
Source file src/sync/cond.go

Documentation: sync

		 1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package sync
		 7  import (
		 8  	"sync/atomic"
		 9  	"unsafe"
		10  )
		12  // Cond implements a condition variable, a rendezvous point
		13  // for goroutines waiting for or announcing the occurrence
		14  // of an event.
		15  //
		16  // Each Cond has an associated Locker L (often a *Mutex or *RWMutex),
		17  // which must be held when changing the condition and
		18  // when calling the Wait method.
		19  //
		20  // A Cond must not be copied after first use.
		21  type Cond struct {
		22  	noCopy noCopy
		24  	// L is held while observing or changing the condition
		25  	L Locker
		27  	notify	notifyList
		28  	checker copyChecker
		29  }
		31  // NewCond returns a new Cond with Locker l.
		32  func NewCond(l Locker) *Cond {
		33  	return &Cond{L: l}
		34  }
		36  // Wait atomically unlocks c.L and suspends execution
		37  // of the calling goroutine. After later resuming execution,
		38  // Wait locks c.L before returning. Unlike in other systems,
		39  // Wait cannot return unless awoken by Broadcast or Signal.
		40  //
		41  // Because c.L is not locked when Wait first resumes, the caller
		42  // typically cannot assume that the condition is true when
		43  // Wait returns. Instead, the caller should Wait in a loop:
		44  //
		45  //		c.L.Lock()
		46  //		for !condition() {
		47  //				c.Wait()
		48  //		}
		49  //		... make use of condition ...
		50  //		c.L.Unlock()
		51  //
		52  func (c *Cond) Wait() {
		53  	c.checker.check()
		54  	t := runtime_notifyListAdd(&c.notify)
		55  	c.L.Unlock()
		56  	runtime_notifyListWait(&c.notify, t)
		57  	c.L.Lock()
		58  }
		60  // Signal wakes one goroutine waiting on c, if there is any.
		61  //
		62  // It is allowed but not required for the caller to hold c.L
		63  // during the call.
		64  func (c *Cond) Signal() {
		65  	c.checker.check()
		66  	runtime_notifyListNotifyOne(&c.notify)
		67  }
		69  // Broadcast wakes all goroutines waiting on c.
		70  //
		71  // It is allowed but not required for the caller to hold c.L
		72  // during the call.
		73  func (c *Cond) Broadcast() {
		74  	c.checker.check()
		75  	runtime_notifyListNotifyAll(&c.notify)
		76  }
		78  // copyChecker holds back pointer to itself to detect object copying.
		79  type copyChecker uintptr
		81  func (c *copyChecker) check() {
		82  	if uintptr(*c) != uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c)) &&
		83  		!atomic.CompareAndSwapUintptr((*uintptr)(c), 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c))) &&
		84  		uintptr(*c) != uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c)) {
		85  		panic("sync.Cond is copied")
		86  	}
		87  }
		89  // noCopy may be embedded into structs which must not be copied
		90  // after the first use.
		91  //
		92  // See https://golang.org/issues/8005#issuecomment-190753527
		93  // for details.
		94  type noCopy struct{}
		96  // Lock is a no-op used by -copylocks checker from `go vet`.
		97  func (*noCopy) Lock()	 {}
		98  func (*noCopy) Unlock() {}

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