
Source file src/errors/errors.go

Documentation: errors

		 1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  // Package errors implements functions to manipulate errors.
		 6  //
		 7  // The New function creates errors whose only content is a text message.
		 8  //
		 9  // The Unwrap, Is and As functions work on errors that may wrap other errors.
		10  // An error wraps another error if its type has the method
		11  //
		12  //	Unwrap() error
		13  //
		14  // If e.Unwrap() returns a non-nil error w, then we say that e wraps w.
		15  //
		16  // Unwrap unpacks wrapped errors. If its argument's type has an
		17  // Unwrap method, it calls the method once. Otherwise, it returns nil.
		18  //
		19  // A simple way to create wrapped errors is to call fmt.Errorf and apply the %w verb
		20  // to the error argument:
		21  //
		22  //	errors.Unwrap(fmt.Errorf("... %w ...", ..., err, ...))
		23  //
		24  // returns err.
		25  //
		26  // Is unwraps its first argument sequentially looking for an error that matches the
		27  // second. It reports whether it finds a match. It should be used in preference to
		28  // simple equality checks:
		29  //
		30  //	if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrExist)
		31  //
		32  // is preferable to
		33  //
		34  //	if err == fs.ErrExist
		35  //
		36  // because the former will succeed if err wraps fs.ErrExist.
		37  //
		38  // As unwraps its first argument sequentially looking for an error that can be
		39  // assigned to its second argument, which must be a pointer. If it succeeds, it
		40  // performs the assignment and returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. The form
		41  //
		42  //	var perr *fs.PathError
		43  //	if errors.As(err, &perr) {
		44  //		fmt.Println(perr.Path)
		45  //	}
		46  //
		47  // is preferable to
		48  //
		49  //	if perr, ok := err.(*fs.PathError); ok {
		50  //		fmt.Println(perr.Path)
		51  //	}
		52  //
		53  // because the former will succeed if err wraps an *fs.PathError.
		54  package errors
		56  // New returns an error that formats as the given text.
		57  // Each call to New returns a distinct error value even if the text is identical.
		58  func New(text string) error {
		59  	return &errorString{text}
		60  }
		62  // errorString is a trivial implementation of error.
		63  type errorString struct {
		64  	s string
		65  }
		67  func (e *errorString) Error() string {
		68  	return e.s
		69  }

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