
Source file src/runtime/panic_test.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package runtime_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	"strings"
		 9  	"testing"
		10  )
		12  // Test that panics print out the underlying value
		13  // when the underlying kind is directly printable.
		14  // Issue: https://golang.org/issues/37531
		15  func TestPanicWithDirectlyPrintableCustomTypes(t *testing.T) {
		16  	tests := []struct {
		17  		name						string
		18  		wantPanicPrefix string
		19  	}{
		20  		{"panicCustomBool", `panic: main.MyBool(true)`},
		21  		{"panicCustomComplex128", `panic: main.MyComplex128(+3.210000e+001+1.000000e+001i)`},
		22  		{"panicCustomComplex64", `panic: main.MyComplex64(+1.100000e-001+3.000000e+000i)`},
		23  		{"panicCustomFloat32", `panic: main.MyFloat32(-9.370000e+001)`},
		24  		{"panicCustomFloat64", `panic: main.MyFloat64(-9.370000e+001)`},
		25  		{"panicCustomInt", `panic: main.MyInt(93)`},
		26  		{"panicCustomInt8", `panic: main.MyInt8(93)`},
		27  		{"panicCustomInt16", `panic: main.MyInt16(93)`},
		28  		{"panicCustomInt32", `panic: main.MyInt32(93)`},
		29  		{"panicCustomInt64", `panic: main.MyInt64(93)`},
		30  		{"panicCustomString", `panic: main.MyString("Panic")`},
		31  		{"panicCustomUint", `panic: main.MyUint(93)`},
		32  		{"panicCustomUint8", `panic: main.MyUint8(93)`},
		33  		{"panicCustomUint16", `panic: main.MyUint16(93)`},
		34  		{"panicCustomUint32", `panic: main.MyUint32(93)`},
		35  		{"panicCustomUint64", `panic: main.MyUint64(93)`},
		36  		{"panicCustomUintptr", `panic: main.MyUintptr(93)`},
		37  	}
		39  	for _, tt := range tests {
		40  		t := t
		41  		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
		42  			output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", tt.name)
		43  			if !strings.HasPrefix(output, tt.wantPanicPrefix) {
		44  				t.Fatalf("%q\nis not present in\n%s", tt.wantPanicPrefix, output)
		45  			}
		46  		})
		47  	}
		48  }

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