
Source file src/crypto/tls/conn_test.go

Documentation: crypto/tls

		 1  // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package tls
		 7  import (
		 8  	"bytes"
		 9  	"io"
		10  	"net"
		11  	"testing"
		12  )
		14  func TestRoundUp(t *testing.T) {
		15  	if roundUp(0, 16) != 0 ||
		16  		roundUp(1, 16) != 16 ||
		17  		roundUp(15, 16) != 16 ||
		18  		roundUp(16, 16) != 16 ||
		19  		roundUp(17, 16) != 32 {
		20  		t.Error("roundUp broken")
		21  	}
		22  }
		24  // will be initialized with {0, 255, 255, ..., 255}
		25  var padding255Bad = [256]byte{}
		27  // will be initialized with {255, 255, 255, ..., 255}
		28  var padding255Good = [256]byte{255}
		30  var paddingTests = []struct {
		31  	in					[]byte
		32  	good				bool
		33  	expectedLen int
		34  }{
		35  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 0}, true, 4},
		36  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1}, false, 0},
		37  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 99, 99}, false, 0},
		38  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1}, true, 4},
		39  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2}, true, 3},
		40  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3}, true, 2},
		41  	{[]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3}, false, 0},
		42  	{[]byte{1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4}, true, 1},
		43  	{[]byte{5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}, true, 0},
		44  	{[]byte{6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}, false, 0},
		45  	{padding255Bad[:], false, 0},
		46  	{padding255Good[:], true, 0},
		47  }
		49  func TestRemovePadding(t *testing.T) {
		50  	for i := 1; i < len(padding255Bad); i++ {
		51  		padding255Bad[i] = 255
		52  		padding255Good[i] = 255
		53  	}
		54  	for i, test := range paddingTests {
		55  		paddingLen, good := extractPadding(test.in)
		56  		expectedGood := byte(255)
		57  		if !test.good {
		58  			expectedGood = 0
		59  		}
		60  		if good != expectedGood {
		61  			t.Errorf("#%d: wrong validity, want:%d got:%d", i, expectedGood, good)
		62  		}
		63  		if good == 255 && len(test.in)-paddingLen != test.expectedLen {
		64  			t.Errorf("#%d: got %d, want %d", i, len(test.in)-paddingLen, test.expectedLen)
		65  		}
		66  	}
		67  }
		69  var certExampleCom = `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`
		71  var certWildcardExampleCom = `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`
		73  var certFooExampleCom = `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`
		75  func TestCertificateSelection(t *testing.T) {
		76  	config := Config{
		77  		Certificates: []Certificate{
		78  			{
		79  				Certificate: [][]byte{fromHex(certExampleCom)},
		80  			},
		81  			{
		82  				Certificate: [][]byte{fromHex(certWildcardExampleCom)},
		83  			},
		84  			{
		85  				Certificate: [][]byte{fromHex(certFooExampleCom)},
		86  			},
		87  		},
		88  	}
		90  	config.BuildNameToCertificate()
		92  	pointerToIndex := func(c *Certificate) int {
		93  		for i := range config.Certificates {
		94  			if c == &config.Certificates[i] {
		95  				return i
		96  			}
		97  		}
		98  		return -1
		99  	}
	 101  	certificateForName := func(name string) *Certificate {
	 102  		clientHello := &ClientHelloInfo{
	 103  			ServerName: name,
	 104  		}
	 105  		if cert, err := config.getCertificate(clientHello); err != nil {
	 106  			t.Errorf("unable to get certificate for name '%s': %s", name, err)
	 107  			return nil
	 108  		} else {
	 109  			return cert
	 110  		}
	 111  	}
	 113  	if n := pointerToIndex(certificateForName("example.com")); n != 0 {
	 114  		t.Errorf("example.com returned certificate %d, not 0", n)
	 115  	}
	 116  	if n := pointerToIndex(certificateForName("bar.example.com")); n != 1 {
	 117  		t.Errorf("bar.example.com returned certificate %d, not 1", n)
	 118  	}
	 119  	if n := pointerToIndex(certificateForName("foo.example.com")); n != 2 {
	 120  		t.Errorf("foo.example.com returned certificate %d, not 2", n)
	 121  	}
	 122  	if n := pointerToIndex(certificateForName("foo.bar.example.com")); n != 0 {
	 123  		t.Errorf("foo.bar.example.com returned certificate %d, not 0", n)
	 124  	}
	 125  }
	 127  // Run with multiple crypto configs to test the logic for computing TLS record overheads.
	 128  func runDynamicRecordSizingTest(t *testing.T, config *Config) {
	 129  	clientConn, serverConn := localPipe(t)
	 131  	serverConfig := config.Clone()
	 132  	serverConfig.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled = false
	 133  	tlsConn := Server(serverConn, serverConfig)
	 135  	handshakeDone := make(chan struct{})
	 136  	recordSizesChan := make(chan []int, 1)
	 137  	defer func() { <-recordSizesChan }() // wait for the goroutine to exit
	 138  	go func() {
	 139  		// This goroutine performs a TLS handshake over clientConn and
	 140  		// then reads TLS records until EOF. It writes a slice that
	 141  		// contains all the record sizes to recordSizesChan.
	 142  		defer close(recordSizesChan)
	 143  		defer clientConn.Close()
	 145  		tlsConn := Client(clientConn, config)
	 146  		if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
	 147  			t.Errorf("Error from client handshake: %v", err)
	 148  			return
	 149  		}
	 150  		close(handshakeDone)
	 152  		var recordHeader [recordHeaderLen]byte
	 153  		var record []byte
	 154  		var recordSizes []int
	 156  		for {
	 157  			n, err := io.ReadFull(clientConn, recordHeader[:])
	 158  			if err == io.EOF {
	 159  				break
	 160  			}
	 161  			if err != nil || n != len(recordHeader) {
	 162  				t.Errorf("io.ReadFull = %d, %v", n, err)
	 163  				return
	 164  			}
	 166  			length := int(recordHeader[3])<<8 | int(recordHeader[4])
	 167  			if len(record) < length {
	 168  				record = make([]byte, length)
	 169  			}
	 171  			n, err = io.ReadFull(clientConn, record[:length])
	 172  			if err != nil || n != length {
	 173  				t.Errorf("io.ReadFull = %d, %v", n, err)
	 174  				return
	 175  			}
	 177  			recordSizes = append(recordSizes, recordHeaderLen+length)
	 178  		}
	 180  		recordSizesChan <- recordSizes
	 181  	}()
	 183  	if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
	 184  		t.Fatalf("Error from server handshake: %s", err)
	 185  	}
	 186  	<-handshakeDone
	 188  	// The server writes these plaintexts in order.
	 189  	plaintext := bytes.Join([][]byte{
	 190  		bytes.Repeat([]byte("x"), recordSizeBoostThreshold),
	 191  		bytes.Repeat([]byte("y"), maxPlaintext*2),
	 192  		bytes.Repeat([]byte("z"), maxPlaintext),
	 193  	}, nil)
	 195  	if _, err := tlsConn.Write(plaintext); err != nil {
	 196  		t.Fatalf("Error from server write: %s", err)
	 197  	}
	 198  	if err := tlsConn.Close(); err != nil {
	 199  		t.Fatalf("Error from server close: %s", err)
	 200  	}
	 202  	recordSizes := <-recordSizesChan
	 203  	if recordSizes == nil {
	 204  		t.Fatalf("Client encountered an error")
	 205  	}
	 207  	// Drop the size of the second to last record, which is likely to be
	 208  	// truncated, and the last record, which is a close_notify alert.
	 209  	recordSizes = recordSizes[:len(recordSizes)-2]
	 211  	// recordSizes should contain a series of records smaller than
	 212  	// tcpMSSEstimate followed by some larger than maxPlaintext.
	 213  	seenLargeRecord := false
	 214  	for i, size := range recordSizes {
	 215  		if !seenLargeRecord {
	 216  			if size > (i+1)*tcpMSSEstimate {
	 217  				t.Fatalf("Record #%d has size %d, which is too large too soon", i, size)
	 218  			}
	 219  			if size >= maxPlaintext {
	 220  				seenLargeRecord = true
	 221  			}
	 222  		} else if size <= maxPlaintext {
	 223  			t.Fatalf("Record #%d has size %d but should be full sized", i, size)
	 224  		}
	 225  	}
	 227  	if !seenLargeRecord {
	 228  		t.Fatalf("No large records observed")
	 229  	}
	 230  }
	 232  func TestDynamicRecordSizingWithStreamCipher(t *testing.T) {
	 233  	config := testConfig.Clone()
	 234  	config.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12
	 235  	config.CipherSuites = []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA}
	 236  	runDynamicRecordSizingTest(t, config)
	 237  }
	 239  func TestDynamicRecordSizingWithCBC(t *testing.T) {
	 240  	config := testConfig.Clone()
	 241  	config.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12
	 242  	config.CipherSuites = []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA}
	 243  	runDynamicRecordSizingTest(t, config)
	 244  }
	 246  func TestDynamicRecordSizingWithAEAD(t *testing.T) {
	 247  	config := testConfig.Clone()
	 248  	config.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12
	 249  	config.CipherSuites = []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}
	 250  	runDynamicRecordSizingTest(t, config)
	 251  }
	 253  func TestDynamicRecordSizingWithTLSv13(t *testing.T) {
	 254  	config := testConfig.Clone()
	 255  	runDynamicRecordSizingTest(t, config)
	 256  }
	 258  // hairpinConn is a net.Conn that makes a “hairpin” call when closed, back into
	 259  // the tls.Conn which is calling it.
	 260  type hairpinConn struct {
	 261  	net.Conn
	 262  	tlsConn *Conn
	 263  }
	 265  func (conn *hairpinConn) Close() error {
	 266  	conn.tlsConn.ConnectionState()
	 267  	return nil
	 268  }
	 270  func TestHairpinInClose(t *testing.T) {
	 271  	// This tests that the underlying net.Conn can call back into the
	 272  	// tls.Conn when being closed without deadlocking.
	 273  	client, server := localPipe(t)
	 274  	defer server.Close()
	 275  	defer client.Close()
	 277  	conn := &hairpinConn{client, nil}
	 278  	tlsConn := Server(conn, &Config{
	 279  		GetCertificate: func(*ClientHelloInfo) (*Certificate, error) {
	 280  			panic("unreachable")
	 281  		},
	 282  	})
	 283  	conn.tlsConn = tlsConn
	 285  	// This call should not deadlock.
	 286  	tlsConn.Close()
	 287  }

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