
Source file src/runtime/sema_test.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package runtime_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	. "runtime"
		 9  	"sync"
		10  	"sync/atomic"
		11  	"testing"
		12  )
		14  // TestSemaHandoff checks that when semrelease+handoff is
		15  // requested, the G that releases the semaphore yields its
		16  // P directly to the first waiter in line.
		17  // See issue 33747 for discussion.
		18  func TestSemaHandoff(t *testing.T) {
		19  	const iter = 10000
		20  	ok := 0
		21  	for i := 0; i < iter; i++ {
		22  		if testSemaHandoff() {
		23  			ok++
		24  		}
		25  	}
		26  	// As long as two thirds of handoffs are direct, we
		27  	// consider the test successful. The scheduler is
		28  	// nondeterministic, so this test checks that we get the
		29  	// desired outcome in a significant majority of cases.
		30  	// The actual ratio of direct handoffs is much higher
		31  	// (>90%) but we use a lower threshold to minimize the
		32  	// chances that unrelated changes in the runtime will
		33  	// cause the test to fail or become flaky.
		34  	if ok < iter*2/3 {
		35  		t.Fatal("direct handoff < 2/3:", ok, iter)
		36  	}
		37  }
		39  func TestSemaHandoff1(t *testing.T) {
		40  	if GOMAXPROCS(-1) <= 1 {
		41  		t.Skip("GOMAXPROCS <= 1")
		42  	}
		44  	GOMAXPROCS(1)
		45  	TestSemaHandoff(t)
		46  }
		48  func TestSemaHandoff2(t *testing.T) {
		49  	if GOMAXPROCS(-1) <= 2 {
		50  		t.Skip("GOMAXPROCS <= 2")
		51  	}
		53  	GOMAXPROCS(2)
		54  	TestSemaHandoff(t)
		55  }
		57  func testSemaHandoff() bool {
		58  	var sema, res uint32
		59  	done := make(chan struct{})
		61  	// We're testing that the current goroutine is able to yield its time slice
		62  	// to another goroutine. Stop the current goroutine from migrating to
		63  	// another CPU where it can win the race (and appear to have not yielded) by
		64  	// keeping the CPUs slightly busy.
		65  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
		66  	for i := 0; i < GOMAXPROCS(-1); i++ {
		67  		wg.Add(1)
		68  		go func() {
		69  			defer wg.Done()
		70  			for {
		71  				select {
		72  				case <-done:
		73  					return
		74  				default:
		75  				}
		76  				Gosched()
		77  			}
		78  		}()
		79  	}
		81  	wg.Add(1)
		82  	go func() {
		83  		defer wg.Done()
		84  		Semacquire(&sema)
		85  		atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&res, 0, 1)
		87  		Semrelease1(&sema, true, 0)
		88  		close(done)
		89  	}()
		90  	for SemNwait(&sema) == 0 {
		91  		Gosched() // wait for goroutine to block in Semacquire
		92  	}
		94  	// The crux of the test: we release the semaphore with handoff
		95  	// and immediately perform a CAS both here and in the waiter; we
		96  	// want the CAS in the waiter to execute first.
		97  	Semrelease1(&sema, true, 0)
		98  	atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&res, 0, 2)
	 100  	wg.Wait() // wait for goroutines to finish to avoid data races
	 102  	return res == 1 // did the waiter run first?
	 103  }

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