
Source file src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  // Scavenging free pages.
		 6  //
		 7  // This file implements scavenging (the release of physical pages backing mapped
		 8  // memory) of free and unused pages in the heap as a way to deal with page-level
		 9  // fragmentation and reduce the RSS of Go applications.
		10  //
		11  // Scavenging in Go happens on two fronts: there's the background
		12  // (asynchronous) scavenger and the heap-growth (synchronous) scavenger.
		13  //
		14  // The former happens on a goroutine much like the background sweeper which is
		15  // soft-capped at using scavengePercent of the mutator's time, based on
		16  // order-of-magnitude estimates of the costs of scavenging. The background
		17  // scavenger's primary goal is to bring the estimated heap RSS of the
		18  // application down to a goal.
		19  //
		20  // That goal is defined as:
		21  //	 (retainExtraPercent+100) / 100 * (heapGoal / lastHeapGoal) * last_heap_inuse
		22  //
		23  // Essentially, we wish to have the application's RSS track the heap goal, but
		24  // the heap goal is defined in terms of bytes of objects, rather than pages like
		25  // RSS. As a result, we need to take into account for fragmentation internal to
		26  // spans. heapGoal / lastHeapGoal defines the ratio between the current heap goal
		27  // and the last heap goal, which tells us by how much the heap is growing and
		28  // shrinking. We estimate what the heap will grow to in terms of pages by taking
		29  // this ratio and multiplying it by heap_inuse at the end of the last GC, which
		30  // allows us to account for this additional fragmentation. Note that this
		31  // procedure makes the assumption that the degree of fragmentation won't change
		32  // dramatically over the next GC cycle. Overestimating the amount of
		33  // fragmentation simply results in higher memory use, which will be accounted
		34  // for by the next pacing up date. Underestimating the fragmentation however
		35  // could lead to performance degradation. Handling this case is not within the
		36  // scope of the scavenger. Situations where the amount of fragmentation balloons
		37  // over the course of a single GC cycle should be considered pathologies,
		38  // flagged as bugs, and fixed appropriately.
		39  //
		40  // An additional factor of retainExtraPercent is added as a buffer to help ensure
		41  // that there's more unscavenged memory to allocate out of, since each allocation
		42  // out of scavenged memory incurs a potentially expensive page fault.
		43  //
		44  // The goal is updated after each GC and the scavenger's pacing parameters
		45  // (which live in mheap_) are updated to match. The pacing parameters work much
		46  // like the background sweeping parameters. The parameters define a line whose
		47  // horizontal axis is time and vertical axis is estimated heap RSS, and the
		48  // scavenger attempts to stay below that line at all times.
		49  //
		50  // The synchronous heap-growth scavenging happens whenever the heap grows in
		51  // size, for some definition of heap-growth. The intuition behind this is that
		52  // the application had to grow the heap because existing fragments were
		53  // not sufficiently large to satisfy a page-level memory allocation, so we
		54  // scavenge those fragments eagerly to offset the growth in RSS that results.
		56  package runtime
		58  import (
		59  	"runtime/internal/atomic"
		60  	"runtime/internal/sys"
		61  	"unsafe"
		62  )
		64  const (
		65  	// The background scavenger is paced according to these parameters.
		66  	//
		67  	// scavengePercent represents the portion of mutator time we're willing
		68  	// to spend on scavenging in percent.
		69  	scavengePercent = 1 // 1%
		71  	// retainExtraPercent represents the amount of memory over the heap goal
		72  	// that the scavenger should keep as a buffer space for the allocator.
		73  	//
		74  	// The purpose of maintaining this overhead is to have a greater pool of
		75  	// unscavenged memory available for allocation (since using scavenged memory
		76  	// incurs an additional cost), to account for heap fragmentation and
		77  	// the ever-changing layout of the heap.
		78  	retainExtraPercent = 10
		80  	// maxPagesPerPhysPage is the maximum number of supported runtime pages per
		81  	// physical page, based on maxPhysPageSize.
		82  	maxPagesPerPhysPage = maxPhysPageSize / pageSize
		84  	// scavengeCostRatio is the approximate ratio between the costs of using previously
		85  	// scavenged memory and scavenging memory.
		86  	//
		87  	// For most systems the cost of scavenging greatly outweighs the costs
		88  	// associated with using scavenged memory, making this constant 0. On other systems
		89  	// (especially ones where "sysUsed" is not just a no-op) this cost is non-trivial.
		90  	//
		91  	// This ratio is used as part of multiplicative factor to help the scavenger account
		92  	// for the additional costs of using scavenged memory in its pacing.
		93  	scavengeCostRatio = 0.7 * (sys.GoosDarwin + sys.GoosIos)
		95  	// scavengeReservationShards determines the amount of memory the scavenger
		96  	// should reserve for scavenging at a time. Specifically, the amount of
		97  	// memory reserved is (heap size in bytes) / scavengeReservationShards.
		98  	scavengeReservationShards = 64
		99  )
	 101  // heapRetained returns an estimate of the current heap RSS.
	 102  func heapRetained() uint64 {
	 103  	return memstats.heap_sys.load() - atomic.Load64(&memstats.heap_released)
	 104  }
	 106  // gcPaceScavenger updates the scavenger's pacing, particularly
	 107  // its rate and RSS goal.
	 108  //
	 109  // The RSS goal is based on the current heap goal with a small overhead
	 110  // to accommodate non-determinism in the allocator.
	 111  //
	 112  // The pacing is based on scavengePageRate, which applies to both regular and
	 113  // huge pages. See that constant for more information.
	 114  //
	 115  // mheap_.lock must be held or the world must be stopped.
	 116  func gcPaceScavenger() {
	 117  	// If we're called before the first GC completed, disable scavenging.
	 118  	// We never scavenge before the 2nd GC cycle anyway (we don't have enough
	 119  	// information about the heap yet) so this is fine, and avoids a fault
	 120  	// or garbage data later.
	 121  	if gcController.lastHeapGoal == 0 {
	 122  		mheap_.scavengeGoal = ^uint64(0)
	 123  		return
	 124  	}
	 125  	// Compute our scavenging goal.
	 126  	goalRatio := float64(atomic.Load64(&gcController.heapGoal)) / float64(gcController.lastHeapGoal)
	 127  	retainedGoal := uint64(float64(memstats.last_heap_inuse) * goalRatio)
	 128  	// Add retainExtraPercent overhead to retainedGoal. This calculation
	 129  	// looks strange but the purpose is to arrive at an integer division
	 130  	// (e.g. if retainExtraPercent = 12.5, then we get a divisor of 8)
	 131  	// that also avoids the overflow from a multiplication.
	 132  	retainedGoal += retainedGoal / (1.0 / (retainExtraPercent / 100.0))
	 133  	// Align it to a physical page boundary to make the following calculations
	 134  	// a bit more exact.
	 135  	retainedGoal = (retainedGoal + uint64(physPageSize) - 1) &^ (uint64(physPageSize) - 1)
	 137  	// Represents where we are now in the heap's contribution to RSS in bytes.
	 138  	//
	 139  	// Guaranteed to always be a multiple of physPageSize on systems where
	 140  	// physPageSize <= pageSize since we map heap_sys at a rate larger than
	 141  	// any physPageSize and released memory in multiples of the physPageSize.
	 142  	//
	 143  	// However, certain functions recategorize heap_sys as other stats (e.g.
	 144  	// stack_sys) and this happens in multiples of pageSize, so on systems
	 145  	// where physPageSize > pageSize the calculations below will not be exact.
	 146  	// Generally this is OK since we'll be off by at most one regular
	 147  	// physical page.
	 148  	retainedNow := heapRetained()
	 150  	// If we're already below our goal, or within one page of our goal, then disable
	 151  	// the background scavenger. We disable the background scavenger if there's
	 152  	// less than one physical page of work to do because it's not worth it.
	 153  	if retainedNow <= retainedGoal || retainedNow-retainedGoal < uint64(physPageSize) {
	 154  		mheap_.scavengeGoal = ^uint64(0)
	 155  		return
	 156  	}
	 157  	mheap_.scavengeGoal = retainedGoal
	 158  }
	 160  // Sleep/wait state of the background scavenger.
	 161  var scavenge struct {
	 162  	lock			 mutex
	 163  	g					*g
	 164  	parked		 bool
	 165  	timer			*timer
	 166  	sysmonWake uint32 // Set atomically.
	 167  }
	 169  // readyForScavenger signals sysmon to wake the scavenger because
	 170  // there may be new work to do.
	 171  //
	 172  // There may be a significant delay between when this function runs
	 173  // and when the scavenger is kicked awake, but it may be safely invoked
	 174  // in contexts where wakeScavenger is unsafe to call directly.
	 175  func readyForScavenger() {
	 176  	atomic.Store(&scavenge.sysmonWake, 1)
	 177  }
	 179  // wakeScavenger immediately unparks the scavenger if necessary.
	 180  //
	 181  // May run without a P, but it may allocate, so it must not be called
	 182  // on any allocation path.
	 183  //
	 184  // mheap_.lock, scavenge.lock, and sched.lock must not be held.
	 185  func wakeScavenger() {
	 186  	lock(&scavenge.lock)
	 187  	if scavenge.parked {
	 188  		// Notify sysmon that it shouldn't bother waking up the scavenger.
	 189  		atomic.Store(&scavenge.sysmonWake, 0)
	 191  		// Try to stop the timer but we don't really care if we succeed.
	 192  		// It's possible that either a timer was never started, or that
	 193  		// we're racing with it.
	 194  		// In the case that we're racing with there's the low chance that
	 195  		// we experience a spurious wake-up of the scavenger, but that's
	 196  		// totally safe.
	 197  		stopTimer(scavenge.timer)
	 199  		// Unpark the goroutine and tell it that there may have been a pacing
	 200  		// change. Note that we skip the scheduler's runnext slot because we
	 201  		// want to avoid having the scavenger interfere with the fair
	 202  		// scheduling of user goroutines. In effect, this schedules the
	 203  		// scavenger at a "lower priority" but that's OK because it'll
	 204  		// catch up on the work it missed when it does get scheduled.
	 205  		scavenge.parked = false
	 207  		// Ready the goroutine by injecting it. We use injectglist instead
	 208  		// of ready or goready in order to allow us to run this function
	 209  		// without a P. injectglist also avoids placing the goroutine in
	 210  		// the current P's runnext slot, which is desirable to prevent
	 211  		// the scavenger from interfering with user goroutine scheduling
	 212  		// too much.
	 213  		var list gList
	 214  		list.push(scavenge.g)
	 215  		injectglist(&list)
	 216  	}
	 217  	unlock(&scavenge.lock)
	 218  }
	 220  // scavengeSleep attempts to put the scavenger to sleep for ns.
	 221  //
	 222  // Note that this function should only be called by the scavenger.
	 223  //
	 224  // The scavenger may be woken up earlier by a pacing change, and it may not go
	 225  // to sleep at all if there's a pending pacing change.
	 226  //
	 227  // Returns the amount of time actually slept.
	 228  func scavengeSleep(ns int64) int64 {
	 229  	lock(&scavenge.lock)
	 231  	// Set the timer.
	 232  	//
	 233  	// This must happen here instead of inside gopark
	 234  	// because we can't close over any variables without
	 235  	// failing escape analysis.
	 236  	start := nanotime()
	 237  	resetTimer(scavenge.timer, start+ns)
	 239  	// Mark ourself as asleep and go to sleep.
	 240  	scavenge.parked = true
	 241  	goparkunlock(&scavenge.lock, waitReasonSleep, traceEvGoSleep, 2)
	 243  	// Return how long we actually slept for.
	 244  	return nanotime() - start
	 245  }
	 247  // Background scavenger.
	 248  //
	 249  // The background scavenger maintains the RSS of the application below
	 250  // the line described by the proportional scavenging statistics in
	 251  // the mheap struct.
	 252  func bgscavenge() {
	 253  	scavenge.g = getg()
	 255  	lockInit(&scavenge.lock, lockRankScavenge)
	 256  	lock(&scavenge.lock)
	 257  	scavenge.parked = true
	 259  	scavenge.timer = new(timer)
	 260  	scavenge.timer.f = func(_ interface{}, _ uintptr) {
	 261  		wakeScavenger()
	 262  	}
	 264  	gcenable_setup <- 1
	 265  	goparkunlock(&scavenge.lock, waitReasonGCScavengeWait, traceEvGoBlock, 1)
	 267  	// Exponentially-weighted moving average of the fraction of time this
	 268  	// goroutine spends scavenging (that is, percent of a single CPU).
	 269  	// It represents a measure of scheduling overheads which might extend
	 270  	// the sleep or the critical time beyond what's expected. Assume no
	 271  	// overhead to begin with.
	 272  	//
	 273  	// TODO(mknyszek): Consider making this based on total CPU time of the
	 274  	// application (i.e. scavengePercent * GOMAXPROCS). This isn't really
	 275  	// feasible now because the scavenger acquires the heap lock over the
	 276  	// scavenging operation, which means scavenging effectively blocks
	 277  	// allocators and isn't scalable. However, given a scalable allocator,
	 278  	// it makes sense to also make the scavenger scale with it; if you're
	 279  	// allocating more frequently, then presumably you're also generating
	 280  	// more work for the scavenger.
	 281  	const idealFraction = scavengePercent / 100.0
	 282  	scavengeEWMA := float64(idealFraction)
	 284  	for {
	 285  		released := uintptr(0)
	 287  		// Time in scavenging critical section.
	 288  		crit := float64(0)
	 290  		// Run on the system stack since we grab the heap lock,
	 291  		// and a stack growth with the heap lock means a deadlock.
	 292  		systemstack(func() {
	 293  			lock(&mheap_.lock)
	 295  			// If background scavenging is disabled or if there's no work to do just park.
	 296  			retained, goal := heapRetained(), mheap_.scavengeGoal
	 297  			if retained <= goal {
	 298  				unlock(&mheap_.lock)
	 299  				return
	 300  			}
	 302  			// Scavenge one page, and measure the amount of time spent scavenging.
	 303  			start := nanotime()
	 304  			released = mheap_.pages.scavenge(physPageSize, true)
	 305  			mheap_.pages.scav.released += released
	 306  			crit = float64(nanotime() - start)
	 308  			unlock(&mheap_.lock)
	 309  		})
	 311  		if released == 0 {
	 312  			lock(&scavenge.lock)
	 313  			scavenge.parked = true
	 314  			goparkunlock(&scavenge.lock, waitReasonGCScavengeWait, traceEvGoBlock, 1)
	 315  			continue
	 316  		}
	 318  		if released < physPageSize {
	 319  			// If this happens, it means that we may have attempted to release part
	 320  			// of a physical page, but the likely effect of that is that it released
	 321  			// the whole physical page, some of which may have still been in-use.
	 322  			// This could lead to memory corruption. Throw.
	 323  			throw("released less than one physical page of memory")
	 324  		}
	 326  		// On some platforms we may see crit as zero if the time it takes to scavenge
	 327  		// memory is less than the minimum granularity of its clock (e.g. Windows).
	 328  		// In this case, just assume scavenging takes 10 µs per regular physical page
	 329  		// (determined empirically), and conservatively ignore the impact of huge pages
	 330  		// on timing.
	 331  		//
	 332  		// We shouldn't ever see a crit value less than zero unless there's a bug of
	 333  		// some kind, either on our side or in the platform we're running on, but be
	 334  		// defensive in that case as well.
	 335  		const approxCritNSPerPhysicalPage = 10e3
	 336  		if crit <= 0 {
	 337  			crit = approxCritNSPerPhysicalPage * float64(released/physPageSize)
	 338  		}
	 340  		// Multiply the critical time by 1 + the ratio of the costs of using
	 341  		// scavenged memory vs. scavenging memory. This forces us to pay down
	 342  		// the cost of reusing this memory eagerly by sleeping for a longer period
	 343  		// of time and scavenging less frequently. More concretely, we avoid situations
	 344  		// where we end up scavenging so often that we hurt allocation performance
	 345  		// because of the additional overheads of using scavenged memory.
	 346  		crit *= 1 + scavengeCostRatio
	 348  		// If we spent more than 10 ms (for example, if the OS scheduled us away, or someone
	 349  		// put their machine to sleep) in the critical section, bound the time we use to
	 350  		// calculate at 10 ms to avoid letting the sleep time get arbitrarily high.
	 351  		const maxCrit = 10e6
	 352  		if crit > maxCrit {
	 353  			crit = maxCrit
	 354  		}
	 356  		// Compute the amount of time to sleep, assuming we want to use at most
	 357  		// scavengePercent of CPU time. Take into account scheduling overheads
	 358  		// that may extend the length of our sleep by multiplying by how far
	 359  		// off we are from the ideal ratio. For example, if we're sleeping too
	 360  		// much, then scavengeEMWA < idealFraction, so we'll adjust the sleep time
	 361  		// down.
	 362  		adjust := scavengeEWMA / idealFraction
	 363  		sleepTime := int64(adjust * crit / (scavengePercent / 100.0))
	 365  		// Go to sleep.
	 366  		slept := scavengeSleep(sleepTime)
	 368  		// Compute the new ratio.
	 369  		fraction := crit / (crit + float64(slept))
	 371  		// Set a lower bound on the fraction.
	 372  		// Due to OS-related anomalies we may "sleep" for an inordinate amount
	 373  		// of time. Let's avoid letting the ratio get out of hand by bounding
	 374  		// the sleep time we use in our EWMA.
	 375  		const minFraction = 1.0 / 1000.0
	 376  		if fraction < minFraction {
	 377  			fraction = minFraction
	 378  		}
	 380  		// Update scavengeEWMA by merging in the new crit/slept ratio.
	 381  		const alpha = 0.5
	 382  		scavengeEWMA = alpha*fraction + (1-alpha)*scavengeEWMA
	 383  	}
	 384  }
	 386  // scavenge scavenges nbytes worth of free pages, starting with the
	 387  // highest address first. Successive calls continue from where it left
	 388  // off until the heap is exhausted. Call scavengeStartGen to bring it
	 389  // back to the top of the heap.
	 390  //
	 391  // Returns the amount of memory scavenged in bytes.
	 392  //
	 393  // p.mheapLock must be held, but may be temporarily released if
	 394  // mayUnlock == true.
	 395  //
	 396  // Must run on the system stack because p.mheapLock must be held.
	 397  //
	 398  //go:systemstack
	 399  func (p *pageAlloc) scavenge(nbytes uintptr, mayUnlock bool) uintptr {
	 400  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock)
	 402  	var (
	 403  		addrs addrRange
	 404  		gen	 uint32
	 405  	)
	 406  	released := uintptr(0)
	 407  	for released < nbytes {
	 408  		if addrs.size() == 0 {
	 409  			if addrs, gen = p.scavengeReserve(); addrs.size() == 0 {
	 410  				break
	 411  			}
	 412  		}
	 413  		r, a := p.scavengeOne(addrs, nbytes-released, mayUnlock)
	 414  		released += r
	 415  		addrs = a
	 416  	}
	 417  	// Only unreserve the space which hasn't been scavenged or searched
	 418  	// to ensure we always make progress.
	 419  	p.scavengeUnreserve(addrs, gen)
	 420  	return released
	 421  }
	 423  // printScavTrace prints a scavenge trace line to standard error.
	 424  //
	 425  // released should be the amount of memory released since the last time this
	 426  // was called, and forced indicates whether the scavenge was forced by the
	 427  // application.
	 428  func printScavTrace(gen uint32, released uintptr, forced bool) {
	 429  	printlock()
	 430  	print("scav ", gen, " ",
	 431  		released>>10, " KiB work, ",
	 432  		atomic.Load64(&memstats.heap_released)>>10, " KiB total, ",
	 433  		(atomic.Load64(&memstats.heap_inuse)*100)/heapRetained(), "% util",
	 434  	)
	 435  	if forced {
	 436  		print(" (forced)")
	 437  	}
	 438  	println()
	 439  	printunlock()
	 440  }
	 442  // scavengeStartGen starts a new scavenge generation, resetting
	 443  // the scavenger's search space to the full in-use address space.
	 444  //
	 445  // p.mheapLock must be held.
	 446  //
	 447  // Must run on the system stack because p.mheapLock must be held.
	 448  //
	 449  //go:systemstack
	 450  func (p *pageAlloc) scavengeStartGen() {
	 451  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock)
	 453  	if debug.scavtrace > 0 {
	 454  		printScavTrace(p.scav.gen, p.scav.released, false)
	 455  	}
	 456  	p.inUse.cloneInto(&p.scav.inUse)
	 458  	// Pick the new starting address for the scavenger cycle.
	 459  	var startAddr offAddr
	 460  	if p.scav.scavLWM.lessThan(p.scav.freeHWM) {
	 461  		// The "free" high watermark exceeds the "scavenged" low watermark,
	 462  		// so there are free scavengable pages in parts of the address space
	 463  		// that the scavenger already searched, the high watermark being the
	 464  		// highest one. Pick that as our new starting point to ensure we
	 465  		// see those pages.
	 466  		startAddr = p.scav.freeHWM
	 467  	} else {
	 468  		// The "free" high watermark does not exceed the "scavenged" low
	 469  		// watermark. This means the allocator didn't free any memory in
	 470  		// the range we scavenged last cycle, so we might as well continue
	 471  		// scavenging from where we were.
	 472  		startAddr = p.scav.scavLWM
	 473  	}
	 474  	p.scav.inUse.removeGreaterEqual(startAddr.addr())
	 476  	// reservationBytes may be zero if p.inUse.totalBytes is small, or if
	 477  	// scavengeReservationShards is large. This case is fine as the scavenger
	 478  	// will simply be turned off, but it does mean that scavengeReservationShards,
	 479  	// in concert with pallocChunkBytes, dictates the minimum heap size at which
	 480  	// the scavenger triggers. In practice this minimum is generally less than an
	 481  	// arena in size, so virtually every heap has the scavenger on.
	 482  	p.scav.reservationBytes = alignUp(p.inUse.totalBytes, pallocChunkBytes) / scavengeReservationShards
	 483  	p.scav.gen++
	 484  	p.scav.released = 0
	 485  	p.scav.freeHWM = minOffAddr
	 486  	p.scav.scavLWM = maxOffAddr
	 487  }
	 489  // scavengeReserve reserves a contiguous range of the address space
	 490  // for scavenging. The maximum amount of space it reserves is proportional
	 491  // to the size of the heap. The ranges are reserved from the high addresses
	 492  // first.
	 493  //
	 494  // Returns the reserved range and the scavenge generation number for it.
	 495  //
	 496  // p.mheapLock must be held.
	 497  //
	 498  // Must run on the system stack because p.mheapLock must be held.
	 499  //
	 500  //go:systemstack
	 501  func (p *pageAlloc) scavengeReserve() (addrRange, uint32) {
	 502  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock)
	 504  	// Start by reserving the minimum.
	 505  	r := p.scav.inUse.removeLast(p.scav.reservationBytes)
	 507  	// Return early if the size is zero; we don't want to use
	 508  	// the bogus address below.
	 509  	if r.size() == 0 {
	 510  		return r, p.scav.gen
	 511  	}
	 513  	// The scavenger requires that base be aligned to a
	 514  	// palloc chunk because that's the unit of operation for
	 515  	// the scavenger, so align down, potentially extending
	 516  	// the range.
	 517  	newBase := alignDown(r.base.addr(), pallocChunkBytes)
	 519  	// Remove from inUse however much extra we just pulled out.
	 520  	p.scav.inUse.removeGreaterEqual(newBase)
	 521  	r.base = offAddr{newBase}
	 522  	return r, p.scav.gen
	 523  }
	 525  // scavengeUnreserve returns an unscavenged portion of a range that was
	 526  // previously reserved with scavengeReserve.
	 527  //
	 528  // p.mheapLock must be held.
	 529  //
	 530  // Must run on the system stack because p.mheapLock must be held.
	 531  //
	 532  //go:systemstack
	 533  func (p *pageAlloc) scavengeUnreserve(r addrRange, gen uint32) {
	 534  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock)
	 536  	if r.size() == 0 || gen != p.scav.gen {
	 537  		return
	 538  	}
	 539  	if r.base.addr()%pallocChunkBytes != 0 {
	 540  		throw("unreserving unaligned region")
	 541  	}
	 542  	p.scav.inUse.add(r)
	 543  }
	 545  // scavengeOne walks over address range work until it finds
	 546  // a contiguous run of pages to scavenge. It will try to scavenge
	 547  // at most max bytes at once, but may scavenge more to avoid
	 548  // breaking huge pages. Once it scavenges some memory it returns
	 549  // how much it scavenged in bytes.
	 550  //
	 551  // Returns the number of bytes scavenged and the part of work
	 552  // which was not yet searched.
	 553  //
	 554  // work's base address must be aligned to pallocChunkBytes.
	 555  //
	 556  // p.mheapLock must be held, but may be temporarily released if
	 557  // mayUnlock == true.
	 558  //
	 559  // Must run on the system stack because p.mheapLock must be held.
	 560  //
	 561  //go:systemstack
	 562  func (p *pageAlloc) scavengeOne(work addrRange, max uintptr, mayUnlock bool) (uintptr, addrRange) {
	 563  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock)
	 565  	// Defensively check if we've received an empty address range.
	 566  	// If so, just return.
	 567  	if work.size() == 0 {
	 568  		// Nothing to do.
	 569  		return 0, work
	 570  	}
	 571  	// Check the prerequisites of work.
	 572  	if work.base.addr()%pallocChunkBytes != 0 {
	 573  		throw("scavengeOne called with unaligned work region")
	 574  	}
	 575  	// Calculate the maximum number of pages to scavenge.
	 576  	//
	 577  	// This should be alignUp(max, pageSize) / pageSize but max can and will
	 578  	// be ^uintptr(0), so we need to be very careful not to overflow here.
	 579  	// Rather than use alignUp, calculate the number of pages rounded down
	 580  	// first, then add back one if necessary.
	 581  	maxPages := max / pageSize
	 582  	if max%pageSize != 0 {
	 583  		maxPages++
	 584  	}
	 586  	// Calculate the minimum number of pages we can scavenge.
	 587  	//
	 588  	// Because we can only scavenge whole physical pages, we must
	 589  	// ensure that we scavenge at least minPages each time, aligned
	 590  	// to minPages*pageSize.
	 591  	minPages := physPageSize / pageSize
	 592  	if minPages < 1 {
	 593  		minPages = 1
	 594  	}
	 596  	// Helpers for locking and unlocking only if mayUnlock == true.
	 597  	lockHeap := func() {
	 598  		if mayUnlock {
	 599  			lock(p.mheapLock)
	 600  		}
	 601  	}
	 602  	unlockHeap := func() {
	 603  		if mayUnlock {
	 604  			unlock(p.mheapLock)
	 605  		}
	 606  	}
	 608  	// Fast path: check the chunk containing the top-most address in work,
	 609  	// starting at that address's page index in the chunk.
	 610  	//
	 611  	// Note that work.end() is exclusive, so get the chunk we care about
	 612  	// by subtracting 1.
	 613  	maxAddr := work.limit.addr() - 1
	 614  	maxChunk := chunkIndex(maxAddr)
	 615  	if p.summary[len(p.summary)-1][maxChunk].max() >= uint(minPages) {
	 616  		// We only bother looking for a candidate if there at least
	 617  		// minPages free pages at all.
	 618  		base, npages := p.chunkOf(maxChunk).findScavengeCandidate(chunkPageIndex(maxAddr), minPages, maxPages)
	 620  		// If we found something, scavenge it and return!
	 621  		if npages != 0 {
	 622  			work.limit = offAddr{p.scavengeRangeLocked(maxChunk, base, npages)}
	 624  			assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock) // Must be locked on return.
	 625  			return uintptr(npages) * pageSize, work
	 626  		}
	 627  	}
	 628  	// Update the limit to reflect the fact that we checked maxChunk already.
	 629  	work.limit = offAddr{chunkBase(maxChunk)}
	 631  	// findCandidate finds the next scavenge candidate in work optimistically.
	 632  	//
	 633  	// Returns the candidate chunk index and true on success, and false on failure.
	 634  	//
	 635  	// The heap need not be locked.
	 636  	findCandidate := func(work addrRange) (chunkIdx, bool) {
	 637  		// Iterate over this work's chunks.
	 638  		for i := chunkIndex(work.limit.addr() - 1); i >= chunkIndex(work.base.addr()); i-- {
	 639  			// If this chunk is totally in-use or has no unscavenged pages, don't bother
	 640  			// doing a more sophisticated check.
	 641  			//
	 642  			// Note we're accessing the summary and the chunks without a lock, but
	 643  			// that's fine. We're being optimistic anyway.
	 645  			// Check quickly if there are enough free pages at all.
	 646  			if p.summary[len(p.summary)-1][i].max() < uint(minPages) {
	 647  				continue
	 648  			}
	 650  			// Run over the chunk looking harder for a candidate. Again, we could
	 651  			// race with a lot of different pieces of code, but we're just being
	 652  			// optimistic. Make sure we load the l2 pointer atomically though, to
	 653  			// avoid races with heap growth. It may or may not be possible to also
	 654  			// see a nil pointer in this case if we do race with heap growth, but
	 655  			// just defensively ignore the nils. This operation is optimistic anyway.
	 656  			l2 := (*[1 << pallocChunksL2Bits]pallocData)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&p.chunks[i.l1()])))
	 657  			if l2 != nil && l2[i.l2()].hasScavengeCandidate(minPages) {
	 658  				return i, true
	 659  			}
	 660  		}
	 661  		return 0, false
	 662  	}
	 664  	// Slow path: iterate optimistically over the in-use address space
	 665  	// looking for any free and unscavenged page. If we think we see something,
	 666  	// lock and verify it!
	 667  	for work.size() != 0 {
	 668  		unlockHeap()
	 670  		// Search for the candidate.
	 671  		candidateChunkIdx, ok := findCandidate(work)
	 673  		// Lock the heap. We need to do this now if we found a candidate or not.
	 674  		// If we did, we'll verify it. If not, we need to lock before returning
	 675  		// anyway.
	 676  		lockHeap()
	 678  		if !ok {
	 679  			// We didn't find a candidate, so we're done.
	 680  			work.limit = work.base
	 681  			break
	 682  		}
	 684  		// Find, verify, and scavenge if we can.
	 685  		chunk := p.chunkOf(candidateChunkIdx)
	 686  		base, npages := chunk.findScavengeCandidate(pallocChunkPages-1, minPages, maxPages)
	 687  		if npages > 0 {
	 688  			work.limit = offAddr{p.scavengeRangeLocked(candidateChunkIdx, base, npages)}
	 690  			assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock) // Must be locked on return.
	 691  			return uintptr(npages) * pageSize, work
	 692  		}
	 694  		// We were fooled, so let's continue from where we left off.
	 695  		work.limit = offAddr{chunkBase(candidateChunkIdx)}
	 696  	}
	 698  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock) // Must be locked on return.
	 699  	return 0, work
	 700  }
	 702  // scavengeRangeLocked scavenges the given region of memory.
	 703  // The region of memory is described by its chunk index (ci),
	 704  // the starting page index of the region relative to that
	 705  // chunk (base), and the length of the region in pages (npages).
	 706  //
	 707  // Returns the base address of the scavenged region.
	 708  //
	 709  // p.mheapLock must be held.
	 710  func (p *pageAlloc) scavengeRangeLocked(ci chunkIdx, base, npages uint) uintptr {
	 711  	assertLockHeld(p.mheapLock)
	 713  	p.chunkOf(ci).scavenged.setRange(base, npages)
	 715  	// Compute the full address for the start of the range.
	 716  	addr := chunkBase(ci) + uintptr(base)*pageSize
	 718  	// Update the scavenge low watermark.
	 719  	if oAddr := (offAddr{addr}); oAddr.lessThan(p.scav.scavLWM) {
	 720  		p.scav.scavLWM = oAddr
	 721  	}
	 723  	// Only perform the actual scavenging if we're not in a test.
	 724  	// It's dangerous to do so otherwise.
	 725  	if p.test {
	 726  		return addr
	 727  	}
	 728  	sysUnused(unsafe.Pointer(addr), uintptr(npages)*pageSize)
	 730  	// Update global accounting only when not in test, otherwise
	 731  	// the runtime's accounting will be wrong.
	 732  	nbytes := int64(npages) * pageSize
	 733  	atomic.Xadd64(&memstats.heap_released, nbytes)
	 735  	// Update consistent accounting too.
	 736  	stats := memstats.heapStats.acquire()
	 737  	atomic.Xaddint64(&stats.committed, -nbytes)
	 738  	atomic.Xaddint64(&stats.released, nbytes)
	 739  	memstats.heapStats.release()
	 741  	return addr
	 742  }
	 744  // fillAligned returns x but with all zeroes in m-aligned
	 745  // groups of m bits set to 1 if any bit in the group is non-zero.
	 746  //
	 747  // For example, fillAligned(0x0100a3, 8) == 0xff00ff.
	 748  //
	 749  // Note that if m == 1, this is a no-op.
	 750  //
	 751  // m must be a power of 2 <= maxPagesPerPhysPage.
	 752  func fillAligned(x uint64, m uint) uint64 {
	 753  	apply := func(x uint64, c uint64) uint64 {
	 754  		// The technique used it here is derived from
	 755  		// https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ZeroInWord
	 756  		// and extended for more than just bytes (like nibbles
	 757  		// and uint16s) by using an appropriate constant.
	 758  		//
	 759  		// To summarize the technique, quoting from that page:
	 760  		// "[It] works by first zeroing the high bits of the [8]
	 761  		// bytes in the word. Subsequently, it adds a number that
	 762  		// will result in an overflow to the high bit of a byte if
	 763  		// any of the low bits were initially set. Next the high
	 764  		// bits of the original word are ORed with these values;
	 765  		// thus, the high bit of a byte is set iff any bit in the
	 766  		// byte was set. Finally, we determine if any of these high
	 767  		// bits are zero by ORing with ones everywhere except the
	 768  		// high bits and inverting the result."
	 769  		return ^((((x & c) + c) | x) | c)
	 770  	}
	 771  	// Transform x to contain a 1 bit at the top of each m-aligned
	 772  	// group of m zero bits.
	 773  	switch m {
	 774  	case 1:
	 775  		return x
	 776  	case 2:
	 777  		x = apply(x, 0x5555555555555555)
	 778  	case 4:
	 779  		x = apply(x, 0x7777777777777777)
	 780  	case 8:
	 781  		x = apply(x, 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f)
	 782  	case 16:
	 783  		x = apply(x, 0x7fff7fff7fff7fff)
	 784  	case 32:
	 785  		x = apply(x, 0x7fffffff7fffffff)
	 786  	case 64: // == maxPagesPerPhysPage
	 787  		x = apply(x, 0x7fffffffffffffff)
	 788  	default:
	 789  		throw("bad m value")
	 790  	}
	 791  	// Now, the top bit of each m-aligned group in x is set
	 792  	// that group was all zero in the original x.
	 794  	// From each group of m bits subtract 1.
	 795  	// Because we know only the top bits of each
	 796  	// m-aligned group are set, we know this will
	 797  	// set each group to have all the bits set except
	 798  	// the top bit, so just OR with the original
	 799  	// result to set all the bits.
	 800  	return ^((x - (x >> (m - 1))) | x)
	 801  }
	 803  // hasScavengeCandidate returns true if there's any min-page-aligned groups of
	 804  // min pages of free-and-unscavenged memory in the region represented by this
	 805  // pallocData.
	 806  //
	 807  // min must be a non-zero power of 2 <= maxPagesPerPhysPage.
	 808  func (m *pallocData) hasScavengeCandidate(min uintptr) bool {
	 809  	if min&(min-1) != 0 || min == 0 {
	 810  		print("runtime: min = ", min, "\n")
	 811  		throw("min must be a non-zero power of 2")
	 812  	} else if min > maxPagesPerPhysPage {
	 813  		print("runtime: min = ", min, "\n")
	 814  		throw("min too large")
	 815  	}
	 817  	// The goal of this search is to see if the chunk contains any free and unscavenged memory.
	 818  	for i := len(m.scavenged) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
	 819  		// 1s are scavenged OR non-free => 0s are unscavenged AND free
	 820  		//
	 821  		// TODO(mknyszek): Consider splitting up fillAligned into two
	 822  		// functions, since here we technically could get by with just
	 823  		// the first half of its computation. It'll save a few instructions
	 824  		// but adds some additional code complexity.
	 825  		x := fillAligned(m.scavenged[i]|m.pallocBits[i], uint(min))
	 827  		// Quickly skip over chunks of non-free or scavenged pages.
	 828  		if x != ^uint64(0) {
	 829  			return true
	 830  		}
	 831  	}
	 832  	return false
	 833  }
	 835  // findScavengeCandidate returns a start index and a size for this pallocData
	 836  // segment which represents a contiguous region of free and unscavenged memory.
	 837  //
	 838  // searchIdx indicates the page index within this chunk to start the search, but
	 839  // note that findScavengeCandidate searches backwards through the pallocData. As a
	 840  // a result, it will return the highest scavenge candidate in address order.
	 841  //
	 842  // min indicates a hard minimum size and alignment for runs of pages. That is,
	 843  // findScavengeCandidate will not return a region smaller than min pages in size,
	 844  // or that is min pages or greater in size but not aligned to min. min must be
	 845  // a non-zero power of 2 <= maxPagesPerPhysPage.
	 846  //
	 847  // max is a hint for how big of a region is desired. If max >= pallocChunkPages, then
	 848  // findScavengeCandidate effectively returns entire free and unscavenged regions.
	 849  // If max < pallocChunkPages, it may truncate the returned region such that size is
	 850  // max. However, findScavengeCandidate may still return a larger region if, for
	 851  // example, it chooses to preserve huge pages, or if max is not aligned to min (it
	 852  // will round up). That is, even if max is small, the returned size is not guaranteed
	 853  // to be equal to max. max is allowed to be less than min, in which case it is as if
	 854  // max == min.
	 855  func (m *pallocData) findScavengeCandidate(searchIdx uint, min, max uintptr) (uint, uint) {
	 856  	if min&(min-1) != 0 || min == 0 {
	 857  		print("runtime: min = ", min, "\n")
	 858  		throw("min must be a non-zero power of 2")
	 859  	} else if min > maxPagesPerPhysPage {
	 860  		print("runtime: min = ", min, "\n")
	 861  		throw("min too large")
	 862  	}
	 863  	// max may not be min-aligned, so we might accidentally truncate to
	 864  	// a max value which causes us to return a non-min-aligned value.
	 865  	// To prevent this, align max up to a multiple of min (which is always
	 866  	// a power of 2). This also prevents max from ever being less than
	 867  	// min, unless it's zero, so handle that explicitly.
	 868  	if max == 0 {
	 869  		max = min
	 870  	} else {
	 871  		max = alignUp(max, min)
	 872  	}
	 874  	i := int(searchIdx / 64)
	 875  	// Start by quickly skipping over blocks of non-free or scavenged pages.
	 876  	for ; i >= 0; i-- {
	 877  		// 1s are scavenged OR non-free => 0s are unscavenged AND free
	 878  		x := fillAligned(m.scavenged[i]|m.pallocBits[i], uint(min))
	 879  		if x != ^uint64(0) {
	 880  			break
	 881  		}
	 882  	}
	 883  	if i < 0 {
	 884  		// Failed to find any free/unscavenged pages.
	 885  		return 0, 0
	 886  	}
	 887  	// We have something in the 64-bit chunk at i, but it could
	 888  	// extend further. Loop until we find the extent of it.
	 890  	// 1s are scavenged OR non-free => 0s are unscavenged AND free
	 891  	x := fillAligned(m.scavenged[i]|m.pallocBits[i], uint(min))
	 892  	z1 := uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(^x))
	 893  	run, end := uint(0), uint(i)*64+(64-z1)
	 894  	if x<<z1 != 0 {
	 895  		// After shifting out z1 bits, we still have 1s,
	 896  		// so the run ends inside this word.
	 897  		run = uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(x << z1))
	 898  	} else {
	 899  		// After shifting out z1 bits, we have no more 1s.
	 900  		// This means the run extends to the bottom of the
	 901  		// word so it may extend into further words.
	 902  		run = 64 - z1
	 903  		for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
	 904  			x := fillAligned(m.scavenged[j]|m.pallocBits[j], uint(min))
	 905  			run += uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(x))
	 906  			if x != 0 {
	 907  				// The run stopped in this word.
	 908  				break
	 909  			}
	 910  		}
	 911  	}
	 913  	// Split the run we found if it's larger than max but hold on to
	 914  	// our original length, since we may need it later.
	 915  	size := run
	 916  	if size > uint(max) {
	 917  		size = uint(max)
	 918  	}
	 919  	start := end - size
	 921  	// Each huge page is guaranteed to fit in a single palloc chunk.
	 922  	//
	 923  	// TODO(mknyszek): Support larger huge page sizes.
	 924  	// TODO(mknyszek): Consider taking pages-per-huge-page as a parameter
	 925  	// so we can write tests for this.
	 926  	if physHugePageSize > pageSize && physHugePageSize > physPageSize {
	 927  		// We have huge pages, so let's ensure we don't break one by scavenging
	 928  		// over a huge page boundary. If the range [start, start+size) overlaps with
	 929  		// a free-and-unscavenged huge page, we want to grow the region we scavenge
	 930  		// to include that huge page.
	 932  		// Compute the huge page boundary above our candidate.
	 933  		pagesPerHugePage := uintptr(physHugePageSize / pageSize)
	 934  		hugePageAbove := uint(alignUp(uintptr(start), pagesPerHugePage))
	 936  		// If that boundary is within our current candidate, then we may be breaking
	 937  		// a huge page.
	 938  		if hugePageAbove <= end {
	 939  			// Compute the huge page boundary below our candidate.
	 940  			hugePageBelow := uint(alignDown(uintptr(start), pagesPerHugePage))
	 942  			if hugePageBelow >= end-run {
	 943  				// We're in danger of breaking apart a huge page since start+size crosses
	 944  				// a huge page boundary and rounding down start to the nearest huge
	 945  				// page boundary is included in the full run we found. Include the entire
	 946  				// huge page in the bound by rounding down to the huge page size.
	 947  				size = size + (start - hugePageBelow)
	 948  				start = hugePageBelow
	 949  			}
	 950  		}
	 951  	}
	 952  	return start, size
	 953  }

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