
Source file src/go/parser/short_test.go

Documentation: go/parser

		 1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  // This file contains test cases for short valid and invalid programs.
		 7  package parser
		 9  import (
		10  	"go/internal/typeparams"
		11  	"testing"
		12  )
		14  var valids = []string{
		15  	"package p\n",
		16  	`package p;`,
		17  	`package p; import "fmt"; func f() { fmt.Println("Hello, World!") };`,
		18  	`package p; func f() { if f(T{}) {} };`,
		19  	`package p; func f() { _ = <-chan int(nil) };`,
		20  	`package p; func f() { _ = (<-chan int)(nil) };`,
		21  	`package p; func f() { _ = (<-chan <-chan int)(nil) };`,
		22  	`package p; func f() { _ = <-chan <-chan <-chan <-chan <-int(nil) };`,
		23  	`package p; func f(func() func() func());`,
		24  	`package p; func f(...T);`,
		25  	`package p; func f(float, ...int);`,
		26  	`package p; func f(x int, a ...int) { f(0, a...); f(1, a...,) };`,
		27  	`package p; func f(int,) {};`,
		28  	`package p; func f(...int,) {};`,
		29  	`package p; func f(x ...int,) {};`,
		30  	`package p; type T []int; var a []bool; func f() { if a[T{42}[0]] {} };`,
		31  	`package p; type T []int; func g(int) bool { return true }; func f() { if g(T{42}[0]) {} };`,
		32  	`package p; type T []int; func f() { for _ = range []int{T{42}[0]} {} };`,
		33  	`package p; var a = T{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}`,
		34  	`package p; func f() { select { case <- c: case c <- d: case c <- <- d: case <-c <- d: } };`,
		35  	`package p; func f() { select { case x := (<-c): } };`,
		36  	`package p; func f() { if ; true {} };`,
		37  	`package p; func f() { switch ; {} };`,
		38  	`package p; func f() { for _ = range "foo" + "bar" {} };`,
		39  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; g(s[:], s[i:], s[:j], s[i:j], s[i:j:k], s[:j:k]) };`,
		40  	`package p; var ( _ = (struct {*T}).m; _ = (interface {T}).m )`,
		41  	`package p; func ((T),) m() {}`,
		42  	`package p; func ((*T),) m() {}`,
		43  	`package p; func (*(T),) m() {}`,
		44  	`package p; func _(x []int) { for range x {} }`,
		45  	`package p; func _() { if [T{}.n]int{} {} }`,
		46  	`package p; func _() { map[int]int{}[0]++; map[int]int{}[0] += 1 }`,
		47  	`package p; func _(x interface{f()}) { interface{f()}(x).f() }`,
		48  	`package p; func _(x chan int) { chan int(x) <- 0 }`,
		49  	`package p; const (x = 0; y; z)`, // issue 9639
		50  	`package p; var _ = map[P]int{P{}:0, {}:1}`,
		51  	`package p; var _ = map[*P]int{&P{}:0, {}:1}`,
		52  	`package p; type T = int`,
		53  	`package p; type (T = p.T; _ = struct{}; x = *T)`,
		54  	`package p; type T (*int)`,
		55  	`package p; type _ struct{ ((int)) }`,
		56  	`package p; type _ struct{ (*(int)) }`,
		57  	`package p; type _ struct{ ([]byte) }`, // disallowed by type-checker
		58  	`package p; var _ = func()T(nil)`,
		59  	`package p; func _(T (P))`,
		60  	`package p; func _(T []E)`,
		61  	`package p; func _(T [P]E)`,
		62  	`package p; type _ [A+B]struct{}`,
		63  	`package p; func (R) _()`,
		64  	`package p; type _ struct{ f [n]E }`,
		65  	`package p; type _ struct{ f [a+b+c+d]E }`,
		66  	`package p; type I1 interface{}; type I2 interface{ I1 }`,
		67  }
		69  // validWithTParamsOnly holds source code examples that are valid if
		70  // parseTypeParams is set, but invalid if not. When checking with the
		71  // parseTypeParams set, errors are ignored.
		72  var validWithTParamsOnly = []string{
		73  	`package p; type _ []T[ /* ERROR "expected ';', found '\['" */ int]`,
		74  	`package p; type T[P any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ] struct { P }`,
		75  	`package p; type T[P comparable /* ERROR "expected ']', found comparable" */ ] struct { P }`,
		76  	`package p; type T[P comparable /* ERROR "expected ']', found comparable" */ [P]] struct { P }`,
		77  	`package p; type T[P1, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */ P2 any] struct { P1; f []P2 }`,
		78  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T any]()()`,
		79  	`package p; func _(T (P))`,
		80  	`package p; func f[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B any](); func _() { _ = f[int, int] }`,
		81  	`package p; func _(x /* ERROR "mixed named and unnamed parameters" */ T[P1, P2, P3])`,
		82  	`package p; func _(x /* ERROR "mixed named and unnamed parameters" */ p.T[Q])`,
		83  	`package p; func _(p.T[ /* ERROR "missing ',' in parameter list" */ Q])`,
		84  	`package p; type _[A interface /* ERROR "expected ']', found 'interface'" */ {},] struct{}`,
		85  	`package p; type _[A interface /* ERROR "expected ']', found 'interface'" */ {}] struct{}`,
		86  	`package p; type _[A, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */	B any,] struct{}`,
		87  	`package p; type _[A, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */ B any] struct{}`,
		88  	`package p; type _[A any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */,] struct{}`,
		89  	`package p; type _[A any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ]struct{}`,
		90  	`package p; type _[A any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ] struct{ A }`,
		91  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T any]()`,
		92  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T any](x T)`,
		93  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T1, T2 any](x T)`,
		94  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B any](a A) B`,
		95  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B C](a A) B`,
		96  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B C[A, B]](a A) B`,
		97  	`package p; func (T) _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B any](a A) B`,
		98  	`package p; func (T) _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B C](a A) B`,
		99  	`package p; func (T) _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ A, B C[A, B]](a A) B`,
	 100  	`package p; type _[A, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */ B any] interface { _(a A) B }`,
	 101  	`package p; type _[A, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */ B C[A, B]] interface { _(a A) B }`,
	 102  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T1, T2 interface{}](x T1) T2`,
	 103  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T1 interface{ m() }, T2, T3 interface{}](x T1, y T3) T2`,
	 104  	`package p; var _ = [ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ]T[int]{}`,
	 105  	`package p; var _ = [ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ 10]T[int]{}`,
	 106  	`package p; var _ = func /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ()T[int]{}`,
	 107  	`package p; var _ = map /* ERROR "expected expression" */ [T[int]]T[int]{}`,
	 108  	`package p; var _ = chan /* ERROR "expected expression" */ T[int](x)`,
	 109  	`package p; func _(_ T[ /* ERROR "missing ',' in parameter list" */ P], T P) T[P]`,
	 110  	`package p; var _ T[ /* ERROR "expected ';', found '\['" */ chan int]`,
	 112  	// TODO(rfindley) this error message could be improved.
	 113  	`package p; func (_ /* ERROR "mixed named and unnamed parameters" */ R[P]) _[T any](x T)`,
	 114  	`package p; func (_ /* ERROR "mixed named and unnamed parameters" */ R[ P, Q]) _[T1, T2 any](x T)`,
	 116  	`package p; func (R[P] /* ERROR "missing element type" */ ) _[T any]()`,
	 117  	`package p; func _(T[P] /* ERROR "missing element type" */ )`,
	 118  	`package p; func _(T[P1, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */ P2, P3 ])`,
	 119  	`package p; func _(T[P] /* ERROR "missing element type" */ ) T[P]`,
	 120  	`package p; type _ struct{ T[P] /* ERROR "missing element type" */ }`,
	 121  	`package p; type _ struct{ T[struct /* ERROR "expected expression" */ {a, b, c int}] }`,
	 122  	`package p; type _ interface{type /* ERROR "expected '}', found 'type'" */ int}`,
	 123  	`package p; type _ interface{type /* ERROR "expected '}', found 'type'" */ int, float32; type bool; m(); type string;}`,
	 124  	`package p; type I1[T any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ] interface{}; type I2 interface{ I1[int] }`,
	 125  	`package p; type I1[T any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ] interface{}; type I2[T any] interface{ I1[T] }`,
	 126  	`package p; type _ interface { f[ /* ERROR "expected ';', found '\['" */ T any]() }`,
	 127  }
	 129  func TestValid(t *testing.T) {
	 130  	t.Run("no tparams", func(t *testing.T) {
	 131  		for _, src := range valids {
	 132  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors, false)
	 133  		}
	 134  	})
	 135  	t.Run("tparams", func(t *testing.T) {
	 136  		if !typeparams.Enabled {
	 137  			t.Skip("type params are not enabled")
	 138  		}
	 139  		for _, src := range valids {
	 140  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors, false)
	 141  		}
	 142  		for _, src := range validWithTParamsOnly {
	 143  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors, false)
	 144  		}
	 145  	})
	 146  }
	 148  // TestSingle is useful to track down a problem with a single short test program.
	 149  func TestSingle(t *testing.T) {
	 150  	const src = `package p; var _ = T{}`
	 151  	checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors, true)
	 152  }
	 154  var invalids = []string{
	 155  	`foo /* ERROR "expected 'package'" */ !`,
	 156  	`package p; func f() { if { /* ERROR "missing condition" */ } };`,
	 157  	`package p; func f() { if ; /* ERROR "missing condition" */ {} };`,
	 158  	`package p; func f() { if f(); /* ERROR "missing condition" */ {} };`,
	 159  	`package p; func f() { if _ = range /* ERROR "expected operand" */ x; true {} };`,
	 160  	`package p; func f() { switch _ /* ERROR "expected switch expression" */ = range x; true {} };`,
	 161  	`package p; func f() { for _ = range x ; /* ERROR "expected '{'" */ ; {} };`,
	 162  	`package p; func f() { for ; ; _ = range /* ERROR "expected operand" */ x {} };`,
	 163  	`package p; func f() { for ; _ /* ERROR "expected boolean or range expression" */ = range x ; {} };`,
	 164  	`package p; func f() { switch t = /* ERROR "expected ':=', found '='" */ t.(type) {} };`,
	 165  	`package p; func f() { switch t /* ERROR "expected switch expression" */ , t = t.(type) {} };`,
	 166  	`package p; func f() { switch t /* ERROR "expected switch expression" */ = t.(type), t {} };`,
	 167  	`package p; var a = [ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ 1]int;`,
	 168  	`package p; var a = [ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ...]int;`,
	 169  	`package p; var a = struct /* ERROR "expected expression" */ {}`,
	 170  	`package p; var a = func /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ();`,
	 171  	`package p; var a = interface /* ERROR "expected expression" */ {}`,
	 172  	`package p; var a = [ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ]int`,
	 173  	`package p; var a = map /* ERROR "expected expression" */ [int]int`,
	 174  	`package p; var a = chan /* ERROR "expected expression" */ int;`,
	 175  	`package p; var a = []int{[ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ]int};`,
	 176  	`package p; var a = ( /* ERROR "expected expression" */ []int);`,
	 177  	`package p; var a = <- /* ERROR "expected expression" */ chan int;`,
	 178  	`package p; func f() { select { case _ <- chan /* ERROR "expected expression" */ int: } };`,
	 179  	`package p; func f() { _ = (<-<- /* ERROR "expected 'chan'" */ chan int)(nil) };`,
	 180  	`package p; func f() { _ = (<-chan<-chan<-chan<-chan<-chan<- /* ERROR "expected channel type" */ int)(nil) };`,
	 181  	`package p; func f() { var t []int; t /* ERROR "expected identifier on left side of :=" */ [0] := 0 };`,
	 182  	`package p; func f() { if x := g(); x /* ERROR "expected boolean expression" */ = 0 {}};`,
	 183  	`package p; func f() { _ = x = /* ERROR "expected '=='" */ 0 {}};`,
	 184  	`package p; func f() { _ = 1 == func()int { var x bool; x = x = /* ERROR "expected '=='" */ true; return x }() };`,
	 185  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[] /* ERROR "expected operand" */ };`,
	 186  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[i:j: /* ERROR "3rd index required" */ ] };`,
	 187  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[i: /* ERROR "2nd index required" */ :k] };`,
	 188  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[i: /* ERROR "2nd index required" */ :] };`,
	 189  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[: /* ERROR "2nd index required" */ :] };`,
	 190  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[: /* ERROR "2nd index required" */ ::] };`,
	 191  	`package p; func f() { var s []int; _ = s[i:j:k: /* ERROR "expected ']'" */ l] };`,
	 192  	`package p; func f() { for x /* ERROR "boolean or range expression" */ = []string {} }`,
	 193  	`package p; func f() { for x /* ERROR "boolean or range expression" */ := []string {} }`,
	 194  	`package p; func f() { for i /* ERROR "boolean or range expression" */ , x = []string {} }`,
	 195  	`package p; func f() { for i /* ERROR "boolean or range expression" */ , x := []string {} }`,
	 196  	`package p; func f() { go f /* ERROR HERE "function must be invoked" */ }`,
	 197  	`package p; func f() { defer func() {} /* ERROR HERE "function must be invoked" */ }`,
	 198  	`package p; func f() { go func() { func() { f(x func /* ERROR "missing ','" */ (){}) } } }`,
	 199  	`package p; func _() (type /* ERROR "found 'type'" */ T)(T)`,
	 200  	`package p; func (type /* ERROR "found 'type'" */ T)(T) _()`,
	 201  	`package p; type _[A+B, /* ERROR "expected ']'" */ ] int`,
	 203  	// TODO: this error should be positioned on the ':'
	 204  	`package p; var a = a[[]int:[ /* ERROR "expected expression" */ ]int];`,
	 205  	// TODO: the compiler error is better here: "cannot parenthesize embedded type"
	 206  	`package p; type I1 interface{}; type I2 interface{ (/* ERROR "expected '}', found '\('" */ I1) }`,
	 208  	// issue 8656
	 209  	`package p; func f() (a b string /* ERROR "missing ','" */ , ok bool)`,
	 211  	// issue 9639
	 212  	`package p; var x /* ERROR "missing variable type or initialization" */ , y, z;`,
	 213  	`package p; const x /* ERROR "missing constant value" */ ;`,
	 214  	`package p; const x /* ERROR "missing constant value" */ int;`,
	 215  	`package p; const (x = 0; y; z /* ERROR "missing constant value" */ int);`,
	 217  	// issue 12437
	 218  	`package p; var _ = struct { x int, /* ERROR "expected ';', found ','" */ }{};`,
	 219  	`package p; var _ = struct { x int, /* ERROR "expected ';', found ','" */ y float }{};`,
	 221  	// issue 11611
	 222  	`package p; type _ struct { int, } /* ERROR "expected 'IDENT', found '}'" */ ;`,
	 223  	`package p; type _ struct { int, float } /* ERROR "expected type, found '}'" */ ;`,
	 225  	// issue 13475
	 226  	`package p; func f() { if true {} else ; /* ERROR "expected if statement or block" */ }`,
	 227  	`package p; func f() { if true {} else defer /* ERROR "expected if statement or block" */ f() }`,
	 228  }
	 230  // invalidNoTParamErrs holds invalid source code examples annotated with the
	 231  // error messages produced when ParseTypeParams is not set.
	 232  var invalidNoTParamErrs = []string{
	 233  	`package p; type _[_ any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ] int; var _ = T[]{}`,
	 234  	`package p; type T[P any /* ERROR "expected ']', found any" */ ] = T0`,
	 235  	`package p; var _ func[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ T any](T)`,
	 236  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ ]()`,
	 237  	`package p; type _[A, /* ERROR "expected ']', found ','" */] struct{ A }`,
	 238  	`package p; func _[ /* ERROR "expected '\(', found '\['" */ type P, *Q interface{}]()`,
	 239  }
	 241  // invalidTParamErrs holds invalid source code examples annotated with the
	 242  // error messages produced when ParseTypeParams is set.
	 243  var invalidTParamErrs = []string{
	 244  	`package p; type _[_ any] int; var _ = T[] /* ERROR "expected operand" */ {}`,
	 245  	`package p; type T[P any] = /* ERROR "cannot be alias" */ T0`,
	 246  	`package p; var _ func[ /* ERROR "cannot have type parameters" */ T any](T)`,
	 247  	`package p; func _[]/* ERROR "empty type parameter list" */()`,
	 249  	// TODO(rfindley) a better location would be after the ']'
	 250  	`package p; type _[A/* ERROR "all type parameters must be named" */,] struct{ A }`,
	 252  	// TODO(rfindley) this error is confusing.
	 253  	`package p; func _[type /* ERROR "all type parameters must be named" */P, *Q interface{}]()`,
	 254  }
	 256  func TestInvalid(t *testing.T) {
	 257  	t.Run("no tparams", func(t *testing.T) {
	 258  		for _, src := range invalids {
	 259  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors|typeparams.DisallowParsing, true)
	 260  		}
	 261  		for _, src := range validWithTParamsOnly {
	 262  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors|typeparams.DisallowParsing, true)
	 263  		}
	 264  		for _, src := range invalidNoTParamErrs {
	 265  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors|typeparams.DisallowParsing, true)
	 266  		}
	 267  	})
	 268  	t.Run("tparams", func(t *testing.T) {
	 269  		if !typeparams.Enabled {
	 270  			t.Skip("type params are not enabled")
	 271  		}
	 272  		for _, src := range invalids {
	 273  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors, true)
	 274  		}
	 275  		for _, src := range invalidTParamErrs {
	 276  			checkErrors(t, src, src, DeclarationErrors|AllErrors, true)
	 277  		}
	 278  	})
	 279  }

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