
Source file src/runtime/mgcstack.go

Documentation: runtime

		 1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  // Garbage collector: stack objects and stack tracing
		 6  // See the design doc at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1un-Jn47yByHL7I0aVIP_uVCMxjdM5mpelJhiKlIqxkE/edit?usp=sharing
		 7  // Also see issue 22350.
		 9  // Stack tracing solves the problem of determining which parts of the
		10  // stack are live and should be scanned. It runs as part of scanning
		11  // a single goroutine stack.
		12  //
		13  // Normally determining which parts of the stack are live is easy to
		14  // do statically, as user code has explicit references (reads and
		15  // writes) to stack variables. The compiler can do a simple dataflow
		16  // analysis to determine liveness of stack variables at every point in
		17  // the code. See cmd/compile/internal/gc/plive.go for that analysis.
		18  //
		19  // However, when we take the address of a stack variable, determining
		20  // whether that variable is still live is less clear. We can still
		21  // look for static accesses, but accesses through a pointer to the
		22  // variable are difficult in general to track statically. That pointer
		23  // can be passed among functions on the stack, conditionally retained,
		24  // etc.
		25  //
		26  // Instead, we will track pointers to stack variables dynamically.
		27  // All pointers to stack-allocated variables will themselves be on the
		28  // stack somewhere (or in associated locations, like defer records), so
		29  // we can find them all efficiently.
		30  //
		31  // Stack tracing is organized as a mini garbage collection tracing
		32  // pass. The objects in this garbage collection are all the variables
		33  // on the stack whose address is taken, and which themselves contain a
		34  // pointer. We call these variables "stack objects".
		35  //
		36  // We begin by determining all the stack objects on the stack and all
		37  // the statically live pointers that may point into the stack. We then
		38  // process each pointer to see if it points to a stack object. If it
		39  // does, we scan that stack object. It may contain pointers into the
		40  // heap, in which case those pointers are passed to the main garbage
		41  // collection. It may also contain pointers into the stack, in which
		42  // case we add them to our set of stack pointers.
		43  //
		44  // Once we're done processing all the pointers (including the ones we
		45  // added during processing), we've found all the stack objects that
		46  // are live. Any dead stack objects are not scanned and their contents
		47  // will not keep heap objects live. Unlike the main garbage
		48  // collection, we can't sweep the dead stack objects; they live on in
		49  // a moribund state until the stack frame that contains them is
		50  // popped.
		51  //
		52  // A stack can look like this:
		53  //
		54  // +----------+
		55  // | foo()		|
		56  // | +------+ |
		57  // | |	A	 | | <---\
		58  // | +------+ |		 |
		59  // |					|		 |
		60  // | +------+ |		 |
		61  // | |	B	 | |		 |
		62  // | +------+ |		 |
		63  // |					|		 |
		64  // +----------+		 |
		65  // | bar()		|		 |
		66  // | +------+ |		 |
		67  // | |	C	 | | <-\ |
		68  // | +----|-+ |	 | |
		69  // |			|	 |	 | |
		70  // | +----v-+ |	 | |
		71  // | |	D	---------/
		72  // | +------+ |	 |
		73  // |					|	 |
		74  // +----------+	 |
		75  // | baz()		|	 |
		76  // | +------+ |	 |
		77  // | |	E	-------/
		78  // | +------+ |
		79  // |			^	 |
		80  // | F: --/	 |
		81  // |					|
		82  // +----------+
		83  //
		84  // foo() calls bar() calls baz(). Each has a frame on the stack.
		85  // foo() has stack objects A and B.
		86  // bar() has stack objects C and D, with C pointing to D and D pointing to A.
		87  // baz() has a stack object E pointing to C, and a local variable F pointing to E.
		88  //
		89  // Starting from the pointer in local variable F, we will eventually
		90  // scan all of E, C, D, and A (in that order). B is never scanned
		91  // because there is no live pointer to it. If B is also statically
		92  // dead (meaning that foo() never accesses B again after it calls
		93  // bar()), then B's pointers into the heap are not considered live.
		95  package runtime
		97  import (
		98  	"runtime/internal/sys"
		99  	"unsafe"
	 100  )
	 102  const stackTraceDebug = false
	 104  // Buffer for pointers found during stack tracing.
	 105  // Must be smaller than or equal to workbuf.
	 106  //
	 107  //go:notinheap
	 108  type stackWorkBuf struct {
	 109  	stackWorkBufHdr
	 110  	obj [(_WorkbufSize - unsafe.Sizeof(stackWorkBufHdr{})) / sys.PtrSize]uintptr
	 111  }
	 113  // Header declaration must come after the buf declaration above, because of issue #14620.
	 114  //
	 115  //go:notinheap
	 116  type stackWorkBufHdr struct {
	 117  	workbufhdr
	 118  	next *stackWorkBuf // linked list of workbufs
	 119  	// Note: we could theoretically repurpose lfnode.next as this next pointer.
	 120  	// It would save 1 word, but that probably isn't worth busting open
	 121  	// the lfnode API.
	 122  }
	 124  // Buffer for stack objects found on a goroutine stack.
	 125  // Must be smaller than or equal to workbuf.
	 126  //
	 127  //go:notinheap
	 128  type stackObjectBuf struct {
	 129  	stackObjectBufHdr
	 130  	obj [(_WorkbufSize - unsafe.Sizeof(stackObjectBufHdr{})) / unsafe.Sizeof(stackObject{})]stackObject
	 131  }
	 133  //go:notinheap
	 134  type stackObjectBufHdr struct {
	 135  	workbufhdr
	 136  	next *stackObjectBuf
	 137  }
	 139  func init() {
	 140  	if unsafe.Sizeof(stackWorkBuf{}) > unsafe.Sizeof(workbuf{}) {
	 141  		panic("stackWorkBuf too big")
	 142  	}
	 143  	if unsafe.Sizeof(stackObjectBuf{}) > unsafe.Sizeof(workbuf{}) {
	 144  		panic("stackObjectBuf too big")
	 145  	}
	 146  }
	 148  // A stackObject represents a variable on the stack that has had
	 149  // its address taken.
	 150  //
	 151  //go:notinheap
	 152  type stackObject struct {
	 153  	off	 uint32						 // offset above stack.lo
	 154  	size	uint32						 // size of object
	 155  	r		 *stackObjectRecord // info of the object (for ptr/nonptr bits). nil if object has been scanned.
	 156  	left	*stackObject			 // objects with lower addresses
	 157  	right *stackObject			 // objects with higher addresses
	 158  }
	 160  // obj.r = r, but with no write barrier.
	 161  //go:nowritebarrier
	 162  func (obj *stackObject) setRecord(r *stackObjectRecord) {
	 163  	// Types of stack objects are always in read-only memory, not the heap.
	 164  	// So not using a write barrier is ok.
	 165  	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&obj.r)) = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r))
	 166  }
	 168  // A stackScanState keeps track of the state used during the GC walk
	 169  // of a goroutine.
	 170  type stackScanState struct {
	 171  	cache pcvalueCache
	 173  	// stack limits
	 174  	stack stack
	 176  	// conservative indicates that the next frame must be scanned conservatively.
	 177  	// This applies only to the innermost frame at an async safe-point.
	 178  	conservative bool
	 180  	// buf contains the set of possible pointers to stack objects.
	 181  	// Organized as a LIFO linked list of buffers.
	 182  	// All buffers except possibly the head buffer are full.
	 183  	buf		 *stackWorkBuf
	 184  	freeBuf *stackWorkBuf // keep around one free buffer for allocation hysteresis
	 186  	// cbuf contains conservative pointers to stack objects. If
	 187  	// all pointers to a stack object are obtained via
	 188  	// conservative scanning, then the stack object may be dead
	 189  	// and may contain dead pointers, so it must be scanned
	 190  	// defensively.
	 191  	cbuf *stackWorkBuf
	 193  	// list of stack objects
	 194  	// Objects are in increasing address order.
	 195  	head	*stackObjectBuf
	 196  	tail	*stackObjectBuf
	 197  	nobjs int
	 199  	// root of binary tree for fast object lookup by address
	 200  	// Initialized by buildIndex.
	 201  	root *stackObject
	 202  }
	 204  // Add p as a potential pointer to a stack object.
	 205  // p must be a stack address.
	 206  func (s *stackScanState) putPtr(p uintptr, conservative bool) {
	 207  	if p < s.stack.lo || p >= s.stack.hi {
	 208  		throw("address not a stack address")
	 209  	}
	 210  	head := &s.buf
	 211  	if conservative {
	 212  		head = &s.cbuf
	 213  	}
	 214  	buf := *head
	 215  	if buf == nil {
	 216  		// Initial setup.
	 217  		buf = (*stackWorkBuf)(unsafe.Pointer(getempty()))
	 218  		buf.nobj = 0
	 219  		buf.next = nil
	 220  		*head = buf
	 221  	} else if buf.nobj == len(buf.obj) {
	 222  		if s.freeBuf != nil {
	 223  			buf = s.freeBuf
	 224  			s.freeBuf = nil
	 225  		} else {
	 226  			buf = (*stackWorkBuf)(unsafe.Pointer(getempty()))
	 227  		}
	 228  		buf.nobj = 0
	 229  		buf.next = *head
	 230  		*head = buf
	 231  	}
	 232  	buf.obj[buf.nobj] = p
	 233  	buf.nobj++
	 234  }
	 236  // Remove and return a potential pointer to a stack object.
	 237  // Returns 0 if there are no more pointers available.
	 238  //
	 239  // This prefers non-conservative pointers so we scan stack objects
	 240  // precisely if there are any non-conservative pointers to them.
	 241  func (s *stackScanState) getPtr() (p uintptr, conservative bool) {
	 242  	for _, head := range []**stackWorkBuf{&s.buf, &s.cbuf} {
	 243  		buf := *head
	 244  		if buf == nil {
	 245  			// Never had any data.
	 246  			continue
	 247  		}
	 248  		if buf.nobj == 0 {
	 249  			if s.freeBuf != nil {
	 250  				// Free old freeBuf.
	 251  				putempty((*workbuf)(unsafe.Pointer(s.freeBuf)))
	 252  			}
	 253  			// Move buf to the freeBuf.
	 254  			s.freeBuf = buf
	 255  			buf = buf.next
	 256  			*head = buf
	 257  			if buf == nil {
	 258  				// No more data in this list.
	 259  				continue
	 260  			}
	 261  		}
	 262  		buf.nobj--
	 263  		return buf.obj[buf.nobj], head == &s.cbuf
	 264  	}
	 265  	// No more data in either list.
	 266  	if s.freeBuf != nil {
	 267  		putempty((*workbuf)(unsafe.Pointer(s.freeBuf)))
	 268  		s.freeBuf = nil
	 269  	}
	 270  	return 0, false
	 271  }
	 273  // addObject adds a stack object at addr of type typ to the set of stack objects.
	 274  func (s *stackScanState) addObject(addr uintptr, r *stackObjectRecord) {
	 275  	x := s.tail
	 276  	if x == nil {
	 277  		// initial setup
	 278  		x = (*stackObjectBuf)(unsafe.Pointer(getempty()))
	 279  		x.next = nil
	 280  		s.head = x
	 281  		s.tail = x
	 282  	}
	 283  	if x.nobj > 0 && uint32(addr-s.stack.lo) < x.obj[x.nobj-1].off+x.obj[x.nobj-1].size {
	 284  		throw("objects added out of order or overlapping")
	 285  	}
	 286  	if x.nobj == len(x.obj) {
	 287  		// full buffer - allocate a new buffer, add to end of linked list
	 288  		y := (*stackObjectBuf)(unsafe.Pointer(getempty()))
	 289  		y.next = nil
	 290  		x.next = y
	 291  		s.tail = y
	 292  		x = y
	 293  	}
	 294  	obj := &x.obj[x.nobj]
	 295  	x.nobj++
	 296  	obj.off = uint32(addr - s.stack.lo)
	 297  	obj.size = uint32(r.size)
	 298  	obj.setRecord(r)
	 299  	// obj.left and obj.right will be initialized by buildIndex before use.
	 300  	s.nobjs++
	 301  }
	 303  // buildIndex initializes s.root to a binary search tree.
	 304  // It should be called after all addObject calls but before
	 305  // any call of findObject.
	 306  func (s *stackScanState) buildIndex() {
	 307  	s.root, _, _ = binarySearchTree(s.head, 0, s.nobjs)
	 308  }
	 310  // Build a binary search tree with the n objects in the list
	 311  // x.obj[idx], x.obj[idx+1], ..., x.next.obj[0], ...
	 312  // Returns the root of that tree, and the buf+idx of the nth object after x.obj[idx].
	 313  // (The first object that was not included in the binary search tree.)
	 314  // If n == 0, returns nil, x.
	 315  func binarySearchTree(x *stackObjectBuf, idx int, n int) (root *stackObject, restBuf *stackObjectBuf, restIdx int) {
	 316  	if n == 0 {
	 317  		return nil, x, idx
	 318  	}
	 319  	var left, right *stackObject
	 320  	left, x, idx = binarySearchTree(x, idx, n/2)
	 321  	root = &x.obj[idx]
	 322  	idx++
	 323  	if idx == len(x.obj) {
	 324  		x = x.next
	 325  		idx = 0
	 326  	}
	 327  	right, x, idx = binarySearchTree(x, idx, n-n/2-1)
	 328  	root.left = left
	 329  	root.right = right
	 330  	return root, x, idx
	 331  }
	 333  // findObject returns the stack object containing address a, if any.
	 334  // Must have called buildIndex previously.
	 335  func (s *stackScanState) findObject(a uintptr) *stackObject {
	 336  	off := uint32(a - s.stack.lo)
	 337  	obj := s.root
	 338  	for {
	 339  		if obj == nil {
	 340  			return nil
	 341  		}
	 342  		if off < obj.off {
	 343  			obj = obj.left
	 344  			continue
	 345  		}
	 346  		if off >= obj.off+obj.size {
	 347  			obj = obj.right
	 348  			continue
	 349  		}
	 350  		return obj
	 351  	}
	 352  }

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