
Source file src/time/tzdata_test.go

Documentation: time

		 1  // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
		 2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
		 3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
		 5  package time_test
		 7  import (
		 8  	"reflect"
		 9  	"testing"
		10  	"time"
		11  	_ "time/tzdata"
		12  )
		14  var zones = []string{
		15  	"Asia/Jerusalem",
		16  	"America/Los_Angeles",
		17  }
		19  func TestEmbeddedTZData(t *testing.T) {
		20  	time.ForceZipFileForTesting(true)
		21  	defer time.ForceZipFileForTesting(false)
		23  	for _, zone := range zones {
		24  		ref, err := time.LoadLocation(zone)
		25  		if err != nil {
		26  			t.Errorf("LoadLocation(%q): %v", zone, err)
		27  			continue
		28  		}
		30  		embedded, err := time.LoadFromEmbeddedTZData(zone)
		31  		if err != nil {
		32  			t.Errorf("LoadFromEmbeddedTZData(%q): %v", zone, err)
		33  			continue
		34  		}
		35  		sample, err := time.LoadLocationFromTZData(zone, []byte(embedded))
		36  		if err != nil {
		37  			t.Errorf("LoadLocationFromTZData failed for %q: %v", zone, err)
		38  			continue
		39  		}
		41  		// Compare the name and zone fields of ref and sample.
		42  		// The tx field changes faster as tzdata is updated.
		43  		// The cache fields are expected to differ.
		44  		v1 := reflect.ValueOf(ref).Elem()
		45  		v2 := reflect.ValueOf(sample).Elem()
		46  		typ := v1.Type()
		47  		nf := typ.NumField()
		48  		found := 0
		49  		for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
		50  			ft := typ.Field(i)
		51  			if ft.Name != "name" && ft.Name != "zone" {
		52  				continue
		53  			}
		54  			found++
		55  			if !equal(t, v1.Field(i), v2.Field(i)) {
		56  				t.Errorf("zone %s: system and embedded tzdata field %s differs", zone, ft.Name)
		57  			}
		58  		}
		59  		if found != 2 {
		60  			t.Errorf("test must be updated for change to time.Location struct")
		61  		}
		62  	}
		63  }
		65  // equal is a small version of reflect.DeepEqual that we use to
		66  // compare the values of zoneinfo unexported fields.
		67  func equal(t *testing.T, f1, f2 reflect.Value) bool {
		68  	switch f1.Type().Kind() {
		69  	case reflect.Slice:
		70  		if f1.Len() != f2.Len() {
		71  			return false
		72  		}
		73  		for i := 0; i < f1.Len(); i++ {
		74  			if !equal(t, f1.Index(i), f2.Index(i)) {
		75  				return false
		76  			}
		77  		}
		78  		return true
		79  	case reflect.Struct:
		80  		nf := f1.Type().NumField()
		81  		for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
		82  			if !equal(t, f1.Field(i), f2.Field(i)) {
		83  				return false
		84  			}
		85  		}
		86  		return true
		87  	case reflect.String:
		88  		return f1.String() == f2.String()
		89  	case reflect.Bool:
		90  		return f1.Bool() == f2.Bool()
		91  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
		92  		return f1.Int() == f2.Int()
		93  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
		94  		return f1.Uint() == f2.Uint()
		95  	default:
		96  		t.Errorf("test internal error: unsupported kind %v", f1.Type().Kind())
		97  		return true
		98  	}
		99  }

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