640  		tree := new(node)
	 641  		if depth != 0 {
	 642  			for i := range tree.children {
	 643  				tree.children[i] = buildTree(depth - 1)
	 644  			}
	 645  		}
	 646  		return tree
	 647  	}
	 649  	// Keep the GC busy by continuously generating large trees.
	 650  	done := make(chan struct{})
	 651  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	 652  	for i := 0; i < maxProcs-1; i++ {
	 653  		wg.Add(1)
	 654  		go func() {
	 655  			defer wg.Done()
	 656  			var hold *node
	 657  		loop:
	 658  			for {
	 659  				hold = buildTree(5)
	 660  				select {
	 661  				case <-done:
	 662  					break loop
	 663  				default:
	 664  				}
	 665  			}
	 666  			runtime.KeepAlive(hold)
	 667  		}()
	 668  	}
	 669  	return func() {
	 670  		close(done)
	 671  		wg.Wait()
	 672  	}
	 673  }
	 675  func BenchmarkReadMemStatsLatency(b *testing.B) {
	 676  	stop := applyGCLoad(b)
	 678  	// Spend this much time measuring latencies.
	 679  	latencies := make([]time.Duration, 0, 1024)
	 681  	// Run for timeToBench hitting ReadMemStats continuously
	 682  	// and measuring the latency.
	 683  	b.ResetTimer()
	 684  	var ms runtime.MemStats
	 685  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	 686  		// Sleep for a bit, otherwise we're just going to keep
	 687  		// stopping the world and no one will get to do anything.
	 688  		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	 689  		start := time.Now()
	 690  		runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms)
	 691  		latencies = append(latencies, time.Now().Sub(start))
	 692  	}
	 693  	// Make sure to stop the timer before we wait! The load created above
	 694  	// is very heavy-weight and not easy to stop, so we could end up
	 695  	// confusing the benchmarking framework for small b.N.
	 696  	b.StopTimer()
	 697  	stop()
	 699  	// Disable the default */op metrics.
	 700  	// ns/op doesn't mean anything because it's an average, but we
	 701  	// have a sleep in our b.N loop above which skews this significantly.
	 702  	b.ReportMetric(0, "ns/op")
	 703  	b.ReportMetric(0, "B/op")
	 704  	b.ReportMetric(0, "allocs/op")
	 706  	// Sort latencies then report percentiles.
	 707  	sort.Slice(latencies, func(i, j int) bool {
	 708  		return latencies[i] < latencies[j]
	 709  	})
	 710  	b.ReportMetric(float64(latencies[len(latencies)*50/100]), "p50-ns")
	 711  	b.ReportMetric(float64(latencies[len(latencies)*90/100]), "p90-ns")
	 712  	b.ReportMetric(float64(latencies[len(latencies)*99/100]), "p99-ns")
	 713  }
	 715  func TestUserForcedGC(t *testing.T) {
	 716  	// Test that runtime.GC() triggers a GC even if GOGC=off.
	 717  	defer debug.SetGCPercent(debug.SetGCPercent(-1))
	 719  	var ms1, ms2 runtime.MemStats
	 720  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms1)
	 721  	runtime.GC()
	 722  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms2)
	 723  	if ms1.NumGC == ms2.NumGC {
	 724  		t.Fatalf("runtime.GC() did not trigger GC")
	 725  	}
	 726  	if ms1.NumForcedGC == ms2.NumForcedGC {
	 727  		t.Fatalf("runtime.GC() was not accounted in NumForcedGC")
	 728  	}
	 729  }
	 731  func writeBarrierBenchmark(b *testing.B, f func()) {
	 732  	runtime.GC()
	 733  	var ms runtime.MemStats
	 734  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms)
	 735  	//b.Logf("heap size: %d MB", ms.HeapAlloc>>20)
	 737  	// Keep GC running continuously during the benchmark, which in
	 738  	// turn keeps the write barrier on continuously.
	 739  	var stop uint32
	 740  	done := make(chan bool)
	 741  	go func() {
	 742  		for atomic.LoadUint32(&stop) == 0 {
	 743  			runtime.GC()
	 744  		}
	 745  		close(done)
	 746  	}()
	 747  	defer func() {
	 748  		atomic.StoreUint32(&stop, 1)
	 749  		<-done
	 750  	}()
	 752  	b.ResetTimer()
	 753  	f()
	 754  	b.StopTimer()
	 755  }
	 757  func BenchmarkWriteBarrier(b *testing.B) {
	 758  	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) < 2 {
	 759  		// We don't want GC to take our time.
	 760  		b.Skip("need GOMAXPROCS >= 2")
	 761  	}
	 763  	// Construct a large tree both so the GC runs for a while and
	 764  	// so we have a data structure to manipulate the pointers of.
	 765  	type node struct {
	 766  		l, r *node
	 767  	}
	 768  	var wbRoots []*node
	 769  	var mkTree func(level int) *node
	 770  	mkTree = func(level int) *node {
	 771  		if level == 0 {
	 772  			return nil
	 773  		}
	 774  		n := &node{mkTree(level - 1), mkTree(level - 1)}
	 775  		if level == 10 {
	 776  			// Seed GC with enough early pointers so it
	 777  			// doesn't start termination barriers when it
	 778  			// only has the top of the tree.
	 779  			wbRoots = append(wbRoots, n)
	 780  		}
	 781  		return n
	 782  	}
	 783  	const depth = 22 // 64 MB
	 784  	root := mkTree(22)
	 786  	writeBarrierBenchmark(b, func() {
	 787  		var stack [depth]*node
	 788  		tos := -1
	 790  		// There are two write barriers per iteration, so i+=2.
	 791  		for i := 0; i < b.N; i += 2 {
	 792  			if tos == -1 {
	 793  				stack[0] = root
	 794  				tos = 0
	 795  			}
	 797  			// Perform one step of reversing the tree.
	 798  			n := stack[tos]
	 799  			if n.l == nil {
	 800  				tos--
	 801  			} else {
	 802  				n.l, n.r = n.r, n.l
	 803  				stack[tos] = n.l
	 804  				stack[tos+1] = n.r
	 805  				tos++
	 806  			}
	 808  			if i%(1<<12) == 0 {
	 809  				// Avoid non-preemptible loops (see issue #10958).
	 810  				runtime.Gosched()
	 811  			}
	 812  		}
	 813  	})
	 815  	runtime.KeepAlive(wbRoots)
	 816  }
	 818  func BenchmarkBulkWriteBarrier(b *testing.B) {
	 819  	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) < 2 {
	 820  		// We don't want GC to take our time.
	 821  		b.Skip("need GOMAXPROCS >= 2")
	 822  	}
	 824  	// Construct a large set of objects we can copy around.
	 825  	const heapSize = 64 << 20
	 826  	type obj [16]*byte
	 827  	ptrs := make([]*obj, heapSize/unsafe.Sizeof(obj{}))
	 828  	for i := range ptrs {
	 829  		ptrs[i] = new(obj)
	 830  	}
	 832  	writeBarrierBenchmark(b, func() {
	 833  		const blockSize = 1024
	 834  		var pos int
	 835  		for i := 0; i < b.N; i += blockSize {
	 836  			// Rotate block.
	 837  			block := ptrs[pos : pos+blockSize]
	 838  			first := block[0]
	 839  			copy(block, block[1:])
	 840  			block[blockSize-1] = first
	 842  			pos += blockSize
	 843  			if pos+blockSize > len(ptrs) {
	 844  				pos = 0
	 845  			}
	 847  			runtime.Gosched()
	 848  		}
	 849  	})
	 851  	runtime.KeepAlive(ptrs)
	 852  }
	 854  func BenchmarkScanStackNoLocals(b *testing.B) {
	 855  	var ready sync.WaitGroup
	 856  	teardown := make(chan bool)
	 857  	for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
	 858  		ready.Add(1)
	 859  		go func() {
	 860  			x := 100000
	 861  			countpwg(&x, &ready, teardown)
	 862  		}()
	 863  	}
	 864  	ready.Wait()
	 865  	b.ResetTimer()
	 866  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	 867  		b.StartTimer()
	 868  		runtime.GC()
	 869  		runtime.GC()
	 870  		b.StopTimer()
	 871  	}
	 872  	close(teardown)
	 873  }
	 875  func BenchmarkMSpanCountAlloc(b *testing.B) {
	 876  	// Allocate one dummy mspan for the whole benchmark.
	 877  	s := runtime.AllocMSpan()
	 878  	defer runtime.FreeMSpan(s)
	 880  	// n is the number of bytes to benchmark against.
	 881  	// n must always be a multiple of 8, since gcBits is
	 882  	// always rounded up 8 bytes.
	 883  	for _, n := range []int{8, 16, 32, 64, 128} {
	 884  		b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("bits=%d", n*8), func(b *testing.B) {
	 885  			// Initialize a new byte slice with pseduo-random data.
	 886  			bits := make([]byte, n)
	 887  			rand.Read(bits)
	 889  			b.ResetTimer()
	 890  			for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	 891  				runtime.MSpanCountAlloc(s, bits)
	 892  			}
	 893  		})
	 894  	}
	 895  }
	 897  func countpwg(n *int, ready *sync.WaitGroup, teardown chan bool) {
	 898  	if *n == 0 {
	 899  		ready.Done()
	 900  		<-teardown
	 901  		return
	 902  	}
	 903  	*n--
	 904  	countpwg(n, ready, teardown)
	 905  }

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