
Source file src/sync/map_test.go

Documentation: sync

		 1  // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package sync_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	"math/rand"
		 9  	"reflect"
		10  	"runtime"
		11  	"sync"
		12  	"sync/atomic"
		13  	"testing"
		14  	"testing/quick"
		15  )
		17  type mapOp string
		19  const (
		20  	opLoad					= mapOp("Load")
		21  	opStore				 = mapOp("Store")
		22  	opLoadOrStore	 = mapOp("LoadOrStore")
		23  	opLoadAndDelete = mapOp("LoadAndDelete")
		24  	opDelete				= mapOp("Delete")
		25  )
		27  var mapOps = [...]mapOp{opLoad, opStore, opLoadOrStore, opLoadAndDelete, opDelete}
		29  // mapCall is a quick.Generator for calls on mapInterface.
		30  type mapCall struct {
		31  	op	 mapOp
		32  	k, v interface{}
		33  }
		35  func (c mapCall) apply(m mapInterface) (interface{}, bool) {
		36  	switch c.op {
		37  	case opLoad:
		38  		return m.Load(c.k)
		39  	case opStore:
		40  		m.Store(c.k, c.v)
		41  		return nil, false
		42  	case opLoadOrStore:
		43  		return m.LoadOrStore(c.k, c.v)
		44  	case opLoadAndDelete:
		45  		return m.LoadAndDelete(c.k)
		46  	case opDelete:
		47  		m.Delete(c.k)
		48  		return nil, false
		49  	default:
		50  		panic("invalid mapOp")
		51  	}
		52  }
		54  type mapResult struct {
		55  	value interface{}
		56  	ok		bool
		57  }
		59  func randValue(r *rand.Rand) interface{} {
		60  	b := make([]byte, r.Intn(4))
		61  	for i := range b {
		62  		b[i] = 'a' + byte(rand.Intn(26))
		63  	}
		64  	return string(b)
		65  }
		67  func (mapCall) Generate(r *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
		68  	c := mapCall{op: mapOps[rand.Intn(len(mapOps))], k: randValue(r)}
		69  	switch c.op {
		70  	case opStore, opLoadOrStore:
		71  		c.v = randValue(r)
		72  	}
		73  	return reflect.ValueOf(c)
		74  }
		76  func applyCalls(m mapInterface, calls []mapCall) (results []mapResult, final map[interface{}]interface{}) {
		77  	for _, c := range calls {
		78  		v, ok := c.apply(m)
		79  		results = append(results, mapResult{v, ok})
		80  	}
		82  	final = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
		83  	m.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
		84  		final[k] = v
		85  		return true
		86  	})
		88  	return results, final
		89  }
		91  func applyMap(calls []mapCall) ([]mapResult, map[interface{}]interface{}) {
		92  	return applyCalls(new(sync.Map), calls)
		93  }
		95  func applyRWMutexMap(calls []mapCall) ([]mapResult, map[interface{}]interface{}) {
		96  	return applyCalls(new(RWMutexMap), calls)
		97  }
		99  func applyDeepCopyMap(calls []mapCall) ([]mapResult, map[interface{}]interface{}) {
	 100  	return applyCalls(new(DeepCopyMap), calls)
	 101  }
	 103  func TestMapMatchesRWMutex(t *testing.T) {
	 104  	if err := quick.CheckEqual(applyMap, applyRWMutexMap, nil); err != nil {
	 105  		t.Error(err)
	 106  	}
	 107  }
	 109  func TestMapMatchesDeepCopy(t *testing.T) {
	 110  	if err := quick.CheckEqual(applyMap, applyDeepCopyMap, nil); err != nil {
	 111  		t.Error(err)
	 112  	}
	 113  }
	 115  func TestConcurrentRange(t *testing.T) {
	 116  	const mapSize = 1 << 10
	 118  	m := new(sync.Map)
	 119  	for n := int64(1); n <= mapSize; n++ {
	 120  		m.Store(n, int64(n))
	 121  	}
	 123  	done := make(chan struct{})
	 124  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	 125  	defer func() {
	 126  		close(done)
	 127  		wg.Wait()
	 128  	}()
	 129  	for g := int64(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)); g > 0; g-- {
	 130  		r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(g))
	 131  		wg.Add(1)
	 132  		go func(g int64) {
	 133  			defer wg.Done()
	 134  			for i := int64(0); ; i++ {
	 135  				select {
	 136  				case <-done:
	 137  					return
	 138  				default:
	 139  				}
	 140  				for n := int64(1); n < mapSize; n++ {
	 141  					if r.Int63n(mapSize) == 0 {
	 142  						m.Store(n, n*i*g)
	 143  					} else {
	 144  						m.Load(n)
	 145  					}
	 146  				}
	 147  			}
	 148  		}(g)
	 149  	}
	 151  	iters := 1 << 10
	 152  	if testing.Short() {
	 153  		iters = 16
	 154  	}
	 155  	for n := iters; n > 0; n-- {
	 156  		seen := make(map[int64]bool, mapSize)
	 158  		m.Range(func(ki, vi interface{}) bool {
	 159  			k, v := ki.(int64), vi.(int64)
	 160  			if v%k != 0 {
	 161  				t.Fatalf("while Storing multiples of %v, Range saw value %v", k, v)
	 162  			}
	 163  			if seen[k] {
	 164  				t.Fatalf("Range visited key %v twice", k)
	 165  			}
	 166  			seen[k] = true
	 167  			return true
	 168  		})
	 170  		if len(seen) != mapSize {
	 171  			t.Fatalf("Range visited %v elements of %v-element Map", len(seen), mapSize)
	 172  		}
	 173  	}
	 174  }
	 176  func TestIssue40999(t *testing.T) {
	 177  	var m sync.Map
	 179  	// Since the miss-counting in missLocked (via Delete)
	 180  	// compares the miss count with len(m.dirty),
	 181  	// add an initial entry to bias len(m.dirty) above the miss count.
	 182  	m.Store(nil, struct{}{})
	 184  	var finalized uint32
	 186  	// Set finalizers that count for collected keys. A non-zero count
	 187  	// indicates that keys have not been leaked.
	 188  	for atomic.LoadUint32(&finalized) == 0 {
	 189  		p := new(int)
	 190  		runtime.SetFinalizer(p, func(*int) {
	 191  			atomic.AddUint32(&finalized, 1)
	 192  		})
	 193  		m.Store(p, struct{}{})
	 194  		m.Delete(p)
	 195  		runtime.GC()
	 196  	}
	 197  }

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